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Messages - amberdoggoneit

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Discussions & Information on Grooming / Re: Shop Vac?
« on: July 03, 2008, 07:26:06 am »
I guess I can always just try it. Hubby has been wanting to get one for awhile snd just needs an excuse now. Even if it doesnt work on the dogs it will work for other things so it wont be a bad investment! :D

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: I went to the hospital...
« on: July 02, 2008, 07:30:48 pm »
I am chiling out finally.  I have everything figured out for when my hubby goes out of town. 

No I didnt even know about a stress test until the nurse today that was taking my blood pressure asked me if i had had one yet. When I answered no and what was it.  She looked at me and said that I should have been having one for the past couple of appointments.  But I dont know this is my first go around so everything is new.  I guess I am just not sure what is normal for them to do or not.

OMG!!!!! I am so jealous!!!  Your baby is absolutley adorable.  I have always wanted one and was going to get one after the baby was born but we have our three and dont need anymore!

Food Discussion & Information / Re: Canidae: Change in Formula
« on: July 02, 2008, 07:21:03 pm »
We actually jsut bought our first bag of Diamond dog food for a while.  We stopped buying it after everything that happened.   I believe it was rotten corn meal or something. 

We got the Diamond High Energy considering we have a Wiem and two springers.  I will let yall know how we like it. 

Discussions & Information on Grooming / Re: Shop Vac?
« on: July 02, 2008, 07:15:59 pm »
It will manly be for our springers and that is really just thier ears and feathering.  I dont have an adorable Fluff Ball like you!!! :D

Collars, crates, & other cool things / Re: Anyone use a Coolaroo bed?
« on: July 02, 2008, 07:14:38 pm »
We loved ours!!  We had the large and the medium and put them right next to eachother so that way it mad a HUGE dogbed.  We put blankets on it and made it really comfy. 

We have not put them out since we moved in our new house.  We found these REALLY nice dog beds from SAMS for 12 dollars each so we bought two of those.  But I will probably bring it out again!

Discussions & Information on Grooming / Re: Shop Vac?
« on: July 02, 2008, 07:10:03 pm »
Yea I think that is why he suggested it!!! ;)

Discussions & Information on Grooming / Shop Vac?
« on: July 02, 2008, 05:31:47 pm »
Does anyone use a shop vac also for a dryer?  I was showing hubby different force dryers online for the dogs and he said why not use the shop vac as a dryer too?

Does anyone do this and does it work as well?

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: I went to the hospital...
« on: July 02, 2008, 04:23:42 pm »
From what i understand yea after 36 weeks if you are having any discomfort at all you should be put on a fetal monitor to make sure the baby isnt getting stressed out.

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: I went to the hospital...
« on: July 02, 2008, 02:58:17 pm »
I went and no difference. I will say though I really dont like that doctor tha thas seen me the past couple of times.  He makes me feel like I am just a number. 

I told him about the contractions that I have been having and he just said "well you are 38 weeks".   O well I see my usual doctor on the 9th so maybe it wont be so bad.  I am wondering though why they havent given me a stress test yet. 

Especially since I have had contractions. 

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: I went to the hospital...
« on: July 01, 2008, 07:34:38 pm »
HAHAHAHHA thanks Ali!!!!  Thanks everyone I am going to try and relax!!  I have a doctors appointment tomorrow morning so I will update everyone on her and my progress.   ;D

Yea same here! The only thing that I felt bad aout with that snake was that the babies were dead and didnt have a chance but then thought about it and was like well I really wouldnt want all those snakes right by my house either.

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: I went to the hospital...
« on: July 01, 2008, 02:49:52 pm »
I will try to stay calm I am just nervous.  The poor puppies can tell something is up.

With all the cleaning and washing thier blankets that go on their beds like 5 times just because they look a little dirty. 

They are quite happy to go outside to get away from mom even if it is 100 degrees outside.  To bad mom makes them come right back in!

O my bad!! :) 

I went back and read the post agian.  I was about to say!  Brandon is a real snake charmer!!!! ;D

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: I went to the hospital...
« on: July 01, 2008, 12:47:22 pm »
Both of our families live far away and are going to come when I go into labor.  I am trying to schedule friends to stay but unfortunatley my best friend is going through a divorce and she has a 6 yr old and a 4 yr old and she doesnt want to bring them to stress me out. 

Hubby will be I think 7 hours away!  He has his cell phone and I am going to find out the hotel he is staying at to get that number also.  (He has a tendency to not wake up if his cell rings in the middle of the night) Yes, He will be able to leave if I go into labor but not until then.  But it will take him at least 7 hours to get back because he has to wait and make sure someone is on thier way to relieve him. 

I guess if  Igo into labor with no one here I can always call an ambulance. :-\

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