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Messages - KatysTank

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Mixed Breed Discussion / Re: My sister rescued a puppy!
« on: July 29, 2008, 05:17:33 pm »
My sister took Maggie to the vet today! Maggie had alot of hair loss and was itchy. The vet said it was from allergies, malnutrition and fleas. The vet gave Maggie a cortizone shot and some cream to put on her skin. Besides that, she is fine! :D

My sister took her everywhere she went today and Maggie enjoyed it very much!

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: Tell me about your Newf!
« on: July 29, 2008, 04:32:09 pm »
I have a 6 month old Newfoundland mix named Tank. We rescued him from a kill shelter when he was around 2 months old.

Let me tell you about Tank. He is so sweet and loyal. Tank can be very stubborn sometimes but learns new things quickly. He is very smart but does like lots of attention and exercise. He is 6 months old and weighs 56 lbs. He loves to chew so, toys and bones are a must! He is big boy but purbred Newfies are even bigger at 6 months! He is a wonderful dog and was housebroken from the minute we got

We have dachshunds so, Tank was really easy to us!

The first picture is of him at the shelter.
The second one is of him at 6 months old now.(My Mom is holding him and you can tell how big he is!)

Also, Sir Charles looks a little like a newfie. I wish I could have him!

awww. Poor babies! Hope at least some or all get adopted!

Sampson looks just like Ollie(my Grandparent's dog). She was rescued from a kill shelter a day before she was to be put down!

aww! She is adorable!!

Mixed Breed Discussion / Re: My sister rescued a puppy!
« on: July 29, 2008, 12:54:48 pm »
I don't even think the neighbors will notice!

Maggie was so happy to be in the air conditioning and getting love and food at my sister's house! She slept all night on a blanket in a crate all night without making a peep. My sister is going to try and keep her. :D She is a very grateful, happy girl!

Mixed Breed Discussion / Re: My sister rescued a puppy!
« on: July 29, 2008, 12:37:03 pm »
She lives about a hour away from those people and will not be taking Maggie over to her friend's house so, I do not think that will happen. :D

Remembering those no longer with us. / Re: Goodbye sweet Bear
« on: July 29, 2008, 10:43:54 am »
I am so sorry to hear about Bear. May he rest in peace over the doggy rainbow bridge!

Mixed Breed Discussion / My sister rescued a puppy!
« on: July 29, 2008, 10:42:39 am »
My 24 year old sister rescued a puppy yesterday. She is very small and weighs only about 20 lbs. She looks like she has lab, pointer, pit bull and some kind of little dog in her. She is around 5 months old and looks like she is not going to get any bigger.

Next door to her friend's house, is where Maggie lived. They never paid attention to her, never gave her food or water(her water was a little green algae puddle in a bowl) or gave her toys. She just ran the neighborhood. Everyday my sister would go over to her friends house, she would see Maggie. She was skinny, had fleas, and was lonely. So, my sister and her friend, started feeding her everyday, gave her wormer, gave her water daily, flea and tick stuff and gave her love and attention. She really started to bond with my sister because she was basically the first human that had showed her love. So, my sister and her friend had been taking care of her for a couple of weeks and my sister went over to her friend's house the day before yesterday and spent the night. In the morning, she was in the kitchen and she heard whining. Maggie had gotten one of "her owners" shoes and torn it up. There are wood back behind the houses so, "her owners" took her back their and tied a nylon rope to her collar and to a tree and left her their with no food or water(the heat index was 104 degrees yesterday!). So, then my sister went outside and all she saw was the end of the rope and heard whining. In the woods, it is just a bunch of thorny bushes and trees. So my sister, went though all the thorny bushes and followed the rope and found Maggie's rope hanging in a tree branch and Maggie hanging in the air. She was choking herself to death. If my sister would of left her there, she would of died. You know what it is sad, Her owners would not have even noticed that she had died, until she started to smell. So, my sister knew she could not leave her there. So she took her off the collar and just left the rope and collar there. Maggie just followed her and that is how she rescued her. Maggie is a very lucky and sweet girl. She LOVES people and is not shy! Which is amazing, since she did not get much human interaction as a puppy. Maggie thinks my sister is her Momma! She is a very grateful dog!

We gave her bath and she was dirty and smelly! She was very happy after she got a bath! She is doing great at my sister's house! She is going to be taking her to the vet sometime this week for a check up and so that she can be able to take her to the dog park, so if she does have any health problems, she does not want to give other dogs it.

Newfoundland Discussions / Tank then and now!
« on: July 29, 2008, 10:37:12 am »
First is a picture of Tank when he was about 2 month old at the Horn Lake Animal Shelter.

Then the other one is him now! At 6 month old and weighing 56 lbs! My Mom is holding him and he is getting to be a big boy! He is a awesome dog!


Go down to Larry, Moe, and Curly. They really really need a home or will be put to sleep! I swear, I think these guys are Tank's brother because they are around the same age as him and they are not that far away. They look alot like him.

Mixed Breed Discussion / Re: VERY URGENT!!! Rebel needs a home!!!
« on: July 22, 2008, 06:27:05 am »
I know..I hope she finds her special home before she gets put to sleep.

Mixed Breed Discussion / Re: VERY URGENT!!! Rebel needs a home!!!
« on: July 21, 2008, 09:36:09 pm »
BUMP She still has not found a home and is danger of being put to sleep VERY soon!

Mixed Breed Discussion / Re: What is a houch??
« on: July 21, 2008, 09:35:19 pm »
Maybe it's a hound and chihuahua mix - houch?

lol! I am sure there is such a thing!

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