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Messages - Boyle

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Food Discussion & Information / Re: anyone got a tastey recipe
« on: July 06, 2006, 02:52:37 pm »
Your post is a little vague.  Is s/he a picky eater?  Does s/he have dietary issues?  What is a weetabix? 

I don't know what to do for a picky eater since Nola will eat anything.  Most recently, he was pulling gum off the ground when we were in the beer garden.  Yep, Nola's the equivalent of a rocket scientist of the dog world (tee hee).

She is just the sweetest little puppy!  I love her squashy bully head.  Congratulation s. 

Great Pyrenees Pictures / Re: Doorstops
« on: June 29, 2006, 03:36:40 pm »
Isn't that sweet?

Nola loves to lay in front of the refrigerator.  I feel so bad when I make him move - especially the 8-10 times I need to get in there while making dinner.  Maybe I should get the french door type so he will not need to get up.  :)

He also like to lay in front of the bathroom sink.  I love having to stand over/around him while flossing.

Food Discussion & Information / Re: Tripe
« on: June 29, 2006, 08:59:45 am »
Nola loves his green tripe.  He does the happy mastiff dance when it is dropped in his dish.  Nola's coat is super soft especially around his neck but I don't know if that is from the tripe or his raw diet.

Serious warning about the smell!  I left a 10 lb bag on the porch yesterday to thaw and forgot about it.  I opened the door this morning and nearly retched.  And, no, the smell has nothing to do with being spoiled - it smells nasty even when frozen!

Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / Re: BIG TIME PROBLEMS
« on: June 29, 2006, 08:38:13 am »
I agree that she should still be crated.  Or, you may want to think about restricting which rooms she can access.

Nola, who is now 16 months, has always been crated when we are out of the house.  Just recently - like starting this past Monday - we have been giving him access to the kitchen, hallway and bathroom but only for a few hours at a time.  My thought is there is very little that he can destroy in those rooms.  He may have run of the house one day but not until he has proven he's not destructive when out.

Good luck.

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Million Dollar Legs
« on: June 26, 2006, 10:57:46 am »
Silly me, I didn't bring the recipe to the office.  It has pineapple juice, chambord and Malibu rum but I cannot remember the ratios.  Kristi knows it for sure.

The Chambord bottle cracks me up.  It looks like the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch from Monty Python's Holy Grail.  So, needless to say, I was running around with it Saturday quoting from the Book of Armaments, "then
lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thou foe."  I am so easily amused. 

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Million Dollar Legs
« on: June 26, 2006, 08:46:34 am »
Kristi, We cannot thank you enough for introducing us to Million Dollar Legs! 

A little background for everyone - We met up with Kristi and her family on Saturday at Montrose Dog Beach then went to lunch (Nola was being a psycho bone-head so he was sent home).  Kristi ordered a drink called Million Dollar Legs which is just about the most refreshing cocktail ever! 

Kristi, It was great meeting you and your family.  We all had such a blast at lunch and during our shopping expedition.  Let Gabby know that her drawing is on the fridge as promised.

We had to stop on the way home for the drink ingredients and proceeded to have too many on Saturday evening. 

I have your number programmed.  We are heading up to Ravinia to see Bonnie Raitt so if I sound a bit slurred, I am blaming the boyfriend.  The bf's newest concoction is white sangria - tastes like peaches but look out if you have more than 2 glasses.

We are looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.

Shoot, we cannot do later in the day because of other plans.  We still plan to be there at 10 AM-ish (I am part Irish so we might be a little late). 

How about trying a sunset mid-week gathering with those who cannot make it Saturday morning?

Anyone up for a playdate at Chicago's Montrose Dog Beach on Saturday, June 24th?  Nola, the b/f and I plan to be there about 10 am or so then we will head to Daily Bar & Grill in Lincoln Square for lunch.  They have a large patio that is giant dog friendly and a good menu.

She is just the sweetest looking pup.  Congratulation s.  I hope you were all caught up on your sleep.... :D

Collars, crates, & other cool things / Re: Please help
« on: June 19, 2006, 08:25:01 am »
Thank you for making my morning.  I just love the expression on the poor dead Mad Cow's face. 

I am so sorry.  You are in my thoughts.

Doggylover, you better get your sleep now because late night and early morning potty times will rob you of all rest.  We are now just recovering from last summer's sleep deprivation.  ;)  Really there is no recovery because the twit likes to climb into bed with us at 5 am FOR NO REASON other than to wake us up then climbs back down to the floor where he is more comfortable.

Sorry to highjack the thread...

Softhug, I did a quick read of the article but it didn't mention anything about giant breeds.  Did the message board also pertain to giant breeds?  What did your breeder say regarding neutering Boudreaux?  I am truly curious because everything I have read regarding giants always talks about waiting until the pup is older.  I know that even now at 15 months Nola is continuing to grow both taller and wider so the bone growth is not complete. 

Nola, though he does have a girlie name, is in fact a boy.  He is 15 months and intact but I haven't noticed him being ragingly hormonal.  A moron, yes, it's the norm, but there has been no change to his temperment.  The only drawback we have found so far is we are unable to kennel him because kennels do not accept intact dogs. 

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