Author Topic: Guard dog lol  (Read 2797 times)

Offline ambulance_Driver

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Guard dog lol
« on: May 06, 2006, 11:33:49 am »
Thor has a new habit: He HAS to sleep outside at night when I'm home and spends the first two hours doing "rounds." He walks around the property watching the horses, looking at the neighbor's yard, watching the highway etc.  If he sees something that's different he stares at it until he determines that it isn't trying to hurt his mommy or his yard.  After this he just sleeps on the deck.  I don't make him sleep outside and usually around two or so, whenever I get up to go to the bathroom, I let him in.  I just think it's funny. 
   Since I work as an emt for our county ambulance service I work a lot with the local police department.  There's an officer who used to work an an emt and when he gets bored he likes to pull other emt's over.  One night I was in my pj's going home from the store when he pulled Thor and I over. Since I drive a super nice car lol i couldn't open the drivers side door from the inside and couldn't roll down the drivers window.  I rolled down the passenger side window and told him to go to that side and he said "no, I'll just open your door." Well Thor REALLY didn't like that, proceded to jump into the front, onto my lap, growl, bark, and show his teeth. I had to tell the officer to step back and let me out to which he replied he was just bored, and wanted to see my dog but never mind. lol (he owns two chiuhahua's). It made my day to know that he would protect me!
Ellie: Bichon Frise
Dash: Chinese Crested
Ginger: Paint filly

Offline ambulance_Driver

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Re: Guard dog lol
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2006, 12:07:40 pm »
I almost forgot to mention how handy it is having him like to sleep outside!  The other night as I was getting ready for bed he started barking and going crazy.  I thought ok that's really strange and went to the door, opened it only to be met by my paint filly Ginger.  The darling horses that they are decided to let themselves out of their paddock to eat the grass in my yard.  Thor really REALLY doesn't like horses and really didn't like them in HIS yard LOL.  I was so glad that he did that so I could get them back inside the paddock before one of them got hit on the highway.
Ellie: Bichon Frise
Dash: Chinese Crested
Ginger: Paint filly


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Re: Guard dog lol
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2006, 07:32:36 pm »
When hubby and kids go to tournaments, my crew guard the house. The spend hours walking from door to door, and just looking for something to freak out about. When they finally settle, one sleeps in the living room (front door) one sleeps in the kitchen (back door) and one sleeps on the bedroom floor (with me). When they humans finally come home the dogs are exhausted and often sleep for 24 hours straight.

Gypsy Jazmine

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Re: Guard dog lol
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2006, 11:04:02 pm »
When hubby and kids go to tournaments, my crew guard the house. The spend hours walking from door to door, and just looking for something to freak out about. When they finally settle, one sleeps in the living room (front door) one sleeps in the kitchen (back door) and one sleeps on the bedroom floor (with me). When they humans finally come home the dogs are exhausted and often sleep for 24 hours straight.
First off I know for sure Pippin would like to "sleep" outside at night but my neighbors really like to sleep too & Pippin hasn't quite learned to bark appropriatly yet la, I know how that is...Samson once gaurded me from an X-mas wreath for 3 days before I figured out what the h*ll he was barking at...lmao!...When I finally figured it out & removed the devil wreath :o from the inside of our front door Sam slept for a whole day!...He was plum worn out!...I swear he didn't sleep for those 3 days & would NOT STOP BARKING! >:( :D

Offline longshadowfarms

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Re: Guard dog lol
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2006, 12:53:41 am »
That is what these LGD breeds are supposed to do!  Thor may be finding some LGD roots. ;)  My Thor (Pyr) was absolutely compelled to be outside at night "woo"ing all night long.  He wasn't obnoxious about it.  There was an occasional "I'm here and on duty" bark, and then the more insistent warning bark when he saw something.  He was happy to lay about the house during the day but as soon as the sun went down, he'd get restless to go outside.  I tell people that an LGD works nights and sleeps days.  Katie and Carter are very similar.  I rarely hear from them but I KNOW they are out there on duty.  When they bark, there is something out there that should not be there.  Personally, I find it very comforting to have them out there working to protect our critters and us as well.