Author Topic: Trip to the Vet  (Read 3264 times)

Offline greek4

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Trip to the Vet
« on: June 15, 2005, 10:53:05 am »
Maia's trip to the vet was the worst experience I have ever had with her.  It all started on Sunday night when I noticed her face was crusty, upon further inspection I saw it was pussy and bloody.  I got her quickly into the vet on Monday afternoon.  Once there she was fine, happy to see the receptionist and the little golden puppy next to us.  But then things changed, in came a lady and her crazy golden, who was pulling at the end of his leash and jumping around.  Maia obviously didn't like this and immediately jumped up snarled and lunged toward the dog.  I got her under control, then the lady decided to walk her dog past Maia, once again Maia went off.  So, I took Maia outside and go her calmed down.  We go back in and things are ok, then in walks a huge lab pulling at the end of his leash and dragging his owner.  Maia goes off again.  I had to tell the lady not to sit next to us because I couldn't promise my dog wouldn't bite.

Well, it was our turn to see the vet.  We go back, the vet tech takes Maia to get weighed, no problems... yet....

We are sitting the in the room, Maia is just chilling at my vet.  The vet comes in, no big deal, Maia really likes him.  Well, he calls her and she backed into me.  So, he gets down on his knee and calls again, this time she lunged at his face.  She didn't get him, he is dog smart enough to have been far enough away.  Maia had to be held down with the leash around her mouth so the vet could look at her face.  She lunged and snarled at him twice more before we left. 

When we got home she was normal.  I don't know what came over her.  She has never acted like this before.  I had planned to breed her if she passed her certification but not anymore.  She is scheduled to get spayed in July.

She is 13 months old and I have heard large breeds go through a fear stage at 1 year old.  I am mortified that my dog would act like that in public.  I even thought about putting her down because of her behavior (I could never do it).  I can't have a dog that goes off on people or other dogs especially since I plan to have kids someday.

I have instituted Maia time everyday where I spend an hour with just Maia in the house with me.  Do you guys think this will help?  What else can I do to help her get through this? ???

Emily and 1 husband, 1 boy, 1 on the way, and 4 crazy dogs

Offline greek4

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Re: Trip to the Vet
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2005, 11:30:27 am »
She has never acted like she acted on Monday.  She has rawhide aggression.  When she has a rawhide, she guards it from kids, and other dogs (except Rocco).  I thought that was her only issue.  It was very hot yesterday but she spent the morning in the house, in the air conditioning.  Her face was pretty bad, spollen and nasty, so that could have been it.

It just scared me that I had a dog that would act like that.  Rocco is the complete opposite.  He is as easy going as they come.  I'm going to keep her close for a while, though I have to board them this weekend which I am a little worried about.  I told the lady I board them with about Maia and she said she would check it out and keep any undog saavy people away from her.

Emily and 1 husband, 1 boy, 1 on the way, and 4 crazy dogs

Offline Mountainmom

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Re: Trip to the Vet
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2005, 11:30:52 am »
I know your fear factor. All I can say is Khan is afraid of big dogs. He is fine with dogs that are cocker size, but he has gotten use to the other size dogs now. We have been trying to introduce him to all sizes, types, and behaviors. Keep trying it, it will get better if you make the boundries clear in dog terms.

(Dog Whisperer is a great read).

As far as the vet, did he discover anything wrong? Was she physically sore and acting out? Has it been awhile since she saw him? Take her out as much as you can and introduce her to new places, people, and things. (As long as you can maintain control) It does sound like she has went back into a fear stage, keep up the outside of the house visits so she gets use to things again. It's crazy what they actually fear.

Offline Scootergirl

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Re: Trip to the Vet
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2005, 03:02:13 pm »
I think it's a very mature decision of yours not to breed her. Is she possibly in heat and the dogs she lunged at were female "competition?" or unwanted male "suitors?" When animals are in heat it tends to make the males around them more aggressive, making the females defensive sometimes as well - especially if something else is going on like an injury or illness.

I'm wondering if bonding even more closely with her is going to aggravate this problem, though. Just my opinion, but she sounded like she was probably defending you more than herself so if you create an even closer attachment or if she begins to feel more like the alpha dog instead of you then the problem may only get worse. Spaying her will probably help with her feelings of dominance, too.
"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principle difference between dog and man." -- Mark Twain

Offline greek4

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Re: Trip to the Vet
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2005, 06:13:25 am »
She definately wasn't in heat she went into heat at 9-10 months and is now over 13 months.  We maintain me as the dominant dog in everything we do.  She isn't allowed on the furniture, she isn't allowed to sleep in the bed, I can take her food, water, toys, etc even if she is chewing them.  I get her on her back and lay on her and kiss her and pull her feet (I don't hurt her).  She has to sit to get anything...out side, treat, water.

My Dad plans to come over next week a couple times and spend time with her while he acts as my handy man.  She seems to aim her aggression with people at men.  I want her to have a positive experience with him.  Since the vet, she has been great, I can tell she feels better.

Tonight I am watching my friends 3 year old who Maia loves but I am going to keep them apart except the initial hello and treat giving.  It sucks that I can't trust her like I used to. :-\

Emily and 1 husband, 1 boy, 1 on the way, and 4 crazy dogs