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Messages - amberdoggoneit

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Melissa The rattle snake was dead right!!!!!!! Yea I guess she isnt because it sure did scare the crap out of me!!!!

a RATTLESNAKE!!!!!!!!  It was in the middle of the road.  We were walking yesterday afternoon (thank God we didnt have the dogs) and my hubby grabs me and throws me back. 

I yelled at him asking why he did that and then I heard it.  It was a female rattlesnake that looked like it had been hit by a car but still very much alive.  She was having babies!!! 

There were little rattlesnakes all over the road.  None were alive they all looked too young to be born.  My husband called someone and the ycame out to humanely put it out of its misery.  Hubby was going to do it but I wouldnt let him get near it. 

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: I went to the hospital...
« on: July 01, 2008, 11:59:13 am »
I am 38 weeks today.  I dont want to have my water broken or Pitocin at all.  I am just now getting nervous about hubby going out of town. 

Really they wont let you!!  When I went to the hospital for contractions a couple of days ago they told me that if I was 4 centimeters they would have to admit me if I were having contractions or not.

I am completely ok leaving her in there as long as possible I am just getting nervous about being alone when the big event does start. 

Introduce Yourself to the Forum / Re: Hello All !!!
« on: July 01, 2008, 11:53:35 am »
Welcome to the Board!!!
You will really enjoy it I know I have.  Your baby is adorable!  What is her name?
My name is Amber and I am mom of 3 soon to be 4!
Bell is our almost 3 yr old Wiem, Baxter our 2 yr old Springer, and Buble (BOOBlay) our 5 month old Springer. 
We are also expecting our first baby Girl any day now!

Doberman Discussions / Re: Kingston the Dobie rescue
« on: July 01, 2008, 07:58:35 am »
My parents ha a rescued Dobie and she cam with ALOT of baggage.  She was a stray on the streets of New Orleans.  She was terrified of ppl. They got her on a schedule like letting her out at certian times, feeding, and walking.  It took her a little bit but after about a month of this she was great with them. 

They then put her in training classes for socialization.  Now she is GREAT! Loves ppl and not a mean bone in her body.  Now as for the wimpering that is a Dobie thing. This is my parents 5th Dobie and every single one of them wimpered and whinned which they trained thwm to stop doing. 

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: I went to the hospital...
« on: July 01, 2008, 07:23:38 am »
NO!!!!!!  No baby yet!  :( :(  I have tried everything to "help" her along.  Unfortunaly there are no essential oil stores around here so I cant try that. 

I have walked at least 3 miles a day.  The dogs are about to kill me with that.  Now when I say lets go walk they all 3 go and get in thier crates.  I tried the having fun with hubby and nothing.  I even tried a little castor oil because I said something to my doctor about it and he siad that as long as I stayed hyrdated he would allow it. 

That was horrible.  It did give me contractions but I have had those anyways but it also gave me a horrible upset stomach.  The only thing left is spicy food and time!! 

You would just think though that she is ready to come out since I am 3 centimeters 70% effaced!!!!  She has a hold on my uterus and is just refusing to come out!!!!! >:(  She is probably thinking this woman is crazy why in the heck do I want to come out of my warm, cozy place!!!

Hopefully all of this will at least have made me dialate one more centimeter.  If I am 4 centimeters by wednesday at 10:30 they have no choice but to let me go in and break my water because I guess they cant let you wlak around like that. 

The bad thing is hubby is going out of town for 8 days on Thursday and he will be 7 hours away!!! If something happens I am going to be so scared!!  We have no family where we live just close friends.  The only way he gets to stay is if I have had the baby by then or am having it.

So does anyone know how to dialate 1 more centimeter? ;D Sorry so Long I just needed to let the frustration out!

Introduce Yourself to the Forum / Re: Hi there
« on: June 30, 2008, 04:25:32 pm »
Hi I am Amber and you are going to love it here.  I know I do. 
I am mom to a almost 3 year old Wiemeraner Bell,2yr old Springer Baxter, and a 5 month old Springer Buble (BOOBlay).
My husband and I are also expecting our first baby girl!!!

Your baby is absolutley beautiful!!! ;D

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: I went to the hospital...
« on: June 30, 2008, 02:47:09 pm »
HAHAH well that makesme feel better.  I mean I am not sure that I want to be in labor for 30 hours but I would like for my family to get here in plenty of time.

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: I went to the hospital...
« on: June 30, 2008, 02:28:53 pm »
How far do you live from the hospital?  I ask b/c if it's more than a 15-20 minute drive, you may want to ask your dr what he/she recommends.  Those B-H can do a lot of the work ahead of time, but since this is your first baby & they usually take a bit longer, this may all even out anyway.  In any case, I don't think that you'll have any trouble figuring out when to go to the hospital and as always, if in doubt, go get checked out.  ;D  That's what the labor & delivery nurses are there for.   ;)  :) 

I live about 30 mintues from the nearest hospital.  That is one of my biggest worries!! I am sure though that I will be fine.  Another thing that I have to make sure I get done in enough time is calling my family. 

My mother and two sisters are coming up for her birth but I am to call them when I am in labor.  I am nervous I wont call them in enough time or that it will be in the middle of the night and the ywill have to drive 5 hours at 2 in the morning. 

O well I just probably dont need to worry about it and just go with the flow!!! :D

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: I went to the hospital...
« on: June 30, 2008, 12:28:11 pm »
Yea they said when I went to the hospital that night that I was a little dehydrated so I have been carrying around a 25 ounce mug full of water drinking it. 

Last night I had it beside the bed and after every contraction I would gulp it because I wanted to make sure I stayed hydrated. 

I am just nervous that I am not going to know when I am in labor and just think that I am having really bad Braxton Hicks.  o well I guess Hubby could deliver a baby if he needed to!!! :D ;D :D ;D :D ;D

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: I went to the hospital...
« on: June 30, 2008, 07:19:28 am »
Well last night I had contractions ALL night.  But the only thing is that they werent consistent.  They ranged from 2-3 minutes apart to 3-4 minutes apart so I figured at first they were Braxton Hicks. But they REALLY hurt!!  I mean enough to wake me up out of a dead sleep.  I would get up and walk my hallway with Bell. 
Should I call the doctor about them?  They kind of stopped at 6:30. I still am having them and they do really hurt but not consistent.  I just would hate to go back to the hospital and be sent home for false labor!! :-\ :-\

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: I went to the hospital...
« on: June 29, 2008, 03:27:40 pm »
has anyone ever used castor oil?  everyone told me that it works but i am not sure.

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: I went to the hospital...
« on: June 29, 2008, 11:29:17 am »
hahah Yea my best friend called her aunt who is a midwife and asked her what we could do.  She laughed and said to go on a LONG walk and go have fun with hubby.  Something to do with a certain chemical they have that will help you dialate. 

She also told me when you go to the hospital has alot to do if you are going to get admitted.  She said that night shift isnt as ready to keep you as day shift. She said that many of her patients were sent home at night and the next morning were back and admitted. 

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: I went to the hospital...
« on: June 29, 2008, 09:02:36 am »
yea they made me pee while I was there but didnt dialate anymore. It is a beautiful day today so I think that I might go and work out inthe yard and see if that helps. ;)

Anything Non-Dog Related / I went to the hospital...
« on: June 29, 2008, 08:03:32 am »
and they sent me home. :( >:(  I started to have contractions on Friday night and hubby and i went to the labor and delivery. 

I had gone to the doctor that morning and was 3 centimeters and 70% effaced and he said that I could go anytime.  Well they were coming every 3 to 4 minutes so we went in. 

Nurses were really nice and they hooked me up to monitors.  In an hour I hadnt changed from 3 centimeters so they called my doctor (who wasnt on call it was someone else) and they said for me to be sent home with an Ambien. (which was an experience in itself)
I was SOOOOOOO mad!!  They told me that if I had walked in 4 centimeters they would have admitted me right that second and put me on the Pit. 

Then my husband trying to be funny said do you know how big one more centimeter is.  It is tiny.  I could have killed him.  Does anyone know how to dialate one more centimeter?

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