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Messages - MyDyson

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5

How old is the puppy?

Three months old.   Thanks for the suggestions.  We are using a plastic crate att.  Which is will soon be to big for, so we may go to the wire one soon. 

Well Jennifer and I are failures when it comes to crate training. 
After a couple more stinky mornings I decided to test out the
crate scent/odor issues and left Dyson outside with the Crate
door open.  Well, for a couple of evenings all was well, however
on the third day/evening he did the number 2 in his crate.  It's
pretty bad when he has free rome of the yard and still does
it in his crate.  We want to get him back inside during the evenings
and are looking for more ideas.  Should I bring him into our bedroom
so when the stink arises we will be able to remind him what he done
wrong? Or, any other suggestions would be appreciated.

 ;D LOL...  So Funny..

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: Pictures of Dyson & his brother Wilson
« on: August 19, 2005, 05:25:14 pm »
They're very adorable! How old is your daughter? My daughter Raeanne is 2. Here's a couple of pictures of her and Kiah. They were taken a month ago. I tired to take a picture of them just now, but they won't cooperate. It's very hard to get a toddler and a puppy to do anything. :)

Katelyn is 14 Months old..  Your girl is so beautiful.  Kiah is precious too.

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Pictures of Dyson & his brother Wilson
« on: August 19, 2005, 02:13:07 pm »
EveryOne always say more pictures.  So if you all have the time, check out my latest slide show of the Brothers w/ a few of our baby girl Katelyn at the link below.

Well, looks like I will have to increase the intervals.  Went to bed at 11pm and checked on him at 3am, but the crime had already occurred.  I think he just thanks it's ok for the #2, for there is never a #1 in the mornings.

Introduce Yourself to the Forum / Re: New Pyr on board
« on: August 17, 2005, 04:00:03 pm »
Welcome to the club, they have help me out tremendously so far here.  I am in the same boat as you with having our first new Pry.  He is sooooo cute....

Anky, you must of came to my house and stoled my Crate... ;D

I will probably try both the enzyme stuff and waking up in the middle of the
night to attempt to catch it before it happens.

His earlier potty training involved taking him outside every 2 hours and giving praise/treats for restroom uses.  He use to let us know he needed something at night by whining, but he is quiet boy now.  He normally eats about 2 1/2 hours before bed time.  FYI: His playful biting is much better, he has learned "No Bite" pretty good and doesn't really attempt it no more with us or our baby girl.  I did wash the Crate 100% inside, but with Dishwashing liquid only.  Should I try the enzyme stuff?  I have heard Vinegar works great for removing the ok to go smell, shoud I try that or just got out and bye some of the stuff you mentioned.

Hi All,  Dyson was doing so great with Crate training and restroom breaks.  Unfortunately 5 days ago he got worms and it gave him Diarrhea and he had some blow outs in his Crate.  Now with the Worms gone after a vist to the Vet, he continues to Poo in his Crate at night without letting us know he has to go.  So, for the last 5 days we have been walking into a very fowl smelling down stairs.  Any Ideas on how we can retrain him not to poo in his crate?

Great Pyrenees Pictures / Re: Bearding the lion in his own den
« on: August 08, 2005, 07:05:05 am »
LOL.  You go Deuce!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great Pyrenees Pictures / Re: New to website... here's my big boy
« on: August 08, 2005, 07:02:25 am »
Very Cute.

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: Dyson's First Mud Puddle
« on: July 31, 2005, 11:41:09 pm »
He is sooooo cute! I dont think ive seen a puppy that cute before!!! What kind of dog is he? Looks like you all will have fun in the next few months!!

He's a Great Pryenees.  Our first and most likely won't be our last, if my wife has anything to say about it.  We are so proud of him, he's gained 2 1/2 lbs his first week with us.

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: Dyson's First Mud Puddle
« on: July 31, 2005, 11:37:12 pm »
My wife combed him out after the mud dried.  As for the Leg crossed pictures, that was my wife's favorite.  She was so pleased to have caught him sleeping liked that, it was the first thing she told me after I woke up.

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Dyson's First Mud Puddle
« on: July 31, 2005, 10:42:18 pm »
Hi All, Just wanted to share pictures of Dyson's first Mud Bath.  He thoroughly enjoyed it.  I have attached one picture and a link to a Slide show if you all would like to see more of Dyson's first week with us.

Randy W.

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