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Messages - Newf Lover

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Meet & Greet BPOers / Re: California get together
« on: July 15, 2005, 03:59:33 pm »
Sorrr-eeey!  I don't mean to mess things up, I just thought it would be good to mention.  If it's foggy there, it's going to be like that all day. Darn Bay Area with all it's Micro-climates!  >:(  But it still might be better to meet a 1 PM, I'm all for that!  Anybody else?  Since I'm back from Fiji, I'll try to get any helpful info on the meeting place to make this as easy as possible for everybody attending.  ;D ;D ;D ;D

They love to spend every moment right next to their human companions as I'm sure most Newf owners can attest to.  I once read that Newfs view themselves as being human as opposed to being an animal.  Except that the Newf embodies only what is good and pure in humans.  The world would be a better place if we all were more like Newfs.

AMEN TO THAT!!  It's like we tell people, "he's not a dog, he's a Newf."  He is such a human on the inside and always wants to be doing what we're doing.  Drake thinks all the time and gives us just a few chances to reward him for the tricks he's doing or all bets are off.  He just stares at us as if to say "JUST GIVE ME THE FREAKIN' TREAT!"  Also, when he's being a bad beggar at the table, he'll legitimize it by pawing the air as if he was doing his shake trick, so we should be rewarding him.  Little Turkey!  I'm sure Pyrs, Saints and Leons are very similar to Newfs, but with their own twists.

Jaime, thanks for sharing those photos.  Sarah will love them and will now bug me even more about my, uh how can I put this in a PG format, "sperm stinginess"?   ;D  

As for Red's comments, I can only make a few conclusions.  First, (s)he doesn't know Newfies.  Like the descriptions you listed in the posting heading, Newfs were at one time used as babysitters and protectors of children when the parents couldn't be around.  They are gentle and extrememly tolerant dogs.  Secondly, they are a Rottweiler breeder.  Unfortunately for Rottweiler lovers and owners, this breed has been labeled as a dangerous dog, but for legitimate reasons.  The Tough guy/gang cultures have aligned themselves with this breed, as well as Pit Bulls and have ruined both dogs reputations due to dog fighting and irresponsible backyard breeding which has created monsters.  So that is why they are innundated with email about legislation to block Rottweiler breeding and now their hackles are up.  If their dog is considered dangerous, then dammit all other dogs are going to be as well.  I love Rottweilers and have been around many of those dogs who are sweet and loving, so I'm not blinded by the hype.  So, sorry they ruined your posting with their unsolicited "know-it-all" comments.  This board is unfortunately going to attract people like that.

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: Yosemite Bear
« on: July 15, 2005, 03:19:49 pm »
Great pics guys!  We can't wait to take Drake on his first Yosemite trip.  We have the saddlebags and everything so we can make that working dog earn his keep and live up to his breed's reputation.  We try to keep a leash in every car just to avoid that situation you guys got into, but you know to do that now.  Good times, hope you had a blast up there, how was the weather?  We usually stay in Fish Camp at a cabin so we don't have to freeze at night.

Meet & Greet BPOers / Re: California get together
« on: July 15, 2005, 02:43:12 pm »
i'll do it tomorrow!  %$^$#& ^@#%^@#%^ #^#@

Nick, I thought you were a advocate of a PG site!  Your asterix, pound, percent and dollar signs really offend me.  ;D  Look forward to the big meetup at Fort Funston.  The only issue that may arise is, believe it or not, it may be really cold, foggy and windy at 7 PM.  I know it's July and Summertime but this is San Francisco and you know what Mark Twain said about summers here.  Don't mean to throw a monkey wrench into things but I thought we were going to meet earlier in the day?  Just something to think about, I'll be there regardless of the time.

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: Newfie Summer Cut
« on: June 30, 2005, 07:39:26 pm »
Wow Ryen.. I'm not sure if I'm feeling that hair cut. He looks like a fat poodle!  ;D


Newfoundland Pictures / Re: Drake in Tahoe
« on: June 30, 2005, 03:33:27 pm »
That stick he is holding was actually pretty heavy.  He's just doing what comes natural for them Workin' Dogs.  Newfs are so freakin' strong!  I bet Bear could bring in logs for the fire in his mouth. Yeah Drake just got his Summer cut, more shots of that at:,1348.0.html   He's so much happier now and dries like 10 times faster.  He probably goes to the groomer like 3 or 4 times a year.  With the hair so short, he can go alot longer between groomings.  Yogi is doing good, he's finally on BPO too.  Poor guy is so itchy right now, got that irritable Newfie skin.  He and Drake haven't seen much of each other lately, but we'll have to get them and hopefully Bear together again soon!

Anything Non-Dog Related / Award Winning Classified Ads
« on: June 30, 2005, 03:19:15 pm »
Someone emailed me this and I thought I'd share.  Although these aren't all dog related, most of them are and they're pretty good.

Award-Winning Classified Advertisements

The Following Were Actually Taken From Classified Ads In Newspapers:
1. FREE YORKSHIRE TERRIER: 8 years old. Hateful little dog. Bites.
2. FREE PUPPIES: 1/2 Cocker Spaniel, 1/2 sneaky neighbor's dog.
3. FREE PUPPIES: Part German Shepherd, part stupid Dog.
4. GERMAN SHEPARD: 85 lbs. Neutered. Speaks German. Free.
5. FOUND: DIRTY WHITE DOG: Looks like a rat ... been out awhile.
Better be reward.
6. COWS, CALVES NEVER BRED: Also 1 gay bull for sale.
7. NORDIC TRACK: $300 Hardly used, call Chubby.
8. GEORGIA PEACHES: California grown - 89 cents lb.
9. NICE PARACHUTE: Never opened - used once.
10. JOINING NUDIST COLONY! Must sell washer and dryer. $300.

11. FOR SALE BY OWNER: Complete set of Encyclopedia Britannica. 45 volumes.
Excellent condition. $1,000 or best offer. No longer needed. Got married
last month. Wife knows everything!!

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Summer Items for Fido
« on: June 30, 2005, 02:42:18 pm »
I saw this and thought it would be of interest to some of you folks.  They even feature Doggles so you know they have taste!!  I think they change this link daily so if it comes up as something not dog related, SORRY!  You should see a bulldog at the top.

But, we must remember, who did the American populice decide the 100 greatest Americans to be?  I think they forgot anyone who may have developed the vaccines, procedures, inventions, etc., that have actually touched and affected more American lives in a positive way, and not just what has been flaunted by the media lately.  Just goes to show.... LOL  ;D

Yeah, you're right on that.  There was a scientist who recently passed away, whose invention, something like a mobile electronic circuit, makes all of our electronic devices possible.  I feel bad that I can't remember exactly what it was he invented but it definitely changed how we live as humans.  But do you think we heard about his passing or the importance of his life?  No of course not!  We're too busy hearing about Tom Cruise and how Scientology has made him an expert on everything.  It's sad, it's really, really sad how our world has put such focus on these worthless actors and Hollywood and ignores the people who are really making a difference, like the people MoonliCroatia listed above.  The only solace I have is that these Actors do the worst thing they could possibly do, open their mouths in public. :D

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: No Dogs Allowed
« on: June 30, 2005, 11:02:32 am »
Yeah, we were the same boat when we moved into our house, white carpets!!!  We have a big garden so we were tracking in dirt every time we came in, plus Drake was adding his own touches.  So we bit the bullet, ripped up the carpet except in the bedrooms and installed 4 in. Brazilian Cherry floors.  Much better now!  Even got the matching wood furnace grates, looks really good.  I have a friend who installs wood floors for a living so we helped pull up the old flooring and bought him beers and saved probably 3 grand!  Like everything else in life, it's all about "who" you know!

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: No Dogs Allowed
« on: June 30, 2005, 09:03:41 am »
Regardless of what floors you have, it's always a good idea to take your shoes off.  If you have carpet, it will get stained if you don't take off your shoes.  We got sick of cleaning the carpet so we got hardwood floors.  We are more militant about taking shoes off now than before.  I have heard horror stories of high heels and gravel in shoe tread that destroyed expensive hardwood floors.  The Japanese and Hawaiians and other cultures are smart with the tradition of taking off shoes.  God knows what you have stepped in when you're walking out in the world.  We follow suit and actually have slippers for people to wear if they don't want to walk around in socks.  When we have parties, we can't expect everyone to take off their shoes, or at least remember too after a few drinks, so we just politely tell people to just check their shoes when coming inside and hope for the best.  Have any of you ever been to a party where you have to throw your shoes in a gigantic pile with everyone else?  It's kinda silly.  It's embarrassing but when you invest a serious chunk of change in your flooring, you can't help but be a bit anxious.  Drake does enough damage with his monster nails.

My heart goes out to you. Dartagnan was a gorgeous Newf.  Such an unfortunate accident.  My wife and I can't imagine our lives without Drake and we would be inconsolable if he were to die.  I'm so sorry this happened to you, we use the pet friendly snail bait because we have heard similar stories.  I guess all I can say is to just remember the good times with Dartagnan and keep them close to your heart.  Maybe when you're ready, you could let another Newf bring some light into these dark days.  Good luck and I think all of us here on BPO are feeling your pain.

When someone asks : Aren't they expensive?--I roll my eyes and say You don't want to know.
My answer to the more pushy ones that ask how much they cost I just laugh and say if you gotta ask, you can't afford it.
Both are considered a joke, and get me out of a situation that I don't want to deal with, without getting anyone's back up.

It's amazing how people dwell on money, I really think it's inappropriate.  People ask how much my house costs, how much money I make a year and yes how much Drake cost.  I was walking down the street with Drake and this large bubba  :P yells out, "Hey, how much did you pay for your dog?"  This wasn't in the best part of town so I just replied, "Nothing, he was a rescue!"  It was a lie, but WHAT THE h*ll?  What kind of stupid question was that? The best answers are what Stella said above, or what my mom said when someone actually had the gall to ask her how much money my stepdad left her when he died, "ENOUGH!"  That usually shuts them up.

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: No Dogs Allowed
« on: June 29, 2005, 09:45:55 am »
AMEN MARIT!!!  Did you notice the one protagonist on this topic has issued no rebuttle. It seems like they just wanted to invoke their opinion on us and then retreat.  It's too easy to be passive in these chat rooms.  I love constructive discussions and hearing varieties of opinions.  If people have an opinion, they should state it and then counter any arguments.  It's easy to get ganged up on in here, but dammit stand up for yourself!  Prove us wrong, show us a side of the story we haven't considered!!  Bring us into the light!!! :o

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