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Messages - marinafb

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Rottweiler Discussions / Re: Grace made a friend
« on: March 15, 2009, 05:45:00 am »

Oh Grace who wouldn't want to be your chew toy!

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Il Divo "Amazing Grace"
« on: March 15, 2009, 03:55:09 am »

Just thought i would like to share with all of you animals and humans. Marina

The woman that is taking them sent me this email today she is telling me where the pups are going to be! :

Both indoor and out. If you saw by barn (where I spend most of my time)you'd know what I mean. I have heated rooms for my animals when they are out in my barn with me. I have 250 acres here for them to roam and an acre invisible fence enclosure if needed (I had it installed for a husky I had). My son's beagle and my old Golden are wherever we are. Each morning and night, my goats and dogs walk the pastures with me, weather permitting. I do NOT tie my dogs out. They are part of the family. If I am away, I normally kennel them at a wonderful place close by, with great runs and heated floors.
My old Golden cannot anymore. He is happier at home and in my barn in his "special bed" when I'm away. My oldest daughter checks on him 2-3 times a day and gives the food and meds he needs. He is only awake about an hour a day now.
You are certainly welcome to see my place, the condition of my animals and their care. Also, you would be welcome to keep track of these boys and see their progress.

I gave the pups to there new mom today!Bitter sweet they will have an awesome home i
here is the site if you would like to check it out! Marina

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Listen to your dogs!
« on: March 06, 2009, 10:42:53 am »
That dog deserves a steak (or twenty)! Glad to hear you're ok.

I wish this my pup my friend sent it to me it was sent to him though a Doberman site. I thought it was amazing and wanted to share it Marina

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Listen to your dogs!
« on: March 06, 2009, 09:56:38 am »
I’m sure most of you have heard that dogs can sometimes smell chemical changes in a person’s body and alert them to seizures before they happen, or even detect cancer.  I want to share a recent personal experience.


Like many of us, I’ve been under a great deal of stress lately.  I was also born with a heart murmur.  Whenever I get stressed, I get heart palpitations.  Then I get even more stressed/worried over that.


The other night, I wasn’t feel great at bedtime and had severe heartburn.  I was also having mild pain in my upper back, but was attributing that to a long trail ride I had taken the prior day.  (It’s a fact that women do not experience heart problems the same as men.  Women generally do not get chest pain but get pain in their upper back.)  My husband and I went to bed.  I fell asleep but woke up in a sweat.  I could hear Phoenix (my 3-year old blue) at the bottom of the stairs crying.  We keep a baby gate there to stop the dogs from coming upstairs at night.  Phoenix had never done this before.  She and Jade always lay on the couch and sleep and never cry to come upstairs.


Since I wasn’t feeling well and didn’t want to wake my husband, I went downstairs to sleep on the couch.  Normally, Phoenix would curl up in the curve of my legs and go to sleep and not move until I got up.  However, this night, she actually started spinning in circles as if she were chasing her tail.  She started crying, and when I laid down, she put her nose against my face and starting yipping.  Then she jumped on and off the couch near my legs, almost like she was trying to annoy me to get up.  Then she started panting heavily. 


My first thought was bloat!  I went to the computer to get my list of bloat symptoms, and her only symptom was panting.  Her stomach wasn’t tight or bloated, she didn’t seem in pain, and when I sat down at the computer to get my list, she laid down quietly at my feet.  I went back and tried to lay on the couch, but she wouldn’t stop yipping in my face and jumping on and off the couch.  I suddenly remembered a show I had seen about dogs saving their owner’s life… and I thought that maybe she was trying to tell me something.  I had been considering going to the ER for the past 3 hours, but I hate to “cry wolf” and figured I would feel better soon.  After remembering the show, I decided I’d better go to the ER – better safe than sorry.


I spent the next 7 hours in the ER (not waiting, but in care) hooked up to an EKG machine, having blood drawn, etc. and receiving some medication.  The tests ultimately determined that it was just a stress attack but when I arrived my blood pressure was dangerously high.  If Phoenix hadn’t been so persistent that something wasn’t right, well… who knows.


The next day, my son (who didn’t yet know I had spent the night at the ER), asked me what had been wrong with Phoenix the night before.  He said he had heard her crying and went to let her outside to go potty, then gave her fresh water, then told her to lie down.  Each time, she returned to crying at the bottom of the stairs looking up at my bedroom.  When I told him what happened, his face went white.  He too felt that Phoenix had known that something was wrong with me.  The weird thing is, I’ve had my share of colds, the flu, sinus infections, etc. and she has never shown concern.  But something about the other night put her in a frenzy. 


Sorry this was so long… I just wanted to share the story of how I think Phoenix saved my life

Christine E.


How rude some people should learn to keep there thoughts to themselves! When i first brought Bryce home i had this woman tell me i never saw a Brindle Mastiff before there aren't any mastiffs that are Brindle he can't be a Mastiff! Whatever

Rottweiler Pictures / Re: You owe me....
« on: March 02, 2009, 01:52:33 pm »

Grace is truly amazing she could work for the IRS! Marina

The woman that is taking them sent me this email today she is telling me where the pups are going to be! :

Both indoor and out. If you saw by barn (where I spend most of my time)you'd know what I mean. I have heated rooms for my animals when they are out in my barn with me. I have 250 acres here for them to roam and an acre invisible fence enclosure if needed (I had it installed for a husky I had). My son's beagle and my old Golden are wherever we are. Each morning and night, my goats and dogs walk the pastures with me, weather permitting. I do NOT tie my dogs out. They are part of the family. If I am away, I normally kennel them at a wonderful place close by, with great runs and heated floors.
My old Golden cannot anymore. He is happier at home and in my barn in his "special bed" when I'm away. My oldest daughter checks on him 2-3 times a day and gives the food and meds he needs. He is only awake about an hour a day now.
You are certainly welcome to see my place, the condition of my animals and their care. Also, you would be welcome to keep track of these boys and see their progress.


I add a new pic from the vet today! They were a big hit and they are so sweet! Marina

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Who needs a kitty?
« on: March 01, 2009, 01:28:05 pm »

eeeeeeeeeeeeww wwwwweeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeee

Mouse Lips now give your mom a BBIIIIGGGGG   KKKIIISSSSSS

Bull Terrier Discussions & Pictures / Re: REPO- Feb 28th
« on: March 01, 2009, 01:25:23 pm »

Your puppy is very cute! He looks very snuggley my Bryce would love to play with him! marina

Rottweiler Pictures / Re: The old bag is at it again
« on: March 01, 2009, 01:22:03 pm »

I call her Garbage Lips! The cutest Rottie with the cutest Garbage Lips! Marina

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Mastiff Boxer Mix Pups
« on: March 01, 2009, 12:06:00 pm »
Awwwe, they are too cute!

Is that one choc. with tan points or are my eyes deceiving me?  Wonder if there's some thing else in the mix maybe?

They are adorable though and I'm sure they will be adopted quickly.

you def. have to post a pic of the corso you're rescuing.  I'm very interested in that breed (although have another 4-5 yrs before i can add one to the family)

There are 2 of them one is lighter then the other they are very cute and playful! I think they are going to be big there feet are big! Marina


He is beautiful and skinny a big love bug ! I will try and post some pic's! Marina

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Mastiff Boxer Mix Pups New Pic
« on: February 28, 2009, 12:13:36 pm »
Today i rescued Mastiff/Boxer pup from a homeless man they are only 6 weeks old. He started out with 8 1 died and he gave the runt away at 4 1/2 weeks old he just made it.He had kept the mother and pups in a closet at his friends house.They are so sweet and have blue eyes we gave them puppy formula and they acted like they had never had any food they are very skinny with ribs sticking out. It is sad and i wish he would have given us all of them so we could have found them loving homes.Tomorrow i am getting a 1 year old cane corso silly people spent 900.00 on him they live in an apartment and are having a baby so they must part with there pet. SAD :'( :'( :'(  Today the pups had there first visit to the vet and they were a big hit i added there vet visit pic's !

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