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Messages - Gracie Belle

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Newfoundland Discussions / Re: Good news about Mabel and me, too!
« on: October 15, 2007, 11:40:15 am »
awwww..  BIG FAT YAY FOR ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I'm super glad to hear Miss Mabel is feeling better.  I'll continue to keep her in my thoughts.  As for you!!!  How exciting to hear the baby's little heart beat.  What a gift that is.  I'm so excited for you and your crew.  Be well.

Old English Mastiff Pictures / Re: Picts of Baby Titan
« on: October 15, 2007, 08:04:34 am »
I love him too.  What a sweetie he is.  Hi there.  I'm Misty and my furkids are listed in my signature.  That baby of yours is so stinking cute.  Thanks for the pictures and I look forward to more.

Everyone looks very sweet and happy.  That baby is precious and Kate is gorgeous as always.  She sure looks like she's very serious with the babysitting gig.  Good Girl Kate..  Now mom, you get better fast and we're sending lots of get well vibes your way and also to your mom.

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: I'm an AUNT x 2 !! Sort of long....
« on: October 14, 2007, 01:37:12 pm »
Hey thanks everyone.  The picture of Aeryk, Allen, me and Peyton were taken yesterday.  It was the first time they met one another and it was a taste of what it's going to be like now.  It's unbelievable that the family is growing.  My Dad is doing well and more embarrassed than anything.  Poor guy.  Thank you all again for the well wishes. 

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: I'm an AUNT x 2 !! Sort of long....
« on: October 14, 2007, 01:34:11 pm »

Sorry, that is just too funny about your dad having severe gas. Whooh boy.

Congrats on being an auntie times 2!!! That is so awesome!!!

yeah, no kidding.  I could have pulled is finger and saved him about $300 in co-pays.. 

Anything Non-Dog Related / I'm an AUNT x 2 !! Sort of long....
« on: October 14, 2007, 12:28:03 pm »
For real... 

So both my older brother and younger brothers wives became pregnant about a month apart.  This is of course extremely exciting for the family as these two babies will be the first babies for both sets of parents. 

Well, since my older brothers wife became overdue the doctors schedule to induce baby Allen on October 3.  That of course would be the same day that I scheduled Gracie's spay.. Nice.. No problem as I can drop the princess off at the vet and go meet my nephew, sing happy birthday and congratulate the new parents, and then pick the princess up on the way home with my heart just full of joy and that alone would make Gracie feel good.  That was the plan anyway.

It ended up more like this....

We wake up to take Gracie to the vet only to find out the car had been broken into.  Fortunately for us they did not steal anything as we know better than to leave valuables in the car and THANK HEAVENS they did not break the window.  They pushed it down actually.  Weird.  Well, they took tools out of the trunk but they may have been worth about $10.  Boooo. 

Then we take the princess in and according the vet staff she was just perfect other than the fact that one of the nurses threw her back out trying to lift my delicate flower of a dog onto the table.  Gracie did seem to feel bad about that but of course she moved on.  Big sigh there too.

So, we are now at the hospital and waiting for the arrival of Baby Allen.  He totally takes his time and it wouldn't be long before the vet calls to let us know that Gracie was out of surgery, doing well and can go home.  Well we are about 20 minutes from the vet and from there another 20 minutes from our house and it was about 4 pm.  We pick her up, take her home and soon to be GRANDMOTHER calls to let us know Allen is making his debut... 

We race back to the hospital that is in an entirely different city (Sugar Land) and meet Mr Daniel Allen Holland (he'll go by Allen). 

It was about that time I overheard the family discussing my father and that he was fine and in the ER.. WHAT!?!?!?!?!?

I asked my mom what was wrong with my Dad and WHY WAS HE IN THE ER?!?!?!  The answer was that apparently he decided to have a heart attack on my nephews birthday.  Nice job Dad.  So I race to the ER still a blubbering mess from the happy tears of meeting Baby Allen and now I'm crying as I'm flipped out thinking my dad was on the brink of death in some ER Room. 

Okay, this is where I took a deep breath and readied myself for what I was about to see.  Get this...  My dad was in a bed, hooked up to every box that bleeped and beeped along with a very becoming clear oxygen tub across his top lip and just cussing up a storm.  He was so angry that he was there and had not met his grandson yet that my two brothers were doing what they could to calm the old man down.  Even the nurse gave him a pink beany baby bunny as a peace offering.  Notice it in the pictures below now in baby Allen's crib. 

So, the actual story was that Dad had severe gas though his EKG indicated that some time in the past he had experienced mile heart failure so now he's shopping for a cardiologist (his words)... 

Well, I'm obviously in emotional overdrive at this point and then I hear my other brother and his pregnant wife discussing her contractions (she's had a bit of a difficult pregnancy and should have been on bed rest though she wasn't going to miss Allen's birthday either.  Another deep breath I took and calmly explained that I'll take care of the bed's and roll a third one into the new mom's room between her and my Dad.  They both explained that it was okay.  Thank goodness because I'm truly not sure if I would have been able to take that one.  So many emotions in such a short time was proving to be a bit difficult for me. 

Well, Baby number two though did not take long.  Miss Peyton Elizabeth Holland was born the following Monday.  I'm so happy that I literally have been a blubbering idiot since October 3rd when my baby dog had surgery, my nephew was born, my dad had a "heart attack" and now my niece....  What a past couple of weeks....  Pictures to follow..  I'd like to introduce to you my handsome nephew and my beautiful niece.  And if you read to this point, thanks for sticking it out and making it this far..  lol...   :D :D

I love him.  Look at that face.  I honestly don't know which is my favorite.  They are all so stinking CUTE!!!

Introduce Yourself to the Forum / Re: Please Welcome Bella
« on: October 01, 2007, 04:03:10 pm »
Hello and welcome.  Your crew is so sweet.  I love them all.  I'm Misty and all my fur kids are in my signature.  I look forward to seeing pictures and reading stories about your pups.  Glad you found us.

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: At My Wit's End...............
« on: September 30, 2007, 03:48:17 pm »
Awww CRAP!  Okay here is a site I went to and got a lot of good information from when my pi$ser, oh I mean my cat was doing his thing.  I really, really REALLY hope you can get to the bottom of this and fast.  I totally feel for you.  Hang in there and be patient.

Keep us posted.

Dalmatian Discussions & Pictures / Re: Belly bumps?
« on: September 30, 2007, 01:33:01 pm »
Hi there Windweaver.  I'm Misty and you can see all my fur-kids in my signature.  Welcome to BPO and I really hope you enjoy it here and also know you will find a lot of useful and very helpful information.  Speaking of info, I have no idea what the bumps may be or what caused them but if they are irritating her to the point of scaring and scabbing I think it may be best to take her in to the vet for a professional opinion.  It could be an allergy or a reaction to the Advatix but either way you will need to rule out all the potential causes. 

I hope to see pictures of Molly very soon and again, welcome to BPO. 

My name is Misty and I have my best friends wonderful Great Dane Dog named Tonka.  The reason I have him is because a similar situation happened at his original house.  My friend Stacey has two children, one 6 and the other 2.  Her 2 year old Sam was with Tonka and for whatever reason (it was undetermined) Tonka bit Sam.  Stacey was at a loss and considered every possibility as you have.  Here we are a month later, Sam is perfectly fine (THANK THE LORD) and Tonka is here with me and my boyfriend (we have no children) and he is doing very well. I think the problem is that we rely too much on our pets to only do the right thing and tend to forget that they are animals.  Unfortunately animals disciple an unwanted behavior with their mouths.  In my opinion you should NOT consider yourself a bad grandmother or pet owner as it's obvious how upset you are.  If anything I appreciate you being honest with yourself everyone in stating you just don't think you can trust her.  To me, that is extremely responsible.  I think that would be a horrible life for Dutchess to live in a home where she cant be trusted and you can't take on that anxiety.  Its just no way for anyone to live.  I just want you to know that I really do feel awful for you all and will keep you, your grand daughter and sweet Dutchess in my thoughts and prayers.  But again, I want you to know that I admire you for doing what you think is best for everyone.  Please keep us posted on everything.

Great Dane Pictures / Re: Pics of Chloe, how shes doing now....
« on: September 27, 2007, 02:46:06 pm »
She sure does look happy.  What a pretty girl.  I love her brindle coat.

Introduce Yourself to the Forum / Re: Pics of our menagerie, as requested!!
« on: September 27, 2007, 02:39:22 pm »
OH MY GOSH!!  You are living my dream life.  What an awesome bunch you have.  I think it's funny how Marianne is the sassy one of the two and I can't give you enough kudos for all that you've done to help those babies.  Good for you.  Oh and my friends and family think we are a little off as well for having so many pets.  Though we are the fist people they call when they are having problems or a question with a pet of their own.  ;)  So now I need to find a good home with a nice backyard so I can make a nice "pig friendly playground" side for our future rescue pig.  OOOH, I will name him/her Porkchop!  So stinking CUTE!!!! 

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Could it be allergies?
« on: September 27, 2007, 02:29:48 pm »
Tina, that is pretty much what happens to Tonka.  It seems to flare up and in minutes it will go away but we have no idea what triggers it.  He doesn't seem to  be bothered by it or paw at it and no unusual discharge or amount of it for that matter comes out of his eyes. I'm thinking that we may just go ahead and take him to the vet if it continues to flare up and possibly see what it is.  Thank you for the information.

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Could it be allergies?
« on: September 26, 2007, 07:47:23 pm »
Did his eye look like this?

That is what Tonka's eye sometimes look like.

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