Author Topic: "I don't care!" (says Pierre)  (Read 2591 times)


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"I don't care!" (says Pierre)
« on: November 25, 2008, 03:29:57 am »
So...we have this cat. His name is Pierre. He is named after a character in a children's book. The kid is like, a total jerk, and every time he does something bad, the book says:

'"I don't care!", says Pierre'

Anyway so you get the idea. My cat is kind of a jerk. He was a feral kitten when Molly brought him home and begged to keep him. He didn't get neutered until he was well over a year old, and he has always been just sort of tom-ish. And he is HUGE.

So, he has been doing this really obnoxious thing! He's been getting weirdly territorial. If one cat (we have three) decides he likes a certain place a lot, the moment he gets up from it, Pierre pees on it! If Pierre can't have it, he will throw a big scratchy yowly fit and pee NEAR it while the other cat is on it.

So, examples:

Molly was doing homework. Lex (big black inbreed dumb kitty) was sleeping on MOlly's desk. Pierre saunters in, decides HE wants to be the desk kitty. Lex won't get up. Pierre throws a fit and jumps up on Molly's bed and pees on it. Right in front of her.

Lex decided he liked this big cushion thingy that sits on the floor. (NObody has paid any attention to the dang thing for months) He starts sleeping on it 23.5 hours a day for about a week. The moment he gets up for that .5 hour exercise/eating/using the box session, Pierre runs in and pees on it.

And now?

Pierre is peeing on all of the baby's stuff. He got in the crib last night and peed in it. He peed on the baby's awesome boat blankie that Auntie JuJu made yesterday.

WHAT DO I DO?!?! I am so busy and I never stop and now I am cleaning up cat pee constantly. There really isn't anything that has changed in our household. Pierre has always been like this to some extent. But now I have a baby and I'm just exhausted and I cannot add another thing to the day.

Oh, and I forgot to add another example. Just so you guys don't think that its just Lex that Pierre has this problem with. Our other cat, Kyle, has a SEVERE flea allergy. If he gets bitten by ONE fle, his hair all falls out and he loses his mind. ANyway, so he was having this problem a few weeks ago and he camped out behind this box on the counter. As soon as he got up, Pierre jumps up on the counter and pees on that spot! ON MY KITCHEN COUNTER!
« Last Edit: November 25, 2008, 03:32:25 am by Nicole »

Offline Scootergirl

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Re: "I don't care!" (says Pierre)
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2008, 07:53:36 am »
I had a male neutered cat that would start marking when I got too many foster cats in the house. It's as if he was saying, "OK. This is enough, Mom. Try to start finding homes for these monsters."

Anyway, I DO have a suggestion that worked miracles for me.

Feliway is a natural hormone diffuser that works like kitty prozac. You plug it into a wall socket like an air freshener. You can get it at PetSmart or most vets carry it, too.  It also comes in a spray.

This link has some more info.:
"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principle difference between dog and man." -- Mark Twain


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Re: "I don't care!" (says Pierre)
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2008, 03:04:35 am »
Thanks, Jeanne. I am totally going to try some of that. It sounds like magic, but at this point, I'm willing to try anything!

These boys have lived together for years now. Its not like I"m trying to introduce a new kitty! Dang him!

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Re: "I don't care!" (says Pierre)
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2008, 03:15:10 am »
Yep try the hormal spray. He is definately trying to mark territory. I had 1 male that acted like that. He even got my females and other 2 males spraying. The spray stopped all the rest but him. After he ruined flooring, walls & carpets. I had to build him a special living appartment outside on my porch and he lived out there for years (lived to be 17). Good luck to you on this one.
Mom to:
Athena 20 month Blue Great Dane
Aurora 5 yr Blue Merle Great Dane
Baby Tux cat-RIP 6/9/09
Mandy & Millie 10 yr sisters tabbys
Wheet 9 yr black shorthair devil cat
Lucy Lu & Buckley 8 month kitties


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Re: "I don't care!" (says Pierre)
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2008, 08:00:56 am »
Oh my goodness! I guess that would be one solution, huh?

None of the rest of them are doing this (I think). I hope the spray works!

Offline ZooCrew

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Re: "I don't care!" (says Pierre)
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2008, 03:13:08 pm »
There really isn't anything that has changed in our household. Pierre has always been like this to some extent. But now I have a baby and I'm just exhausted and I cannot add another thing to the day.

Well, I don't mean to state the obvious, but there has been a major change in  your household.  you had a baby.  I'm sorry I'm not up on how old everyone's baby's are on here (too many born too close together). I do know it's been at least several months if not close to a year (yeah, I'm that out of the loop)  :P

Is it possible he's just been fuming on this and finally realized the baby's not going anywhere?  Sometimes it can take them awhile to realize the gravity of the situation.....  It may not hurt to start giving him some extra attention as well as start him on the litter box retraining.