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Messages - Jeska

Pages: [1] 2
General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Guess what I saw today!!!
« on: October 08, 2005, 10:49:26 am »
We have coyotes around where I live too. My friend used to live out in the boonies and when I would drive home in the early hours of the morning I'd often see one or two running in the cow fields. I love listening to them talk at night. I think in my psychology book it described how farmers have been able to condition coyotes in their area not to go after sheep by putting out a sheep carcass with a product on it that made them sick to their stomachs. If I had a farm though and I had a problem with coyotes I think it would be a great excuse to get a few more dogs. :-p They're building a lot of new houses so I'll probably see a lot less deer and coyotes in a few years time. I'm going to miss them  :-\

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Dont tell my dogs
« on: October 07, 2005, 08:57:27 am »
Bull terriers are one of my favorite breeds too  ;D

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Digging!!!!!!
« on: October 05, 2005, 06:22:55 am »
My dog used to dig all the time when she was a puppy. What we did to solve this was put her poo in the hole she dug. She wouldn't dig in that hole anymore and she'd dig another and we'd do the same. Eventually she gave up and hasn't dug a hole since. I don't remember how long it took for her to stop as this was a long time ago but it worked for us. If your dog is one that likes to eat poo then this probably wouldn't work.  :P

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Amazing Dog!!
« on: September 29, 2005, 12:06:14 pm »
I read a book that mentioned a dog with only its hind legs. It had been hit by a car and the two front ones were removed and apparently he adapted quite well. Never actually seen a dog like that though. Very neat. Dogs are such amazing beings.

My dog's coat isn't very thick but its very oily. We think she has water dog in her somewhere but her coat does smell and the smell returns a few days after bathing. We bought a doggy deoderant spray to spray on her when special guests who aren't dog people come over. Otherwise we just live with it. She doesn't seem to mind :-p I heard that sprinkling baking soda on the coat and brushing it through is supposed to help control odor. Not sure if it works as I haven't tried it myself. If you do try it though let me know I'll be interested to see if it works.

Helpful Groups & Dogs in Need / Re: Petfinder Dream Dog
« on: September 22, 2005, 02:19:13 pm »
I love petfinder :-p

Drake's Petfinder page

[img width= height=][/img]
Harris' Petfinder page
[img width= height=][/img]
Rex's Petfinder page
[img width= height=][/img]
Biloxi's Petfinder page

I'll stop now before I take up the whole page.  :P

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Song/Band of the moment
« on: September 19, 2005, 09:24:48 pm »
Dredg! Love them. I've been listening to a lot of the Decemberists, Iron and Wine and Tool lately.

Food Discussion & Information / Re: What should you dog not eat Quiz
« on: September 19, 2005, 01:40:25 am »
Ah! 50% I fail at life. I think I'll be spending quite a bit of my time reading up on stuff dogs shouldn't eat now.  :P

Rottweiler Discussions / Re: Dogs swallowing what?
« on: September 16, 2005, 11:07:30 pm »
Luckily the only thing my dog likes is tissues but my neighbors dog is a totally different story. If it's on the ground and he can get it into his mouth he'll try to eat it. The worst thing that he's eaten probably is live gophers because he's a small dog you could actually see its feet kicking out of its mouth before he finished swallowing it. Talk about gross.

Mixed Breed Discussion / Re: More Ranger Drama :-(
« on: September 16, 2005, 02:20:51 pm »
shakes is scared of guys too.  He and tom do really well for the most part, so i am not that worried, but we do some exra obedience training with just tom.  Might i ask what NILIF is?

This is the site I found when I googled NILIF. I'm reading it now and like the sounds of it.

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: Does your dog do this too?!!
« on: September 15, 2005, 11:05:36 pm »
Haha my dog does this too. Only she doesn't sleep like that she likes rolling on her back when guests are over  ::) or when she's playing with her ball and she hopes showing off her belly will entice us to play with her. She covers her belly with her tail after she gets her hair cuts though. Maybe without the fuzz she gets cold.  :P

Helpful Groups & Dogs in Need / Re: A surge of Great Danes on Petfinder!
« on: September 09, 2005, 01:50:51 am »
I'm lucky in that I only have 1 local dane to look at and drool over on petfinder. I can't believe some people and what they do to animals. It makes me sad.

Food Discussion & Information / Re: Walking while eating
« on: September 06, 2005, 03:23:01 pm »
My old dog kinda used to do that. He didn't like eating on tile and would take a mouthful go to the carpet and spit it out and eat off the carpet. He never did grow out of it we were just lucky he didn't usually leave any pieces behind.

Haha kinda like a really cute sprinkler  :P

Treatment & Preventative Meds / Re: Doggie Acne?
« on: September 05, 2005, 08:04:02 pm »
Have you looked at the post titled:

 'Can some please help...Theres something wrong with Onyx'

Does it look anything like that? If not Nina posted a great site that may be of some help.

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