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Messages - my3dogs

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Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: TV Special on Shelter Dogs
« on: January 28, 2006, 09:32:15 pm »
Herbie & Holly?

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Re: The REAL Einstein shows up
« on: January 28, 2006, 03:18:54 pm »
Sounds like Einstein is starting to suspect that this might just be more than another shelter.  This place might just be a forever kinda place so he's relaxing a bit.
Only one thing to say.......WELC OME HOME EINSTEIN!


Mixed Breed Discussion / Re: IT'S A MIRACLE!!
« on: January 28, 2006, 10:44:08 am »
it is getting closer!
You must be watching the clock like mad!!!

If it helps I'm anxious/excited with you.  I keep clicking this thread even when I know there isn't a new post.  ;D

It's SOOO exciting!!!

Happy new pupper to you!!!!


Mixed Breed Discussion / Re: IT'S A MIRACLE!!
« on: January 27, 2006, 10:34:38 am »
IT'S A MIRACLE!! posts are the best!

Tomorrow afternoon?  This is so exciting!   
Look at that face!!! What a cutie!!!
She'll be deep in cuddles in no time!!!!   

And we are going to need loads of pictures.  ;D


Newfoundland Discussions / Re: Underground fence systems
« on: January 27, 2006, 03:00:17 am »

One word.....Innot ek.

We got an Innotek system when we bought our house. It worked wonderfully. For years those collars got punished out in the 5 acres of mud, snow, dirt, grass, and muck of our yard. The collars were a bit scuffed up but still worked like new.  They are sturdy products. The main transitter unit died an early death because I did not purchase the lightning surge protector. It was out of warranty and a replacement part was not available. That was this past spring.  The collars were still perfect and I sold them on Ebay.

I decided to cheap out and buy a different brand of fence system off of ebay.  Not a good idea.  We've been using the ebay system since midsummer.  It's rechargeable. It handles 3 large dogs and covers 5 acres.  That's about it for similairities.    It's cheaply made and doesn't hold a charge for very long.  The batteries have to be removed from the collars for recharging. I have to use a knife to twist the covers to get the batteries out. Each time leaves a mark on the battery cover. :-\    This has to be done every 2 weeks even though the dogs rarely trigger the signal. The batteries don't hold the charge. 

Hello Innotek?
Our new system arrived a week ago.

Some of the reasons I selected this system:

Rechargable collars.  No batteries to remove. Just set the entire collar on the charger and a dead collar is recharged in 2 hours.
Some rechargeable require you to remove the batteries for recharging.
Not fun with 3 dogs.

ready light on collar shows when it needs to be recharged

Collar tells you that it's on the dog properly.

24/7 battery backup

The following is copied from the site because I couldn't figure out how to explain it. :)

Patented Run-Through Prevention

Run-Through Prevention is a feature patented by Innotek. It is only available in Innotek systems. In the past, systems offered only one level of static correction. This caused two problems. First, dogs would would only have to withstand one level of stimulation as they ran straight through the boundary. Second, dogs that accidentally walked into the boundary were hit with the full correction.

Run-Through Prevention has solved both of these problems by creating a zone of increasing stimulation. You are now able to set the distance before the boundary at which the stimulation begins. So if you set the containment field at 10 feet, an audible warning tone will occur, giving the dog three seconds to return to the safe zone and avoid stimulation. If the dog does not heed this warning tone and continues on, the stimulation will begin and will steadily increase as the dog approaches the boundary. This has solved our two problems. First, dogs must now run through a zone of increasing stimulation instead of just one correction level, making it much more difficult to escape the containment area. This progressive correction never lets the dog know where the boundary wire is, so he thinks the stimulation will never end. Second, Run-Through Prevention is more humane because your dog only receives as much stimulation as is necessary for him to retreat to the safe zone. Systems without Run-Through Prevention are not as humane or effective.

Hope that helps.   
PM with questions if you like.  Honest....I don't sell for Innotek or own stock....I just love it.  I did my research on this one. 

Here's a copy of the email that I received.
Any suggestions are appreciated.   
I've also included one of my favorite pics of Molly from before the hair loss started.  She loves her kitty.    ;D

Here's the email:

Can you post this for me?
Molly is a 5 yr (almost 6 now) old Basset. She has been very healthy. She had been eating Lamb & Rice food until Dec. 2004.   That is when I decided to start her on a weight management food. 
Feb. of 2005 I noticed a small balding spot on the scruff of her neck.
Her coat was always really nice and thick.
I thought maybe she was shedding out. I took her to the vets in the Spring for her annual shots etc. Other than the vet saying she needed to lose about 7lbs, he thought she was very healthy. He contributed the hair-loss to a strange winter and wet spring and that he had noticed many dogs shedding differently this year.
Well, she continued to "shed" all summer. I took her to the vets in November. Her body can't handle the yeast production, so she is on meds for that. Her blood work came back negative for Hypothyroidism and they don't think it is Cushings. We will finish the medication that she is on now, then try to decide if it is food allergies. The hair on
 her whole torso has thinned so much that you can see her skin. Any thoughts?

We use Frontline Plus and HeartGuard.   We only treat from roughly May to pending on the weather.   We've never had a flea problem.  Now that I typed that we will be overrun this year.  :-\   We have had battles with tics.
Maine has a large deer population.   It's always something!

I like having to administer the 2 products rather than just one.  I apply the Frontline first. That's the "medicine".     
Then they get the HeartGuard.   
"You were so good! Here is your 'treat'."

Anything to make it easier!

Here's to pestfree pets!

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Whats come over me.....
« on: January 25, 2006, 08:39:29 pm »
If Blair has got a HUGE cleaning bug and needs a cure what kind of friends would we be if we didn't help her out?   
And I am willing to sacrifice my own cleaning to help cure her need to clean.
Anyone else???
Maybe we need to send her on TOUR!!!!! 
A cleaning homes across the country TOUR!!!!!
 ;D ;D ;D   

BTW....Blair.. ..everytime I see your avatar I smile.  Your daughter is sooooo cute. 

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Re: Smelly Ear?
« on: January 25, 2006, 08:30:46 pm »
Hi Sarah!  Einstein is so cute! Poor pupper with ear trouble!

Daisy's ear is finally better.  She was allergic to the first ointment.  That usually doesn't happen.   But if his ear isn't getting better after 3 the vet.   It really should start looking better or at the very least not looking worse. 
My plan of attack was..........a w heck....I was a big soft hearted chicken when she was hurting.   I waited until she was asleep.      While we were watching TV she would drift off...I would flip open that huge smelly ear and rub the side of it.   She was so relaxed.
Then I'd drop the evil ointment into the raging red smelly canyon of her ear.  She squirmed a bit.  Once the meds started working it got easier. 

 I still wasn't able to let see the tube of ointment for the morning treatment.  I had to have someone else's help for that and I'd back her bottom into a corner....lite rally.

good luck.   


Games & Jokes / Re: Help my God puppy!
« on: January 25, 2006, 09:56:33 am »

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Halo's Home!!!
« on: January 24, 2006, 11:01:34 pm »
This is the post we've been waiting to see!!!
Now it's time to kick back with the remote and soak up the the TLC Halo! 
Keep getting better!

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: can't sleep
« on: January 24, 2006, 07:11:33 pm »
Snuggle your doggies and your husband!  You are in our thoughts and prayers

Whew, for a minute there, I thought you wrote, "snuggle your doctors".  That would be an entirely different type of treatment.   ;D

I hope your new rounds of meds works.  It is frustrating when you have to sit and wait to see if they do what they are supposed to.  You will be in my thoughts.

 ;D  "snuggle your doctors".   too funny.   
You guys always keep me laughing.

With all this good BPO MOJO coming my way this new med has to work!

Thank you everyone.


Remembering those no longer with us. / Re: Roy is at the bridge...
« on: January 24, 2006, 06:49:35 pm »
I'm so sorry.

Games & Jokes / Re: Dog Funny (including people)
« on: January 24, 2006, 02:44:57 pm »
Holy crap!  How did you get my wedding picture?!?!? Just kidding. :)

This was really mine:


Julie.....that's pretty. 

Introduce Yourself to the Forum / Re: hello new here
« on: January 24, 2006, 02:39:52 pm »
Hi Jane!
Welcome to BPO.  I'm Wendy.    Daisy, Jack, & Jilly (the monsters in the pic)  were all shelter puppers that found their way to our family.   I have a mama cat and 2 kittens that are foster ey aren't failures because they now have a forever home...mine.
2 teens & 1 hubby and an ever changing number of fish. 

You'll love it here.   It's great. 


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