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Messages - Newf Lover

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Food Discussion & Information / Re: FROSTY PAWS!!!
« on: June 23, 2005, 09:00:13 am »
Thanks for the compliments on our deck, but in reality, it's falling apart.  The people we bought our house from painted it to match the house and now after a few changing of the seasons, all the paint is peeling up.  It doesn't help that Drake takes off after Raccoons and his nails rip up the paint.  It's starting to look really bad.  We're going to have to repaint it this summer and probably next summer we'll put in a new deck.  Some of the boards are sketchy to walk on and there was a little dry rot found when we had inspections done before we bought the place.  I want to put in that Iron Wood stuff, the synthetic wood that lasts way longer than the natural stuff.  The view of our garden is great though.  We use it alot now that the weather is nice, it's been in the high 70's and there's zero humidity.  Ahhhhh, California weather.  We BBQ and eat out on the deck all the time.  Did you see the retractable clothes line in one of the pics.  It's great for drying all of Sarah's unmentionalbes for all the pervo voyeur neighbors to see.

Drake and Yogi get along really well because 1) They have known each other for a while and are basically brothers and 2) They're Newfs and they love everybody.  If anybody else has some cute pics of their doggie eating Frosty Paws or anything else, PLEASE POST THEM!!!  I'm gonna have to try out some of those Frosty Paw recipes, save a little money that way....

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Off Topic: Favorite Movies...
« on: June 23, 2005, 08:47:19 am »
Can't stand the romantic stuff but love action, comedy and horror.  Seven is probably one of the few perfect movies made.  It's perfect in the sense that everything happens like Kevin Spacey wanted and then it ends.  Not the storybook ending, the Se7en ending.  I walked out of the theater reeling.  On a Brad Pitt tip, Fight Club is great too.  Just got The Grudge on DVD, good and freaky!  I really like the 6th Sense, Unbreakable and Silence of the Lambs (Put the Fuckin' lotion in the basket!!!).  As for comedies, Caddie Shack, Dumb and Dumber, Office Space, Animal House and Half Baked make me laugh so hard I cry every time I watch them.  Beavis and Butthead Do America and South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut are freaking hilarious too, but probably the best animation made so far has to be The Incredibles.  That movie is literally, INCREDIBLE.  The Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Alien and Lord of the Rings series are must have movies as well.  SO there's my picks.

Food Discussion & Information / FROSTY PAWS!!!
« on: June 22, 2005, 11:55:16 pm »
Ok guys, I know this is a late post, some of you right coasters are probably sawing some serious logs by now. Any way, my wife came across this wonderful product a few months ago while parusing the frozen food section at our local Safeway.  They're called Frosty Paws and I can almost guarantee your dog will LOVE THEM!!  You may already have heard of these and if you have, you know what I'm talking about.  They're basically ice cream for dogs, kinda like the Carnation Malts you get at the Ballpark.  They're made out of soy and have no sugar or additives.  DOGS LOVE THEM!!!  Here are a few shots of Drake and Yogi eating it.  There so cute to watch as they lick away, their big newfie lips wrapped around the cup.  For more info go to:

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Off Topic: Favorite Movies...
« on: June 22, 2005, 09:12:08 pm »
Sorry Deafdanelover, but I suffered through that movie last night.  I know my wife likes love stories, so we watch one once in a while.  It was painfully predictable and they kind of let the cat out of the bag a bit too soon, don't you think?  And the ending just made me gag!  It had it's moments, where I thought it might be good, but then I was let down.  My wife said the book was much better, which is always the case.  So, I won't beat it up too much because I don't want to hurt your feelings or step all over your taste in movies.  True Romance, that was a great love story!  Cold Mountain, that was a great love story!  The Notebook?   :-\  To each his own right?  I gotta read some of the other posts on this thread to see what people like....

I see that a lot of people are including their dog's buddies on their profile.  How do you add that?  I looked all over the Paw Print setup menu and can't seem to find that feature.  411 please!

German Shepherd Pictures / Re: Three of my five GSD's
« on: June 22, 2005, 08:51:03 am »
Is that a different type of German Shepard?  They look much shaggier than most that I have seen.  Is that a European type?  Doesn't that sometimes include a much bigger size and longer lips?  Regardless, they are beautiful dogs!

Meet & Greet BPOers / Re: California get together
« on: June 20, 2005, 10:56:17 am »
Count me in, too!  I live in Napa Valley, about 1 1/2 hours from SF!! =)  I'm up for meeting other big dogs & their people!  Perhaps an email group should be set up so that we can just email each other directly?  
If anyone is interested in coming up here, there is a nice dog park in Napa that has a large, fenced area for off-leash play (as well as many dog-friendly hotels & restuarants) and trails for hiking!
Jenn & Bo

Hey CaliPyr, what dog park are you talking about?  Allston Park in Napa?  I'm not aware of any other parks in Napa.  That's an OK dog park, but it's a mess!  There's no grass so they have to play on dirt and wood chips which usually is no big deal unless you have a long haired dog.

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: Yogi
« on: June 17, 2005, 06:26:42 pm »
You're gonna have to wait a bit on that, it's a really big file.  I might be able to compress it and make it smaller.  Maybe Michael can help.  I saw you guys have a video of Bear at obedience training on the M&J site.

Newfoundland Discussions / No Dogs Allowed
« on: June 17, 2005, 10:03:18 am »
It's street fair and farmer's market time here in Cali and we love bringing Drake to these fun events.  Unfortunately, and it seems it's just in our county, they don't allow dogs at public events.  We take him anyway, because that is just rediculous.  We took Drake to the Art, Wine and Music festival last weekend here in Novato and of course, we got mobbed.  One volunteer walked up to my wife who was talking to a Newf lover, interrupted her with an "AHEM" and shoved a No Dogs Allowed sign in her face.  I laughed because she replied, "Sorry, he's not a dog, he's a Newf"!  So we continued on, stopping constantly so people could gush and molest Drake, which was great!  We love sharing him with others and the positive reaction we get.  Then a cop walked by us with his daughter and she screamed, "Oh Daddy, look at the doggy"!  She runs up to give Drake a hug and he goes into cop mode. "Uh, there's no dogs allowed and it's posted at every entrance, you have to leave!"  We were like, ok, just give us a minute to peel your daughter off our dog and then to tell this growing line of people who want to pet and talk about him that we are leaving!  It was so freaking rediculous!  Does anyone else have to deal with this stupid issue?  What is the logic behind it?  People love big dogs and want to be around them.  It is overwhelming how people will go out of their way to just be able to pet and talk about them.  A few months ago, George Lucas himself pulled up next to us and began baby talking Drake who was hanging his head out the window.  

Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Discussions / Re: Dog Parks - Good or Bad?
« on: June 17, 2005, 09:39:48 am »
Dog parks are great, it gives your dogs the important socialization they need with other dogs and humans.  You just have to be vigilant about keeping your eye on your dog.  Probably the most annoying thing that ever happens is there's that one dog that is a habitual humper.  All they do is hump and hump and hump and hump and hump......  Some humping is to be expected, but when it's all they do, I step in.  Drake seems to be the one those pervo dogs always zero in on, he's sweet meat I guess.   Drake gets covered with drool, mud, poop and other questionable fluids and it SUCKS!  .I usually lead Drake away and tell the retarded humper dog to "GO ON!"  If they follow us, I look at the owner and give them the "get your damn dog" look which usually works.  Most dogs back off if you get in their face and show them who's boss.  Lately, I think because he's maturing, Drake lets those dogs know he's sick of them with a growl and show of teeth.  Most dogs back down from pissed off Newfs.  Other than that, yes the unpicked up dog poop is a pain and gross especially when you step in it and get "cookie foot".  I love taking Drake to the dog park and I'm really glad there's one in our town.  It's called Dog Bone Meadow and the city takes good care of it.  There's grass and an obstacle course and lots of left behind toys and balls.

Poison Oak is a West Coast thing.  I think Poison Ivy is just a Midwest/South thing.  FYI - Poison Oak grows mostly at the base of Oak trees (thus the name) and around bodies of water.  IT REALLY SUCKS!!!!  I got it many-a-time growing up, but have been vigilant in avoiding it now that I'm an "adult".  Drake loves to play in water, big surprise for a Newf, and goes plowing through Poison Oak bushes all the time.  The problem is, you can't wash your dog every day, especially a Newf.  It messes up their fur and gives them skin problems.  The best thing to do is thoroughly wipe your dog down with damp towels after they have been exposed to Poison Oak and then shed your clothes, wash them and shower yourself.  According to my late stepdad, who was a Dermatologist, you have approx. 30 min. to clean off Poison Oak before a rash forms.  It's the oil on their leaves and stems that cause the rashes.  The oil production gets worse as the Summer gets hotter and Poison Oak goes from green to purple leaves.  It is still present when the leaves fall off and the plant is just bare branches.  God forbid you get any of that horrible plant on your privates or in your eyes!  Some people are unaffected by it and claim they can roll around in it with no problems, but most people aren't like that.  The best thing to do to get rid of Poison Oak is spray it with Roundup[/color]  You can find it at most Hardware stores and nurseries.  It really works and will get rid of P.O. quickly.  Good luck!!!!!

Newfoundland Pictures / Newf at the Top
« on: June 06, 2005, 11:03:40 pm »
Hey guys, I got some good pics of Drake from Bay to Breakers and thought maybe they might be good images for the top of the BPO site.  I forgot what we are supposed to officially do for this, please remind me.  My friend Jenny took some shots last weekend of Drake with her sweet @ss full format camera as well.  Sooo, check these out and if you don't fully fall in love with them, wait until the others come later this week.  Let me know what you think.

Meet & Greet BPOers / Re: California get together
« on: June 03, 2005, 08:48:56 am »
Hey Jaime, August 7th sounds great.  I think we will be able to make that, it's Pearl Harbor day, is there any significance?  Probably not...   Maybe after the beach, we could do a Big Dog walk en masse across the Golden Gate?  That would be fun.  And adult beverages time?  Nice!  I'll bring the Brass Monkey and Boone's Strawberry Hill.  YUM! :P

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: Newf Pedigrees
« on: June 02, 2005, 04:55:26 pm »
Fill me in!  It looks like something we could actually make too, if we had the time and/or inclination.  Drake isn't a showdog but his parents were and our breeder has their info.

Old English Mastiff Pictures / Re: Crazy pics.....
« on: June 02, 2005, 04:45:48 pm »
Cute, but pictures 3,4 & 5 could be mistaken as "viscious dog" pics.  Those snapping teeth!  The look of bloodlust in his eyes!  Be careful, the viscious dog people might get their jollies! j/k  ;D

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