Author Topic: Can you believe this???  (Read 5004 times)

Offline Newf Lover

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Re: Can you believe this???
« Reply #15 on: June 26, 2006, 10:36:30 am »
POOR KITTIES!!!  How can anybody just drop off a bunch of cuties like them.  So sad....  I'd like to get another cat, just to give a pound kitty a better life.  Don't Humane societies insist that you keep you cats indoors?  Or is that just here in Marin?  Hmmm... 

As for you SIL thinking she could just keep someone elses dog, yeah that's scary.  I know many people who would love to have Drake and god forbid if he ever ran off.  The wrong person would just think, hey, A FREE NEWF!!!  BTW, I think Jack the Pug's owners give him too many table scraps.  He looks a bit chubby in that picture.  ;D
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Offline Mom2Sadie

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Re: Can you believe this???
« Reply #16 on: June 26, 2006, 11:54:51 am »
Unfortunately, I can believe it. I've seen that kind of stuff where I am too and it's so sad. That was my biggest fear when my kitty Gus got loose, that someone would just decide to keep him because he's such a sweetie. Good for you for finding the owners, I'm sure they were beside themselves thinking he was gone forever or hurt or something. God forbid one of my babies ever got out again, but I'm glad there are people like you out there. I'm just sorry that there are so many other people out there who are NOT like you.
Dear Lord,
Just for today, let me be the kind of person my dog thinks I am.

Sadie the Newf
Gus and Maggie - Maine Coon Kitties
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Offline zanie

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Re: Can you believe this???
« Reply #17 on: June 26, 2006, 02:34:56 pm »
Moni,  it takes fortitude to stand up to family members and do the right thing.  And really, your children will learn by example and you have set a good one, even though your kids might be peeved about the kittens right now.

Good for you for doing the right thing.
"I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive." - Gilda Radner

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Offline NoDogNow

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Re: Can you believe this???
« Reply #18 on: June 26, 2006, 03:03:54 pm »
Moni, you are the HERO of the MONTH.   :-*

We need to take up a collection to make you a trophy--a baseball bat with your name inscribed so you can whack some sense into your SIL and her half--no make that QUARTER--witted BF!!

Honestly. Heroes should never be treated like this. And where is your DH while all this abuse of his sweetie is going on?  ???

And if walking she's muttering nasty things around Tori, you should totally take her hiney out in the backyard and kick it up the tallest tree.   >:(  >:(  If her brother doesn't like it, tell him he can sleep in one of the dog crates till he gets an attitude adjustment. 

OK, I admit it:  I am on a SERIOUS tear today. I will even tell you why. It's all about evil relatives.

My EVIL aunt, the one who murdered her mother and got away with it, has been running all around the family this week badmouthing my mom (her SIL) because Mom insisted if she was going to BUY my grandmother's Art Deco china cabinet from The Evil (I'm paying for it but my aunt wouldn't sell it to me because I keep reminding everyone that she killed her mother, and yes I AM an unforgiving ****) Mom expected to TAKE IT HOME!  I know, totally unreasonable,  paying for something and on taking it with you after handing over the cash.  Clearly, Mom (and I, the shadow buyer) are completely in the wrong. >:(

I must have gotten 50 phone calls between Friday afternoon and this morning from various elderly members of my father's family begging me to please make my mean mom be nice to The Evil--she's so poor and sad, just broken really, now since this awful divorce (shouldn't have had her husband falsely arrested/prosecuted, should she?), it's so terrible that she has to sell my grandmother's things to pay her lawyer bills (shouldn't have quit her job, should she?), she's probably going to lose her house (see previous, GRRRRRR!) and can't Mom just wait till she has to move to take it(hardly, the Evil Cousins and their spawn include a half dozendrug addict/thieves, it will disappear!)... You can imagine how popular I am with all my great-greats aunts, uncles, and kissing cousins (kissing The Evil's fundament, mostly.) I won't be going to the family reunion THIS fall, not after this weekend.

Monie, just a piece of harsh, sad and angrily earned advice: DO NOT let your SIL get away with nasty behavior in your home. When families let narcissists like your SIL get away with this kind of crap, it makes them believe that they're allowed to to anything to anyone. I've listened to and watched The Evil misquote, mischaracteriz e and misuse everyone in Dad's family behind their backs all my life, and this is NOT behavior you can tolerate in your house, unless you want Tori to grow up and start calling your SIL her Evil Aunt. Oh, and keep a close eye on your MIL, too. Especially if she has/develops any chronic health problems like asthma or diabetes or heart trouble....
Sheryl, Dogless and sad

Offline Magnus

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Re: Can you believe this???
« Reply #19 on: June 26, 2006, 04:30:49 pm »
Kudos for going the extra step and making the people who mattered in this situation happy. As an owner of a sneaky small paw (should have named him Houdini) who has a number of break outs resolved by the help of a good samaritan, thank you. You have no idea what a truely great thing you did.
StanLee- American Mastiff
Julie- Rottie
Steve- Pug/Jack Russel
Neeko- My old rottie friend waiting at the bridge