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Messages - Newf Lover

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Newfoundland Pictures / Re: Drake in Tahoe
« on: June 29, 2005, 09:22:27 am »
Thanks all for the nice comments.  Yeah, there's still a lot of snow on the mountain tops up there, we had a several weeks of rain earlier in June.  The water was FREEZING!!!  Of course, fuzz head didn't seem to care, as long as he's in water he's happy!  I love the shot where all you can see is his head, I have one where he's WAY out there, but it would be hard to see in the small format pics have to be on this site.  

Marit, you're a good mom to stay home and take care of your kids and try and help unfortunate animals.  Don't worry, there will be plenty of time in your life to get out and enjoy nature.  It a dedication for us to go up there, 3 hours both ways!  Done it so many times that now it's no big deal.

Pndlake, we wanted to give Drake a very Marin name.  His official name is CH Bacchanal's Sir Anakin Drake.  We dropped the Francis part and added Anakin because I'm a Star Wars fan and that movie's roots are so based in Marin.  George Lucas himself babytalked Drake at a stoplight in Fairfax a year or so ago.  You went to Drake huh?  Did you know a guy named Erik Ruud?   I thought those big scottish poles were called "cabers", aren't "capers" just the pickled juniper berries that you put on top of a lox and cream cheese bagel?

And Coonie, yes, Drakey don't like coons, but I'm sure he would LOVE you!!!

Newfoundland Pictures / Drake in Tahoe
« on: June 28, 2005, 11:17:45 pm »
Sarah and I had a wonderful time last weekend up at Lake Tahoe.  If you don't know where that is, it is a huge "lake" that is right on the the California/Nevada border.  Any way, lots of laughs, lots of hiking and lots of time spent with Drake.  Here are a few shots to share.  Drake swimming, bringing "sticks" that I threw for him, hiking with Sarah, Having some corn with us for dinner and then finally the Raccoon he treed that evening. (He don't like Coons!!!)  It was a wonderful weekend and we look forward to more just like it this Summer.

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: No Dogs Allowed
« on: June 28, 2005, 10:56:42 pm »
We have lawyers now, common sense is not necessary.  Stupidity and ignorance are good excuses to get all the money you'll ever need through litigation.  Find the nearest curb and trip over it, if there's no sign saying you need to look out for the curb, sue the city and state and get everything you can dammit!  It's the American way, didn't you know?

As for pet therapy training in Marin, I'm not sure where it is.  Sarah was bringing Drake to UCSF and the Cancer Center on Divisadero.  It was great and people we so excited to see him, but a cranky Nurse Practitioner put an end to that.  "He's not Pet therapy trained and is a liability, you can't bring him in here!!!"  So Sarah peeled some crying Cancer kids off Drake and never brought him back (J/k it wasn't THAT dramatic).  But the time commitment to get him trained was just not going to work with our schedules.  Sarah was training for a triathlon and I was way too busy as well.  Maybe later we can do it.

I think you're right, Yaz!  That and a lot of other bad attitudes are why we moved out of San Francisco as soon as we could.  Marin County is much more mellow and dog friendly.

Well Yaz, come on, what do you expect?  You live in Canada!  ;D Yuk, yuk! J/K!!!   I know low blow, actually I found Torontoans very hip folks.  But, as in any country, there are lots of folks that aren't the sharpest tools in the shed.  I think that some people just don't think about what's coming out of their mouths and just let it tumble out, whatever jibberish it may be.  Hey!  Look at me for example!

We get plenty of the repetitive comments about Newfs every day, and although it seems like nails on the chalkboard, a forced smile, a nod of the head and gritted teeth and before you know it, you're walking away and the questioning and commenting is over.  It's annoying but it really is a big dog phenomena.  We will be walking with friends and their normal sized dog and will be approached by people.  Our friend's dog might as well be invisible, because people are so focused on Drake and the repetitive questions and comments start flowing. :-\

The other thing that amazes me is the nasty, anti-big dog people some of you have mentioned encountering.  It seems like people around here can't get enough of Drake or big dogs in general.  I have had people cross busy streets, risking their safety to just say Hello and pet Drake.  Some people don't even stop, but get my attention just to say how they admire him.  It's really unbelieveable that, aside from security guards, most people are enthralled by his presence and want to talk about him or other Newfs that they have had positive experiences with.  We're lucky I guess, he is only three so we have a lot more time to see if this continues.

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: No Dogs Allowed
« on: June 28, 2005, 12:03:44 pm »
Hey Gypsy, how come there's no Paw Print for Sammy?  He looks like such a lovebug in your Avatar, so happy and just wants to lick and play!

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: No Dogs Allowed
« on: June 28, 2005, 11:45:24 am »
Yeah, Gypsy, you're right, kids shouldn't run up to dogs.  Most parents are mindful of that, which makes sense in these dog mauling days we live in.  I do the same if any kids run up, I get between Drake and them.  Most kids ask if they can pet him and I always say yes.  Socialization is so key for dogs, the more they are around people the better.  And I've had all sorts of encounters, from drunk a-holes at beerfestivals who think it's funny to kick dogs, to autistic kids who freak out because Drake is walking near them, to groups of drunk twentysomethin g girls who flock around Drake and begin kissing him on the face without thinking twice.  I know he is able to handle just about any situation and still be a well behaved Gentledog.  I just think it's rediculous to get annoyed because people approach you and want to pet or talk about your dog.  As long as they're respectful, I appreciate their interest and friendliness and love sharing the breed with them.  And Amen Jaime, you are spot on with your comments.

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: No Dogs Allowed
« on: June 28, 2005, 10:20:46 am »
Whitesheparddo g:  If you don't like people approaching you in public, don't leave your house!  Part of having a purebred dog is to share it with others.  It's great that you have a well behaved dog that you can take out in public and it won't embarrass you or cause a scene, but don't get mad at people who are animal lovers and want to appreciate your dog up close.  If I took my Newf out in Public and scowled and got pissed at every person who was curious about the big, beautiful, cuddly dog I have with me, I would look like the biggest a-hole!  It is part of having a big dog, people are going to want to approach you.  Most people are used to small or mid-sized dogs and when they see a 150 lb. Newfoundland or a 200 lb. Mastiff walking down the street or playing in the park, there is a chance they are going to be curious as to what this large animal is.  Maybe I'm wrong but sounds like you want to show off your dog, like it is a possession or decoration, but no one can touch it.  That's why you don't go to dog parks, because that means you have to share your dog.  You sound like many of the breeders that are at dog shows, who want everyone to ooh and aah and coo over their beautiful dog, but don't touch!  And don't ask questions or take pictures until the dog is perfectly posed.  To each his own, but I think you really don't get it.  Owning a dog is like entering a brotherhood or sisterhood and many people want to share the love.  Good luck, you've got a long hard road ahead of you!

And have you actually been to Europe?  England wasn't too bad but in France, I think I missed most of Paris because I was too busy dodging piles of dog crap that were on the sidewalk.  NO JOKE!!!

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: No Dogs Allowed
« on: June 28, 2005, 09:49:36 am »
Hey Peggy, may be you can get some black sunglasses and a harness?  That would be a little insensitive to blind people, but I guess it could be another way you could get into places with your dog.  Not very practical.   We actually were working on getting Drake into pet therapy and for several reasons.  Number one, Newfs are great for people to hug and cry on.  When I have a hard day, I come home and hug Drake and I feel much better.  Plus, with the Pet therapy "cape" we could take him everywhere.  But we didn't want to "use" the system and it was too much of a time commitment to get him through the program.  So, if we don't see a No dogs allowed sign, we assume we can bring Drake.  If people have a problem with it, we leave.  No big deal.  I was at the Half Yearly Sale at Nordstroms last week and saw people walking around the store with dogs.  Didn't know that allowed that there.

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: Newfie Summer Cut
« on: June 27, 2005, 10:42:07 am »
Yeah, that's a good one, nice to hear.  I love it when people walk by with their dog and say, "Your dog is absolutely Beautiful!"  It is wonderful to hear but is it an obligation to return the comment to their dog?  Even if it is a mangy mutt or a little yippy toy dog?  I love ALL animals so I always say "Thanks" and at least go pet their dog, even if it is a mangy mutt.  They need love too and everyone loves their dog and likes seeing them get love from others.

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: Help with Newfies (Manhattan/New York)
« on: June 27, 2005, 09:39:57 am »
Helenuws, I have 4 words for you - GET A NEWF NOW!  The misconception about big dogs is that you need a big house or a big yard.  Big dogs are actually well suited to apartment living.  So many apartment buildings have a maximum weight for dogs which makes no sense.  The thing about Newfs, which probably goes for most dogs, is that they need a lot of love.  If you constantly left your Newf alone for long periods of time, they might get very melancholy and even self-mutilate themselves.  But you have a stay at home husband so that shouldn't be a problem.  The only side effect of Newfs is there's lots of hair and lots of drool to deal with.  If you are a neat freak, Newfs are not the Dogs for you.  Be picky with the breeder you go with, don't just go with the first one that will have a litter that is convenient for you.  Do your homework, check their track record.  See if they breed Newfs for the sake of breeding and profit, or if they do it to improve the bloodlines of the breed.  Newfs are true gentle giants and will add such quality and character to your life.  GOOD LUCK!  By the way, a seven room apartment in Manhattan next to Central Park?  Damn!!!  CHA-CHING!!!! Who are your neighbors, Donald Trump and Leona Helmsley?  

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: Newfie Summer Cut
« on: June 27, 2005, 09:01:10 am »
I know...he is little though when you see dogs that are bigger than him. It just reminds me that he is not the biggest thing in the world.

We were up at Lake Tahoe this weekend, and it was "Wow, big dog!" and "He looks like a bear", you know, the usual Newf comments.  So we and went to Tallac Park, which is one of the last dog friendly beaches in Tahoe.  After a good swim, we took Drake back to the car.  As we were drying him off, at truck passed by and the biggest Mastiff head I've ever seen was sticking out the window.  Jobe was his name and he was a mighty 207 lbs!!!  He made Drake look like a little puppy.   But it was really, really sad, he had horrible hip displaysia.  He could barely walk, much less stand.  His legs would shake and he would almost fall over after every step he took.  Sarah started crying when we drove away, it was a very upsetting thing to see.  Such a young, beautiful big dog and he is so crippled he can't play or even run with other dogs.  I've never seen such a bad case and it really opened my eyes to other people's plight.  Jobe's owners were very positive, but they probably have to talk about that every time they go out and that's all they can do to not lose it.  We feel so lucky that Drake doesn't have that problem, many big dogs do.

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: Newfie Summer Cut
« on: June 23, 2005, 04:54:52 pm »
.....and I LOVE your garden!  It's gorgeous!  Where are you located?

Thanks!  It is a lot of work to upkeep but a really special place.  We have to enlist the help of a gardener or it would be all we worked on in our free time.  She says it is considered and "English Garden", which basically means that there's tons of plants, trees and bushes crammed into one area.  25 Japanese Maples, lots of Cherry, Apple,  and Asian Pear Trees, Blueberry bushes, and lots of roses!  Those wacky English don't know when to quit!  It was set up by the original owners of our house over a period of 9 years and now it's our charge to upkeep it.  We feel bad because theres so many plants and we don't even know what they are!  We live in Novato, California by the way.  Drake is pretty good and doesn't get too destructive, unless he's chasing Raccoons.  I have a Shutterfly photo account with some more pics of it and I can send it to the email address on your profile if you want.  Let me know.  If you go to an old posting of mine, you can get a sample:,359.0.html

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: Newfie Summer Cut
« on: June 23, 2005, 01:53:05 pm »
Tina - Dane's hair IS turning brown. What it is, is dead hair. We have tried every kind of brush on him and they just aren't working. Shaun usually goes out every night and brushes him for a while. Lukily it is getting a little better, but it is still very brown. We just took him to the vet last weekend, and found that the flea combs work really really well. So we are going to go buy one. I also heard that the brushes you use on horses work really well to remove the dead hair too. Good luck! If you find something that works, let me know.


There's a comb or brush you can get that slightly cuts their hair and thins it out.  We bought one at the Newfoundland Specialty Show and it really got rid of a lot of Drake's dead, sunbleached hair.  I think Jabear has one too.  I forget what they're called and couldn't find an image of one online, so maybe I'll take a pic of ours when I get home.  It really works for Drake and his long hair, but I don't know if it would work for your Dane and his short hair.  Worth a try though, eh?

Newfoundland Pictures / Newfie Summer Cut
« on: June 23, 2005, 01:17:11 pm »
Tis the season for Hot, Hot weather, so we gave Drake another Summer Cut.  I know this may irk some of you Newfie owners, we've already had people look at us with disgust, but Drake is much more comfortable in the heat and he stays cleaner.  We found when we didn't do this, he would get tons of hot spots and really start to stink due to his fur getting wet all the time, plus he would get really over heated.  Look how different he looks compared to the image of him on my Avatar. We didn't shave him, actually the GROOMER didn't shave him, but cut his hair really short with shears.  We've actually gotten a lot of compliments from people about how good he looks.  He is such a Handsome Devil!  Some people have claimed this is bad for their fur, but we haven't had any problems.  Besides, he's not a show dog!  He was the pick of the litter and has show dog qualities, but we just wanted to have a pet and let him live a family dog life.  So if he doesn't have perfect fur, OH WELL!  What do you all think?  Do you do the same thing with your dog?

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