Author Topic: Thoughts about doggy doo and air freshener  (Read 4021 times)

Offline mastiffmommy

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Thoughts about doggy doo and air freshener
« on: January 08, 2006, 11:30:20 pm »
So I have for years trying out all kinds of air freshener, of course I have at least four differnt kinds of the stuff you spray at home at all times. Plus oust and lysol, and the foam you spray into the carpet. I steam clean my carpets at least twice in three months, hubby says its because I want to rip them out, okay that might be a reason.... ::)  I totally hope they will fall apart and I can tear them out of my house even though they are not more than a couple of years old. I am 100% certain, that had I loved them, they would all be shredded into little bits and pieces by now, but nope, they are holding up just fine.

Sooooo back to the air fresheners. I started out with a couple of the huff and puff ones with a fan you plug into the outlet. Well open floor plan and only a couple of them didnt do it, so every time I went shopping I added a few more, which now means I have approx. one million air freshener. Have tried the air wick, the glade the oust and I am sure every brand there is out there. After having bought all new refils for them, I usually ask my family when we come home from somewhere "can you smell the huffy puffy things" They now look at eachother and say yeeeees mmmmmm. I ask so what scent is it, they say vanilla and I know that nope they didnt smell it because I loaded with rain forest haaaaaa. I have tried the things you stick onto the filter for your central air and heat unit but where ever it goes, it sure aint anywhere I can smell it. I have absolutely no idea where it goes. The bedrooms are okay because the doors are closed at least during night, but the open areas nope.

Soooo the other day, I came home and smellt it........ The whole house had a strong, extremely noticable odor. It was NOT my air fresheners, Galahad had had an upset stomach, he had made one pile in Jennifers bedroom. ONE PILE.......... . And not very big either. ONE PILE some 70 feet away from the front door, and the smell hits me so bad as soon as I open the door, I am gasping for air.

How come the one million air freshener I have plugged in, dont manage to make my house smell like rain forest, when ONE pile of doggy doo does the work throughout the house, even in the bedrooms where the doors had been close? Can anyone explain that to me? Please ohhhh please why ohhhh why isnt anyone making an air freshener with the same power as Galahads poo?

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Re: Thoughts about doggy doo and air freshener
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2006, 11:37:37 pm »
You are on to something. 
What about the anal sac leakage?
A teeny tiny drop of that stuff is lethal.
If we could figure out a way to make that stuff smell like lilacs.....oh man!  We'd be rolling in the $$$$!!!!

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Re: Thoughts about doggy doo and air freshener
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2006, 12:02:19 am »
I will absolutely try the Fruits and Passion thing, at this point I am fed up with spending a ton of money on the refills and still not have a fresh smell in my house. Thanks for the tips  :D Now I just have to keep my fingers crossed that Atticus is having as powerful poos as Galahad lol

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Re: Thoughts about doggy doo and air freshener
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2006, 12:17:48 am »
Sanity used to have the NASTIEST cow pie poops and they would seep into the carpet.  It was HORRENDOUS!  One day we didn't have any of our expensive cleaners, and we were all out of steam cleaner stuff.  The only thing I had was some stuff Matt had used to get coffee out of my car.  In desperation I used it.  IT WAS AWESOME!  Fram even got on her tummy on the floor and couldn't smell it.

It's called Power Out and it's made by Turtle wax.  MAKE SURE YOU GET THE POWER OUT!  They have other stuff but it doesn't get rid of smells.

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Re: Thoughts about doggy doo and air freshener
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2006, 12:39:10 am »
Cat litter! Thats another good one, we should combine that with the ingredient in Doggy poo and we might just have something,And scented litter??? What is that supposed to do??? HA HA HA
Good post! The air fresheners I buy are either so strong for the first few days that I cant stand it and then nothing or they just dont smell hardly at all!!! GRRRRRR. I can totally relate!

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Re: Thoughts about doggy doo and air freshener
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2006, 02:41:23 pm »
Ang, I will send Chris to the autopart store and get Power out for sure, sometimes you come across good stuff by chance  :P

Cuttles, I know what you mean about the scented cat litter, THAT is a joke, if you stick your nose down in it, it might smell when you pour it, once one cat has had a visit to the box gone gone gone, never to return lol.

Tina, youre right hehe, you know the poo locator look you get when you stick your nose out and sniff and you can tell youre getting closer and haha guess hyperventilate . I soooo wish a candle would do it here. When I have all new air freshener and come in, I breathe in soooo deep I get lightheaded and still have a hard time smelling the rain forest, darn it I want rain forest in my house  ;D :P

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Re: Thoughts about doggy doo and air freshener
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2006, 11:48:36 am »
I use the air wick scented oil outlet thingys but they only cover the smell for about 2 days. I've found the puffer works the best to mostly cover the litter box smell in the laundry room, but I know my house still smells less than fresh 24 hours a day.

I ordered the fruits and passions last week after reading how everyone who tried it raved about it and can't wait to get it in.  I'm definitely going to look for that power out, too.

Thanks for the tips, and it's so reassuring to know that my house isn't the only one that's rank!
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Offline coonie1970

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Re: Thoughts about doggy doo and air freshener
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2006, 11:02:22 pm »
Has anyone ever watched How Clean is your house?? They said to put scented oil on your light bulbs. I had some oil I bought off ebay in my perfume scent so I tried it. It seems to be working great. Only when the lights are on but its been about 2 weeks and I can still smell it.
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Re: Thoughts about doggy doo and air freshener
« Reply #8 on: January 10, 2006, 11:16:14 pm »
OOo Ooo ooo Glade scented oil candles work wonders! A little expensive, but they fill my whole apt. Also, the oil on the lightbulbs works great, just be careful as to which one you use, some may omit smoke!
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