Author Topic: More Ranger Drama :-(  (Read 7937 times)

Offline GrumpyBunny

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More Ranger Drama :-(
« on: September 16, 2005, 09:21:34 am »
Well the fun just never stops around here.  We had more drama with Ranger last night - he was a very BAD boy and growled at his Daddy!

Here is what happened.  I was in the bedroom laying on the bed and Ranger was laying on his dog bed beside my side of the bed.  Scott came into the room and wanted all dogs to leave so that Mommy and Daddy, discuss household finances...  Ranger hates these instances of being baby-gated out of the room, but usually doesn't fuss about it too much. 

Scott came to the foot of the bed and called to Ranger to come to him. Ranger tried to hide from him, so Scott came up to Ranger and nudged him with his foot to get him to stand up.  Ranger got up and slunk past Scott, but instead of going out of the room, he ran around the bed to the other side and hid there.  Scott went over there and made him move again, and Ranger ran back to my side of the bed and laid down.  Scott came back over one more time, and stood over him and spoke sternly to him and nudged him with his foot again.  Ranger then growled at him, and jumped onto the bed and curled against me, cowering and growling up at Scott.  At this point, Scott was standing, kind of bending forward and looming over Ranger and I pointed out his body posture and suggested that he take a step back.  He did and extended his hand to Ranger, who stopped growling and sniffed and licked Scott's hand.  As soon as he stepped forward and bent over him again, Ranger cowered and growled again.  Scott stepped back again and told Ranger to get off the bed.  Ranger did.  Then we both left the room and called Ranger to leave as well, which he did.  In the living room, I had Scott put him through a couple quick obedience commands and then they made up. 

So, obviously I am concerned that he growled at one of us, but I truly think he was afraid that Scott was going to hit or punish him.  We don't know his history, and he has always been much more fearful of quick movements and such from Scott than he has been from me.  That being said, he has however always let Scott do such things as confine him, handle any part of his body, hold him close, etc.  But there have certainly been times when Scott will move in a certain way, and Ranger will get up and bolt from the room to hide on his bed. 

When he was growling, his whole body was showing fear rather than "real" agression.  He really wasn't acting like "NO, I am the boss and I don't have to do what you say, so I will growl out a challenge to you", he was acting like "Please don't hurt me - I am really afraid and want you to go away and stop scaring me."   

Granted, I am NOT pleased about this, but I do understand that a growl is a natural way for a dog to communicate that they are uncomfortable with a situation, and is a "polite" thing to do before resorting to a snap or bite....  Which he could have done.  But didn't.  He didn't lip lift, snarl, snap or bite.  I don't want him growling at either of us, but I also don't think it would have been fair to punish him for warning us that he was uncomfortable.  We made him do what we wanted him to do, and showed him that he was not the boss, but he didn't "get in trouble" as it were. 

I think the combination of his past history, plus Scott doing what basically amounted to chasing him around the bed in a threatening manner, made Ranger feel as though he was going to be hurt and he had a fear-based aggressive reaction.

Obviously I don't want to be naive about this, and we will watch him carefully, and work his NILIF a little harder, to make sure he knows who is in charge, but I also don't want to overreact and cry every night thinking that my dog is time-bomb and that I will eventually have to have him put to sleep for being unpredictable.  Cause I think that, although serious, this was a one-time thing... 

Any thoughts?
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Offline Kermit

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Re: More Ranger Drama :-(
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2005, 09:33:42 am »
Grumpy, my boyfriend's terrier Rushmore growls at me quite often. And he barks at me pretty much every time I enter a room where Will is sitting down. I think he is "protecting" Will. I know the dog loves me, and I know he would never hurt me. I try not to get too offended. The first few times my feelings were hurt. Now I see that it is just his way and if I don't really acknowledge the growls, they go away. I usually just say, "Oh Rushmore, stop it" and he eases up and becomes less tense.
With your situation I can tell it is much scarier since you are talking about a dog who weighs a hundred pounds (Rushmore weighs about 20 lbs).

But I agree that not knowing his history, it could be reminding him of some time in the past when he felt very unsafe. I don't think he is going to turn into a monster though. I would say if your man could devote some extra special time loving on Ranger, maybe he would be less inclined to be "scared" of him at times when Scott needs Ranger to mind him? Or maybe if it happens again try to interrupt the fear with something fun REALLY FAST like grab a squeaky toy or change the mood of the room really quickly with happy voices? Something to get him out of the pattern of feeling serious, scared, or protective.  I don't know if that will work it's something I just thought of. Who knows?

I sure hope something works out!!! I know he's a good boy!!! Where is a dog psychologist when you need one!!!

Offline Moni

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Re: More Ranger Drama :-(
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2005, 10:04:05 am »
It defintely sounds like it was fear based.  Hopefully it was just a one time thing.  I doubt he's going to turn into a monster, he was just over scared it sounds like.

Gyrl, the 13ish lab/beagle stray that adopted us last year, was like this.  She however doesn't growl, just goes straight to the snapping/biting.  So you're lucky that you have the warning, try not to correct the growling itself because it makes dealing with them much easier. 

I'd still continue using the NILIF.  It helps give structure and fearful dogs seem to do well on it.  As well as, if not better than dominant dogs.

You sound like you handled it perfectly though.  The best way to deal with it is to call the dog out of the area, instead of reaching into their cornered space.  If Ranger tries it again while lying next to you, get up immediately and call him off the bed/couch area.  Just in case there's some resource guarding going on as well. 

We ended up having to keep a longline on Gyrl for a while, so  that we could redirect her without getting bit or snapped at.  And the kid's were taught not to grab her collar or corner her under any circumstances.  Luckily she doesn't bite hard or break the skin.  ::)
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Offline Anky

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Re: More Ranger Drama :-(
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2005, 10:36:55 am »
Honey you did everything right. I agree with Moni that you want the growls, and also that it's fear based not out of aggression, or dominance.  To make you feel better I'll tell my story.  :)  Matt called me one day that Araby had bitten his brother Jon.  When Araby was younger Jon didnt know how to deal with dog and would do a wrestling body slam (As in jump in the air and belly flop) on top her when she was on the couch.  Because of this and other instances, Araby is understandably not fond of Jon.  This particualr instance was the frst time she ever bit and I guess it was because Jon dropped a piece of cheese (Single wrapped) and she took it.  He tried to get it back and she bit him.

I wasn't happy about it, but I didn't think much of it because like I said she has a bad history with him.  Well the next morning she was on the couch.  Matt and I were going out so I went to put her in the kitchen.  I asked her to get off the couch, and she ignored me.  I walked towards her, and she lifted her lip and snarled.  She has serious dominance issues, which we work with on a constant basis, and she tries to intimidate me all the time, so I ignored her and grabbed her collar.  She slunk along and then twisted, making me lose grip on her collar where she hid behind the love seat.  (There is a walkway behind the loveseat so she wasn't really hidden)  I thought to my self "S*** she's gonna bite me" but I knew if I let her go she'd have moved up a step in the dominance thing.  So I sucked it up and went to get her, with her growling the whole time.  She grabbed the heel of my hand and ground it with her back teeth.  It hurt so bad I thought I was going to DIE.  I held my breath and grabbed her and brought her into the kitchen, closing the baby gate behind her.  Then I sat down and bawled my eyes out.  My hand was pretty messed up, all deep tissue bruises.  I didn't tell alot of people about it because they would say she was vicious and we should put her down.  Matt's mom said it too.  She hasn't done anything like this since. 

Araby has no excuse as she was never abused, was trained and fed properly, she's just a bitch :)  NILIF is a GOD SEND and we use it all the time.  Don't worry Hun you and Ranger will be fine.

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Offline GrumpyBunny

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Re: More Ranger Drama :-(
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2005, 10:55:27 am »
Thanks sweeties - your feedback has helped alot.  The things you are saying are right in line with what I have been thinking, but I just needed to hear other people say it out loud, ya know?

We don't let Ranger get away with anything.  Yes, he is spoiled, but he has rules that he MUST follow, and he is good about that because we are good about enforcing them.  I just couldn't see him all of a sudden deciding to offer so flagrant a challenge without building up to it in little ways first, plus the body language just didn't match up....

I do think this was just a one time thing, and we need to increase his comfort level around his Daddy (which I THOUGHT was pretty high) even more, and try to decrease instances of him being put in a scary situation.  And maintain our NILIF.  Always the NILIF.   :D
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Re: More Ranger Drama :-(
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2005, 11:25:53 am »
 I think that Scott was putting out "love signals" and Ranger was picking up on them. Ranger was like, "Uh-uh, homie. This is MY bitch. Get to steppin'!" (Didn't you hear the music in the background? Barnk-chicka-BARNK-BARNK, Barnk-chicka-BARNK-BARNK)

Really, grumpy. When Ranger put the purple velvet hat on, that should have immediately clued you into what was goin' on. Scott was about to intrude on HIS territory.

HAHAHAHAHAH! I'm crackin' myself up, bunny. But that doesn't mean I don't take your issues with Ranger seriously. You're getting it right, honey. Ranger isn't gonna turn into a monster and eat you all in your sleep. He's just a 'fraidy cat and needs some reassurance.

Offline GrumpyBunny

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Re: More Ranger Drama :-(
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2005, 11:35:55 am »
 I think that Scott was putting out "love signals" and Ranger was picking up on them. Ranger was like, "Uh-uh, homie. This is MY bitch. Get to steppin'!" (Didn't you hear the music in the background? Barnk-chicka-BARNK-BARNK, Barnk-chicka-BARNK-BARNK)

Really, grumpy. When Ranger put the purple velvet hat on, that should have immediately clued you into what was goin' on. Scott was about to intrude on HIS territory.

HAHAHAHAHAH! I'm crackin' myself up, bunny. But that doesn't mean I don't take your issues with Ranger seriously. You're getting it right, honey. Ranger isn't gonna turn into a monster and eat you all in your sleep. He's just a 'fraidy cat and needs some reassurance.

OMG - I am dying right now.  That was the funniest.  thing.  ever. 

You are so right, Ranger sensed the love signals, KNEW Scott wanted to get his freak on, and was like "Awwww, h**l no, Daddy!  I ain't think so!  Mommy is MY shorty".

Dang it, I shoulda known something was up when Ranger rolled into the bedroom in that tricked out Buick Regal....   :D
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Re: More Ranger Drama :-(
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2005, 11:39:30 am »


Oh my GOD, bunny! hahahhahahhaa!

I'm laughing like a freakin' idiot right now. Good thing I live in freaksville, Indiana where nobody notices some crazy girl laughing in front of her laptop! hahahhahahaha!

Mommy is my shorty....AHAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAA GH....choke, gag, hahahaa...ha.. ha, cough, cough...

I think I just wet myself, bunny. Thanks.


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Re: More Ranger Drama :-(
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2005, 11:55:01 am »


I've got a mental image of Ranger rolling in his Regal, complete with curb feelers, fuzzy dice, and Rick James' blaring from his system.

We need to totally pimp out his collar.

Offline GrumpyBunny

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Re: More Ranger Drama :-(
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2005, 11:58:08 am »
Awwwwwww, yeah!
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Offline Kirsten

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Re: More Ranger Drama :-(
« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2005, 01:32:12 pm »
shakes is scared of guys too.  He and tom do really well for the most part, so i am not that worried, but we do some exra obedience training with just tom.  Might i ask what NILIF is?


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Re: More Ranger Drama :-(
« Reply #11 on: September 16, 2005, 01:38:41 pm »
Oh my GOD! Ranger SO needs a pimp collar! hahahhahaha!


Ranger's like, "Awww, HAEL NO, DADDY! I'm Rick James, beeeyatch!"


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Re: More Ranger Drama :-(
« Reply #12 on: September 16, 2005, 01:39:08 pm »
OMG!!...What was the origional concern? was uncomfortable around men when we first got him too...He has come a very long way but the "little" jerk growled at ME just the other day because I made him get out of my daughter's seat in the van...Conseque nces we immediate...I grabbed his snout, widened my eyes at him & growled...He was happy to comply then...It sounds funny but it works...I don't know if I would suggest that in your situation though if Ranger is scared...Now you got me thinking...I mean we can't allow our dogs to growl at us but what if they are frightened?...What do you do then?


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Re: More Ranger Drama :-(
« Reply #13 on: September 16, 2005, 01:39:32 pm »
I can't wait to see Ranger all pimped out. Go big pimp daddy!


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Re: More Ranger Drama :-(
« Reply #14 on: September 16, 2005, 01:41:13 pm »
Are we going to have a Halloween photo contest? Cuz if so...I think I know what Ranger is going as... ;)