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Messages - Newf Lover

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General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: What is your AKC name?
« on: August 29, 2005, 09:07:54 am »
We did the whole Marin thing with Drake and dubbed him CH. Bacchanal's Sir Anakin Drake.  Nothing too fancy, but tell me, what's with the little expository quips in some dogs names.  You know like Jackson's "Goodbye to Meadowhaven in the Mist" Georgina or Jojo "Hey I'm Pooping!" Lafountaine or Karrie "Strutting down Rodeo" Campbell? I'm not trying to clown on anybody for doing that but what is that all about?  How did that get started?  Is it dog pretentiousnes s or is it an inside joke or nostalgia of sorts?  It seems to be really prevelant within the high end show dog circles.  Hey a name is a name and we're entitled to call our dogs whatever we want, but I'm just curious how that got started.  I met a woman the other day who had a beautiful German Shepard and when I asked what his name was she actually gave me his AKC name which was some long forgettable name.  I asked her, "Do you say that every time you call him?"  She didn't think that was very funny......

Food Discussion & Information / Re: FROSTY PAWS!!!
« on: August 26, 2005, 03:00:08 pm »
The local San Francisco newspaper just wrote an article on Frosty Paws, I guess Dryers makes them now and they are really catching on.  Lots of stores are carrying them now.  How Funny!!!  It's a multi-million dollar product!  Here's the article, there's a quote in it that cracked me up: "My dog would try to eat it too fast and then he'd get brain freeze. He'd stop and squint his eyes.  Now he takes his time."

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Messed up story
« on: August 26, 2005, 09:37:40 am »

But please dont place all of our commercial fishermen in the same category.  Our life depends on fish up here.  Our comercial fishermen are trollers, long liners, crabbers and shrimpers.  They do NOT damage the earth.  They are limited with what they take and how they fish it.  They are also very seperate from the trawlers and the draggers.  Now those two, trawlers and draggers are the ones damaging the ocean in a major way.  They pretty much dredge the bottom of the ocean and pull of nets and nets, thousand upon thousands of pounds of sea life and sort out what they can and cannot use.  That which they cannot use which in most cases is over half, they throw back into the water.  It is already dead.  And the area that was will take many many years to replenish the life that was once there.

I know many don't agree with whaling, but up North it is imperative as is seal hunting.  It isn't a commercial industry.  It is a livelyhood.  The villages up north are snowed and frozen over and do not have grocery stores like many other places.  One whale can feed an entire village and every part of that whale is used.  And culturally, they do have respect and they do limit themselves.  Same with seals and other marine mammals.  Some of us eat beef, chicken, pork and such.  Some of us eat just vegetables, and some of us eat what is available.  Up there, it is a whale and seal.

That was what I was trying to say earlier and I wasn't including all Fisherman.  I love fishing.  My wifes uncles are fishing guides up in Alaska:

They tell me on a regular basis that the big commercial fishing companies are destroying things up there.  There are less and less Salmon and Halibut every year and it is getting really bad.  They were some of the first fishing guides on the Kenai peninsula and now there's hundreds of companies.  There are strict laws and regulations put into place just so there is some salmon to be fished.  They play by the rules and line fish but the commercial companies have deep pockets and they continue to rape the Ocean.  As for the whaling, if it were limited to the Inuits and the indigenous people of the North it would be OK.  But the Russians and Japanese continue to kill these animals at a disgusting rate.  I've read the stories and seen the pictures and videos.  I really believe we will see the Whales disappear from the planet if things aren't changed.   Then there's the whole shark fishing issue which is just as bad.  And aside from Inuits who have lived this way for thousands of years and do it in a eco-friendly manner, I don't really buy the excuse of living so far away from society that you have to kill seals for their fur and meat.  I know it was a thriving business at one time, but it is so unneccesary now.  Seals are killed primarily for their fur, and with all the synthetic alternatives now it seems pointless.  In my opinion, it is an unacceptable excuse to say "I live so far away from society that I have to kill these animals to survive."  No one forced you to live there, I have to believe there are alternatives.  Most non-tribal people have freezers,  so instead of killing seals for food, one could keep enough meat of animals that are specifically raised for food for a year. This is like the Bush Meat issue in Africa.  Hundreds of Apes and Monkeys are killed every day because the indigenous people claim that is the only way they can survive.  That is just insanity and is a crime against the planet.  There are alternatives!!!!  Sorry if I seem insensitive but that's my opinion, educate me if I'm wrong.

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Messed up story
« on: August 25, 2005, 12:51:45 pm »
Some people are so heartless!  Although, in light of another post about a certain "celebrity", it's nice to see that there are responsible celebrities out there that use their status for a good purpose!

True, more celebrities should be using their public status to bring an end to things like this and Whaling and the seal hunting rother than things like Scientology.  But this story in particular is just so sick, almost as bad as the story I read last year about some sickos in Arizona that were Duct Taping kittens to Hwy. 10!  It's always the children, be it humans or animals, who are preyed upon by sick cowards.  :'(

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Messed up story
« on: August 25, 2005, 11:52:54 am »
You know, just when you think you've heard it all when it comes to animal cruelty, you come across a story like this.  I read this on Drudge report this morning and the visions that come to my head are sickening.  Does the rest of the world just not care about animals as much as we Americans do?  The commercial fishing industry is going to destroy the Oceans and Rivers of the world and do horrible things like this in the process.  At least an obscure actress are trying to shed some light on it..... :'(

Newfoundland Pictures / Funny Newf Pics
« on: August 25, 2005, 11:28:00 am »
I got these off the NCNC website and they brought a big smile to my face.  Its from the July 16th Water Test at Uvas Reservoir in Morgan Hill, CA.  God dang I love these dogs!!!  Look at the height of Misty as she jumps off the boat and Trigger's face as he pulls the boat onto the shore!   ;D ;D ;D


Ok.. so no Breed Specific charities? That sounds fair enough! Would we all agree on that?

I think if you are donating money, you should be able to direct it to the dog charity of your choice, after all it is YOUR money.  But that might be a pain to have to specify every single donation.  My personal choice, because I helped them get started, is the Newfoundland Health and Rescue Society: 
So there's my 2 cents......

Rottweiler Discussions / Re: Do you like me?
« on: August 25, 2005, 11:05:06 am »
What the h*ll is the point of this topic?  I'm lost I guess.....  That's what happens when you're away too long from BPO.  Hmmmm......  :-\

Meet & Greet BPOers / Re: Northern California BBQ
« on: August 10, 2005, 03:13:38 pm »
My wife and I both graduated from Vintage, good school!  Me in '91, her in '94.  Browns Valley is one of the nicest places in Napa to live in, that's where my wife grew up.  My folks were divorced and my Dad lived in Alta Heights while my Mom was in St. Helena up by Lake Henessey.  Alta Heights and Browns Valley are probably the best places to live in Napa, lots of old neighborhoods where neighbors know each other and your kids can safely play in the streets.  Napa is really starting to get huge and getting away from what it was when I was growing up in the 70's and 80's.  I can't believe there's 2 Home Depots now and lots of urban sprawls popping up everywhere.  The downtown area is getting better and the Hat building is beautiful now as well.  We'll see how things progress.  Well, we should get the Newfs together one of these days, we usually bring Drake when we visit.

Meet & Greet BPOers / Re: Northern California BBQ
« on: August 09, 2005, 04:39:39 pm »
We are going to try to make it, but we are taking our vacation that week and we're returning Saturday the 6th.  Is the plan still to meet at Fort Funston at 7 pm?  It's about an hours drive there from Napa, so we probably won't make it back in time  :(  We would really like to meet everyone and their beautiful big doggies.

Hey Locompo, where in Napa do you live?  My wife and I live in Novato now, but we both are originally from Napa.  I grew up in St. Helena and she grew up in Napa proper.  I love Napa but we like the weather and the centralized location over here in Novato much more.  We have so many friends and family in Napa so it will always be home for us no matter where we live.

As Jim Morrison said, "People are Strange....."  Nutball dog owners are the same as Nutball Parents.  I personally think it's a serious character flaw and shows major sanity issues.  Whether the person is a know-it-all or if they are repulsed by your interest in their dog or if they talk on and on and on and on about their dog regardless to what you are saying, they have issues.  I call it Dog Park Psychology 101, it really is a dive into the human psyche pool.  I love Drake, he is a wonderful dog and I like sharing him with others.  But I never try to play it off that I'm some Newf expert or that I need to educate the world on Newfs.  If people ask me about him or the breed, I try to answer their questions and leave it at that.  Some people just can't do that.  Many things can cause this, loneliness, bad childhood, ADHD or just plain nuttiness, but it never ceases to catch me off gaurd.  I always wonder, "Do they realize how odd they are?"

Meet & Greet BPOers / Re: BPO at SBC????
« on: July 26, 2005, 11:50:01 pm »
I got the email from Giants promotions and it has the form for Dog Days.  If anyone is interested in going, I can fax or email the form to you.  Let me know....

THAT WAS AWESOME!!!  Newfs are such great dogs and it is so instinctive for them to want to save and help us.  Drake does it all the time when we are in water with him.  Gotta watch out for those thrashing paws in the water though, the nails can do a bit of damage if you're not careful!

I've signed my states petition and I hope there's more I can do.

Meet & Greet BPOers / Re: BPO at SBC????
« on: July 25, 2005, 10:04:05 pm »
I am still waiting for the Giants Promotions Dept. to send me the forms.  I will fax them to whoever wants one, once I receive them.

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