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So far these are the 2 best sites I could find.

Rachael and Spike

Great Dane Discussions / Re: Update on Spike
« on: August 02, 2005, 08:01:55 am »
Oh I forgot to thank you Rachel.
Rachael and Spike

Great Dane Discussions / Re: Update on Spike
« on: August 02, 2005, 08:00:58 am »
here are a couple more I have to look around somemore on my old emails and stuff to see if I have any more on the computer.
But these were taken a couple days after I brough him home.
I promise as soon as I can get a dig throw away camera and get a disc back I will post. I think I am going to see if my boyfriend will get me a real dig. camera soon. I have plenty of pics of Spike but they are all on print.
Rachael and Spike

Great Dane Discussions / Re: Update on Spike
« on: August 02, 2005, 07:57:16 am »
sorry forgot to attache hehehehe

Great Dane Discussions / Re: Update on Spike
« on: August 02, 2005, 07:56:30 am »
ok I tried with one pic lets see if it works.

Great Dane Discussions / Re: Update on Spike
« on: August 02, 2005, 07:32:24 am »
Thanks everyone.
I do not have a dig. camera. And the only pics I have of Spike is when he was first brought home when I use to have a camera phone I tried once before to post them but I don't think it would let me lets see.
I tried again and this is what I got:

You cannot upload that type of file. The only allowed extensions are jpg,gif,png,wmv,swf,mov,avi.

I think I am going to buy one of those throw away dig cameras at least I will get a disc when I get them printed. As soon as I can I will post them.

Oh and at least I can describe him he is brindle with merle on top but the tan under his stipes and splotchs is very light almost like a fawn color not dark like ummm Sanity and he has a small white patch on his chest he is a pure breed but he is mismarked thats okay I never planned on showing anyway. he is uncropped and has one white nail on every foot when all the rest are black. he back is a little under my him now he is not very thick till he lost the weight while he was at the vets he looked more like a underwear male model then a body builder but I was told he will get thicker once he stops growing taller.he is very silly and still thinks he is the littleguy I brough home and still trys to hide under the kitchen chairs but now he just moves them instead of being able to go under them and he can hardly fit under the table anymore he hits his head everytime but has not stoped trying yet. He does not look reagel or anything right now he just looks like a goofy boy.
Oh and his full registered name is "Sir Spike the Gentle"

Rachael and Spike

Food Discussion & Information / Re: Rawhides
« on: August 01, 2005, 01:44:50 pm »
I am kind of curious about that my self. Those kinds of chew things can keep Spikes attention for a long time. He has the attention span of a goldfish.LOL
But I was told by someone a long time ago that raw hide can give parasites . Does anyone know if that is true or not?
Rachael and Spike

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: Harry Puppy
« on: August 01, 2005, 11:44:51 am »
He is adorable!
Your not to far from me I live in Baltimore county.
Racheal and Spike

Great Dane Discussions / Re: Update on Spike
« on: August 01, 2005, 10:48:13 am »
Thanks it does feel nice to have some people who understand a how I feel. It does feel like home here.
I forgot to mention he lost like 10 lbs he looks so skinny I just want to feed him (I am Italian I get that urge from my grandmom LOL) but they said to give him like cottage cheese and baby food for a few days. then start back slowly with his reg. food.
Rachael and Spike

Great Dane Discussions / Re: Update on Spike
« on: August 01, 2005, 10:39:03 am »
Ok  so it is normal that they want to wait. Sorry I guess you all were posting as I was and I did not see your posts. I guess I am just a little over protective now.
Thank you all again
Rachael and Spike

Great Dane Discussions / Re: Update on Spike
« on: August 01, 2005, 10:36:37 am »
No they just said if he is till coughing in a week bring him back that is what I do not understand! Why not give him something while he was there instead od sending him home still sick and have to bring him back. Like I said I am giving a few days and I am bringing him back I don't care what they say. How serious is kennel cough? I heard it was just like a common cold. Even so if he can be givin meds Iwant them why make him stay sick for longer than he has to?
Should I find another vet?
Rachael and Spike

Great Dane Discussions / Update on Spike
« on: August 01, 2005, 10:27:26 am »
Well I just got back to work Spike was in the hospital till Sunday. He had a small obstruction still have no idea what it was there was some string in it the vet told me but I have not seen any myself. And I was told when I was picking him up that he most likely has kennel cough cause he is still coughing and his nose is still running, they said if he is still coughing in a week bring him back. I am going to wait till Thursday and then I am taking him back. I do not understand why they did not take care of  it while he was there. Anyone have any ideas on why they would not take care of it then? Cause I am stumped!
I felt so bad having him stay there for those 3 days I felt like I abandoned him needless to say I did not sleep very well. At first they were saying he might need surgery to get him unblocked thank god it did not come to that I would have had a nervous breakdown!
Well I have to get some work done before I get fired. I will let everyone know when I take him back for the cough. If he is still coughing in a few days.
I want to thank everyone for their help and good thoughts for my Spike. And sorry for not being able to get to a computer to update sooner My boyfriends computer has somesort of virus.
Rachael and Spike

Great Dane Discussions / Re: Help something is wrong with Spike!!!!!
« on: July 28, 2005, 01:36:19 pm »
I am getting  ready to leave in 20 min. As soon as I get home we are going. It will probably be a wait but I would rather have him there in the office just in case then sitting at home waiting to make an appointment.
Thank you all again for your help. I will post what happens first thing in the morning to let everyone know how it went. If I end up staying home I will try to use my boyfriends computer mine has been kaputz for months and I still have not got a new one I use my work computer.
Well talk to all of you tomorrow hopefully all good news and I am just overreacting to a minor problem.

Rachael and Spike

Great Dane Discussions / Re: Help something is wrong with Spike!!!!!
« on: July 28, 2005, 12:35:11 pm »
It is firm when he goes. I was really looking for that. And as far as I can tell no gas and believe me the whole house can tell when he has gas. I am defiantly going to take him when I get home from work weather he looks or feels better or not. I am going to make my vet a very rich man I should by stock now. A couple weeks ago Spike drank out of my boyfriends in ground pool that is covered with the pool tarp cause the filter needs to be replaced and he is going to wait to get it done after the summer cause it will be a lot cheaper then his pool is a Olympic size pool a low diving board and a curly slide and all.  Any way Spike got the poos from it so off to the vet I went. The vet said I probably did not need to bring him in but he gave him so antibiotics and another prescription to stop the poos. I am such a worry wart that I kind of overreact sometimes. But Spike is the only person in my life I do that with usually I am the one people can count on in a pressure situation but when it comes to Spike I am just a puddle who runs for the vet at the slightest thing that makes me nervous. Oh and by the way what is Kennel cough again I have never had a dog that had it? I thought it was something a dog got from being in the pound with lots of sick dogs.
Rachael and Spike

Great Dane Discussions / Re: Help something is wrong with Spike!!!!!
« on: July 28, 2005, 09:17:11 am »
Thank you all of you ! You have put my mind a little at ease . I hate feeling helpess it drives me crazy I am a very independent person and I hate feeling powerless and stuck.
I will take him to the vet as soon as I get home and I will stay with him tomorrow if he needs me my job be darned. I love Spike he is so sweet he does not have a mean bone in his body when he gets yelled at it hurts his feelings, if the cat takes a swipe at him it hurts his feelings he is a very sensitive boy and very much a love bug.
Rachael and Spike

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