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Messages - specialkdanemom

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Rare Breed Mastiff Pictures / Re: The face of sleep
« on: April 16, 2007, 10:58:32 am »
God, I love that pup!  Pictures say a thousand words... LOVEABLE!!!

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: this weekend...
« on: April 06, 2007, 04:14:26 pm »
My weekend started today!  Every 5th week, I get a 3 day weekend.... but the next week is a 6 day workweek.  So I have to make the best of it.  We are taking off at 4am, Saturday, and heading for central oregon.  To take the dogs and hike around Horse Ridge canyon.  The dogs can free roam and get really tired.  Just a day trip, but it will be out of town. 
Just finished with a bout of play with dogs, still 70 degrees at 8pm, and it's dark... we used the laser dot and ran those dogs ragged.  They love to chase the crap out of that thing.   Well, Sera and Shasta... Mika is soooo afraid of it, not sure why.
Enjoy your weekend, I will... I kinda have to take advantage while I can. ;)

Oh Karen that sucks!!!

Any other specifications (age/does good with cats or kids/color) that you are looking for in a male OE Mastiff?

I can help keep my eyes open too since i'm in Oregon as well.

Age really doesn't matter, but we figure that we should be looking at a young boy, because of the activity level of the girls.  They get pretty rough at times (1.5yrs, 3yrs, and 3yrs).  Cats... we have two outdoor cats and have never had a problem w/ dogs & cats.  Color doesn't matter.  The more slobber the better. ;D  Kid (14&15 yrs) friendly... no small children.  Loveable, slobbery, hugable, etc. a definate plus!!  Thanks!

Jigs "looks" great in purple!  Nice picture... love what you did for the background (what did you do?).

What part of Oregon are you in?  Are you just looking for a male dane?  I have a friend who also lives in Oregon looking to sell her 6 month old female.  She's all black with some white on her face and neck (I can't remember what type that is!!)  Lucy is the sister to our Cooper and is very cute.  My friend is extremely nice and is probably willing to work with the right family.

By the way, I love that picture you have on your I know it's not only my dane who has a good right hook!! :D

Thanks!  The girls get goin' pretty good sometimes!

I'm pretty set on a male OEM, since we already have 3 females... a male would be best w/ all the princess attitudes here.
Modified:  We live in the Beaverton/Portland area.

There was no issue with us not showing up.  Margaret's husband is a truck driver and we already had set up a time frame of the last week of April (our vacation time) and was waiting for his exact destination before we finalized the "spot" to meet.  We were driving approx. half way to meet up and gather the big boy. 
The only way we wouldn't have followed through, was if something really bad happened... accident, illness w/ hospitalizatio n or death, but that could happen whether we adopted across country or next door.
Fate... there's a reason and I'll figure it out soon. :-\

Rare Breed Mastiff Pictures / Re: He's Here! (new photos added)
« on: April 01, 2007, 03:22:05 am »
Great pics!!  I've fallen in Love!!! Will it be an OEM or Dogue for me now??
Big sis looks very proud!! ;D

Bull Terrier Discussions & Pictures / Re: Jigsaws Morning Routine
« on: April 01, 2007, 03:10:19 am »
She's so adorable!  Not a "morning" girl is she!! 
Just like kids I know. :D

Margaret was Great!! :)
But, the Rescue she was dealing with approved the adoption on 3/16, then I got the PM on 3/28 the they decided not to go through with the adoption. :'( 
I sent the adoption fee of $350.00 (overnight) to her on 3/22.  I was so fortunate that Margaret held on to the money and did not hand it over right away, because the Rescue would not have gave my money back... even thought they backed out of the contract, not me.  She said it's in fine print somewhere, but it's not on the contract that I signed!!!  The Rescue would have "chaulked" it up as a donation and not given my "adoption fee" back.  Has anyone else ever heard of this before?
I was devasted enough that they broke the contract and my heart :'( :'((he was already mine... I couldn't wait) and then to hear that I almost didn't get my $$ back.... I've been a bit upset the last couple days. 
I won't say too much, but I have a feeling the adoption wasn't going to be a reality all along. :-X  Especially since I'm in Oregon and Murphy/Rescue is in New York... they probably didn't think I would have come all the way over to NY to make a big stink regarding a meer(sp?) $350...
they don't know me very well, cuz I don't appreciate anyone forcing me to make a donation... don't get me wrong, I back rescues and I donate to a good cause, but to take my $$ under false pretenses(allegedly), kinda rubs me the wrong way.  Margaret was pissed and felt they might have broke the contract to give Murphy to a "friend", so she decided to keep him herself, and possibly start her own rescue.  I'm just glad she was on top of how things are run at the Rescue and didn't hand over the $$$. 
I should have the $$ sent back to me next week.  Then I can put it back in my "OEM" fund. 
I'm still waiting to hear back from Margaret, because I don't even know which Rescue I was dealing w/(My Bad!! :-[)and I want to make sure I don't deal w/ them ever again.
The adoption papers were generic, and I was told that all three of the rescues she dealt w/ were similar... identical forms, rules and regulations.
Has anyone ever had this happen before??
I'm definately dealing w/ someone alot closer.
Thanks for listening to me vent... :)

Great Dane Pictures / Re: R.I.P. Spiderman... "Warning" "VERY GRAPHIC"
« on: March 31, 2007, 11:47:09 am »
HA!  Love the last pic!

Rare Breed Mastiff Pictures / Re: He's Here!
« on: March 31, 2007, 11:40:21 am »
Love that smooshie face!  Watch out, cuz I think he's going to be on a few "puppy thieves" lists. :D

Group Discussions & Photos / Re: What To Do With Chewed Stuff
« on: March 30, 2007, 12:39:53 pm »
 :D :D :D :D :D   LOVE IT!!

Good Luck!   I voted.

Food Discussion & Information / Re: Gag.. Anal Glands...
« on: March 29, 2007, 01:27:30 pm »
Mika's been having this problem, too.  It's weird cuz we just switched to Innova EVO and her gas has been much less.  Then this past weekend, the husband took the kids for a 4 day camping/motorcycle trip (I had to work), so the girls slept on the bed w/ me.  Well, I woke to a bad smell and it was a "leak" from Mika... and she sleeps w/ her head near the foot of the bed.  Yep, her rear end was nestled up close to the pillows.  Talk about a "rude awaking"!!! :P

Reba is gorgeous!! :)
Thanks for the pics!!

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