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Messages - Kermit

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Group Discussions & Photos / Re: Now that I know how...
« on: February 04, 2007, 11:07:32 am »
Oh my goodness... Dasher is a little cutie!! This is the first time I have seen him! I'm gonna have to check and see if you posted any other pics of him!!! :-*

Great Dane Pictures / Re: 4 weeks Pictures
« on: February 04, 2007, 11:05:03 am »
They are so beautiful. It's crazy to think that someday those little heads will be big ol' slobbering Great Dane heads!!! :D

Mixed Breed Discussion / Re: HE'S HOME HE'S HOME!!!! IT'S A MIRACLE!!!!!
« on: February 01, 2007, 03:00:04 pm »
That is WONDERFUL NEWS!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!

I am so glad you have Gus back home and safe!! :D God bless that meter reader!!!!!!!

Great Dane Discussions / Re: Who all has a rescued Great Dane?
« on: January 27, 2007, 09:51:49 pm »
Thank you everyone who is contributing to this thread!!! :D I love all the stories!!! :D

Now for Connor! ;D
I used to live about half a mile away from an Animal Control facility. I donated dog and cat food regularly at the time, so going down to the shelter was a somewhat regular routine. They had a website that listed all the adoptable dogs, so I would check it out the night before I'd take donations down, to see if there was anyone I wanted to go look at or play with. Well... one night I looked on the website and there was a very scared looking blue Great Dane.
Next day I went down to meet him. He had just been neutered about a half hour beforehand, so they almost didn't let me see him. He was really out of it, but I remember him looking at me with these sad, bright red, infected eyes. :-[
I came back for him a few hours later after he was more awake. And the next few months were very trying healthwise. He had two eye surgeries, anxiety like you would not believe, all his hair fell out, he had constant diarrhea, skin allergies, and could hardly keep any weight on him. It was a big challenge. Hehe I even tried to tape up his floppy cropped ears for a short while, but he hated it. Through it all he was such a sweetie. Angelic sweetness. I think it took 6 months before he was what I consider to be "healthy". He is doing great now. Still as sweet as can be. So good, such a ham, such a character. Every day I am so thankful that he is my dog. ;D He is the snuggliest guy ever!!!! Life would not be the same without him.
Here's my boy Connor. ;D

Great Dane Pictures / Re: Puppy pics
« on: January 27, 2007, 09:21:19 pm »
Oh mercy they are sweeties. ;D
Thanks for sharing pictures!!! I hope you are getting some kind of break over there since the pups don't need to be bottle fed anymore!! I can't believe they are 4 weeks old already!!! :D

Great Dane Discussions / Who all has a rescued Great Dane?
« on: January 26, 2007, 07:27:47 pm »
I was just thinking about the rescued Great Danes we have over here at my house, and what a joy they are. Something just got me to thinking about them. I think I know some of the stories of how people on this site rescued Danes but I was thinking... maybe I haven't heard about some of them??

Let's share rescued Dane stories!!! :D I'll start!

Will rescued Leeloo from the Petfinder classifieds. The ad was a last resort before this Dane would be taken to the pound. She was a divorce leftover. :-[ So Will adopted her, she was 4 and a half years old. Healthy but very underweight. Luckily she was worm-free and heartworm-free. She slowly picked up weight over the next few months. She had a very dominant personality, but there aren't any other dominant females in our household so everything worked out fine. She bonded to us immediately, and has been an awesome companion. Her only health issue has been a malformed tooth in the back of her mouth, which will eventually need to be pulled. She's 5 and a half now, and still energetic as can be. She's so beautiful. It's so hard to imagine that she was unwanted.
It's been a great experience to take her in and see her change and "blossom" on good nutrition and lots of love. Here are 2 pictures of her from her first week home and then 2 current pictures of her looking fantastic. ;D

(I'll do Connor later after other people have a turn!)
Please share your rescued Dane story and pictures!!! :D

Groans, Gripes, Brags & Boasts / Re: such negativity!
« on: January 25, 2007, 07:31:12 pm »
Leah, I TOTALLY feel your pain!!!

I moved away from Athens 2 years ago with one dog. I came back with 5 dogs. All my old friends give me such a hard time about it. I don't understand WHY THEY CARE!!??!! They even TELL me to "find new homes for the dogs". WHAT??!!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! >:( :-[ :'(

So I know exactly how you feel, and I will never understand why people are like that. WHY can't they just be happy for you?? Obviously, dogs make you happy. Do people not want you to be happy? I don't get it. ???

Hehe... I guess I needed to get that out of my system too!! :D ;) I am SOOOO HAPPY FOR YOU AND YOUR NEW PUPPY!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D ;D :D ;D :D

Mixed Breed Discussion / Re: I GOT HIM!
« on: January 25, 2007, 06:06:01 pm »
YAY!!! I am so happy for you and your new baby!!! I bet he is so cute!!! :D
And he is a lucky puppy, a lot of black dogs are overlooked in shelters.

Can't wait to see pics! Then we can help you figure out what name would fit him!! ;)

Mixed Breed Discussion / Re: SAD NEWS GUYS...I NEED SOME LOVE
« on: January 24, 2007, 07:45:59 pm »
Don't give up.

I lost one of my huskies on a camping trip in the mountains many years ago. I had to come home without her. The next day I drove up to the little mountain town and put up flyers EVERYWHERE. I went up every other day and looked for her in the woods and called her name. She had been gone a week when someone called me saying they had seen her. I drove back up to the mountains to the place the lady had seen her. My dog was there, and she was fine. It felt like a miracle.

Just don't give up. Keep checking the pound. See if you can get something announced on the radio too.

I am sending my prayers that you will find Gus really soon. :-* :-* :-*

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Re: serious question about axle's health
« on: January 23, 2007, 09:10:15 pm »
THAT IS SO CUTE!!!!!!!! :D :D :D

Wow, looks like he sure is feeling better!!!!! ;D

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Re: serious question about axle's health
« on: January 23, 2007, 06:28:13 pm »
My mom used a heated bed for her dachshund when her joints were stiff, and it seemed to make her feel much better.

I hope Axle is feeling good soon. :-*

Helpful Groups & Dogs in Need / Re: great dane/ lab pup
« on: January 23, 2007, 06:24:25 pm »
Aww! I hope you fall for him!!! Little sweetie needs to get out of jail!!! Good luck!!! Post a picture if you can!!

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: The adoption
« on: January 23, 2007, 06:20:49 pm »
What great news!!! That just warms my heart!!! :D

Old English Mastiff Pictures / Re: Maybe my new baby
« on: January 22, 2007, 07:35:28 pm »
Oooh!!! I hope you get him!!! :) I've got my fingers crossed for you!!! I hope it was meant to be!!! ;D

Sorry about everybody's injuries, but I must say I'm glad I'm not alone!! ;) At this very moment I have a black eye... thanks to Connor greeting me yesterday morning with a punch in the face.
Also, my front tooth is chipped thanks to Turkey jumping up at me while I was bending down to pet her. ::)

(My other friends don't understand! What's wrong with them?? ;))

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