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Messages - my3dogs

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Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Already haveing a bad and only 9:30 am
« on: November 02, 2005, 03:06:34 am »
curl up together and watch a fun movie. 

Thanks for reminding me of mornings like that!  I'd forgotten when I used to do that with my daughter and son who are now 16 & 14.    Time sure flies but I remember those pj, disney, shut the world out days.   ;D

Hope everyone gets to feeling better at your house real soon Jenn.

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: What do you know about epilepsy?
« on: November 01, 2005, 04:41:07 am »
This morning at 5am my husband and I shared a quiet moment and sipped coffee by the fire.  We've been doing that a lot lately.   I told him about you all and the wonderful loving replies on this post.  I explained to him that I didn't get this support I needed from the medical boards but from the bigpawsonly board.  He told me that wasn't so amazing.  He said, "Think about it.  These are people who are not focused on themselves.  They are focused outsided themselves.  That's why they love their dogs...just like you do.  They are able to provide such great support because they are giving and loving."    He's so right.   You are all wonderful.  Thank you.
The MRI took about 45 min from start to finish.  They put my head in a cage to hold it still.  As long as I didn't think about why I was there I fine.  The tight space and noise didn't freak me out. 
I should have results by the end of the week.
Unfortunately I had 2 more seizures today.

Neapolitan Mastiff Discussions & Pictures / Daisy's Bad Day.....
« on: October 31, 2005, 10:30:30 am »
I read about Neo's recent bad day poor guy. 
Daisy's bad day was all behavior related. 
She just pushed the limits on everything today.
Her nose was out of joint because I spent time with the kittens without her and because she didn't get to meet the cable guy when he was here.
She jumped up on me and raked my back.  She mouthed me and nipped me.  These are things she hasn't been doing for sometime.  But she really pushed the envelope with some new "tricks" never before attempted.
She pulled a nightlight out of the wall and destroyed it.  There is one like it in the pic below.   
She chewed on my son's converse sneaker.
But by far her best trick was chewing the chair cushion (see pic). I couldn't believe it.  She accomplished this in a matter of 5 minutes.  This earned her her first ever time out in the basement.   I was so angry.
Finally she's sleeping.
I need to change the sheets on my bed but I don't want to wake the monster.
What a day!!!

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: What do you know about epilepsy?
« on: October 31, 2005, 09:52:23 am »
The MRI is the next step.   I'll be glad to hear I have a normal brain.  You can imagine the things I've been thinking.

As far as warning......n o, I don't have any. 
Imagine leaping ahead in time and the confusion that results if you are riding in a car and your surroundings are different.   One minute I was waving at a woman who had just picked up her mail ( i was a riding in the car) and the next there was a road where there shouldn't be.  I didn't recognize anything around me.  It took a few minutes for me to recognize where I was.   
We made an interesting discovery when we explained the situation to our children.  My 14 yr old son said, "Mom, is that why you don't answer me sometimes?"     After a lengthy discussion we discovered that my son has witnessed my seizures and assumed I was ignoring him.  How sad is that?   Poor kid. 
At least he's old enough to understand what's been going on.
The hard part is that if I'm home alone working on the computer and I have one I won't notice it.  If nothing changes around me then I won't notice anything other than some nausea and tiredness. 
One day at a time and tomorrow is the MRI.   Crossing fingers for a nice normal brain.

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: What do you know about epilepsy?
« on: October 31, 2005, 06:59:12 am »
Here's what I know about people on m.....
You are all so wonderful!   Thank you for the responses.  Without even knowing what I might need you've offered friendship and support. Thank you.

Here’s why I asked….

At the beginning of Oct I went to Dr. to discuss tiredness & the fact that I had fallen asleep while driving.    She restricted me from driving and ordered a sleep deprived EEG.
The EEG took about an hour and was finished by noon.  At 1:45 my doctor called to tell me that they found an area of my brain with increased electrical activity…an area that is causing seizures.  I was scheduled to see a neurologist the following morning. 
The neurologist ordered a 24 hour EEG. Basically there is an area on the left side of my brain that repeatedly showed up on the eeg as abnormal electrical activity.  Left untreated the area will expand, cause more seizures and overtime will damage my brain in irreparable ways.   The doctor compared it to taking a sharp knife and dulling it over time.
Treating with meds can control the seizure activity and keep the problem area in check. The medication process is trial and error until the right med and level is found.  I started taking a med at a low dose and will ramp up over the next few weeks as long as there are no issues. 
I'm scheduled for a MRI on 11/7 was 11/7....they called this afternoon and rescheduled it for tomorrow morning. 
This test will look at the problem area in depth.  Hopefully all they will see is a normal brain. The next likely thing would be a congenital abnormality that is just showing up now or even scar tissue from a prior injury/accident.   Lower on the list are things like tumor, stroke, & cancer. 
Maine law states that a person being treated for seizure disorder cannot drive until 3 months after their last known seizure.    The last one that I was aware of happened on Oct. 15. 
Fortunately I am able to work from home for the next few months and my husband is my willing driver for errands.
Although he did mention that he's been to walmart more times in the past few weeks than in his entire life.   ;D


Anything Non-Dog Related / What do you know about epilepsy?
« on: October 31, 2005, 03:12:34 am »
Not canine...but the human variety.

Neapolitan Mastiff Discussions & Pictures / How much do I love Daisy???
« on: October 30, 2005, 07:50:07 am »
So much that I expressed her anal sacs.   :o
I noticed that distinctive smell and today they were leaking.
My friend owns a bassette hound and handles this issue herself all the time. She sent me websites with diagrams.   When I noticed that Daisy was getting worse today I reviewed the website and went for the external option.   
It wasn't pretty.  It didn't smell nice.  And it's not in my top 100 things to do on a sunday afternoon....b ut I did it 'cause I wanted her to feel better.
It also helps to have a 16 yr old daughter with a witty sense of humor who was cracking jokes the entire time while petting the pup.  Sure....she gets the non-stinky end!!
Ah well...Daisy feels better.   That's what really matters.


Food Discussion & Information / FIBER?
« on: October 30, 2005, 07:37:01 am »
Daisy is having anal sac issues.  Luckily they are minimal at this point.
I've read that increasing fiber can help these glands empty on their own.
Does anyone add fiber to their dogs diet?  If so, what and how much??


Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Daisy meets a kitten
« on: October 25, 2005, 09:00:33 pm »
If you are interested in "convincing" your hubby to allow a kitty into the house you may want to consider fostering.
This is my first experience with it.   My motivation was a bit selfish.    We lost Tazzy (our 20 yr old kitty) recently.   We are NOT ready to have another kitty as part of our permanent family.    I was afraid the loss would scar the kids and my husband into never wanting another cat.    Fostering is perfect for us.   We can give back and hopefully heal a bit too.   
My husband wanted to be sure that I understood that he was deadset against this.  I convinced him to try it once.  He agreed but vowed not to be involved.   Last night the oven timer went off and I couldn't take the kitten that I was holding with me to remove something from the oven could I?   I quickly said, "Hold him for a quick second."     I came back and found the kitten cuddled in the crook of his arm.   I didn't say anything other than "Thank you" and took the kitty back.   
The proof will be if he agrees to foster again. 

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Daisy meets a kitten
« on: October 25, 2005, 10:54:45 am »
Funny thing is that Daisy is only 9.5 months old.  She's just a baby herself. 
Twice today she alerted me that a kitten had escaped the crate.  She is fascinated by them.   I just have to make sure she is sitting or laying on the floor around them.  One misstep from her would be the end of the kitten.   :o

Anything Non-Dog Related / Daisy meets a kitten
« on: October 25, 2005, 10:28:00 am »
Brought Petra (the mama kitty) and babies into a room with the dogs.  Petra LOVES the dogs.  She purrs and rubs right up against them.   It freaked them out a bit at first. 
Daisy flopped down in front of the crate and watched the kittens in the crate like it was her own television.   She was facinated by them.   I brought a kitten out and slowly introduced it to Daisy and Jack.   

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Kitten pics as promised.
« on: October 23, 2005, 06:35:46 pm »
Funny thing about Cartman....... .he looks like a little chubber but after the first weigh in it was discovered that he's a lightweight.  Must just be all fur.  The only one lighter than him is Butters.   

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Kitten pics as promised.
« on: October 23, 2005, 11:12:55 am »
In that last pic I think the kitten is making a rude gesture! 
Guess he didn't want his picture taken.
More pics tomorrow.

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Kitten pics as promised.
« on: October 23, 2005, 11:11:05 am »
My daughter with the kittens.  Petra (the mom) is wonderful.

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Kitten pics as promised.
« on: October 23, 2005, 11:08:57 am »
Kittens are doing great!!

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