Author Topic: Bo Vs. Racoon-the 2am chaos  (Read 1200 times)

Offline CalistogaPyr

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Bo Vs. Racoon-the 2am chaos
« on: February 03, 2008, 01:04:24 am »
We had a bit of excitement last night!  I let Bo out to pee around 2am this morning and after doing her business, she squeezed through this tiny opening to go under the deck in front of our house (our house is built on a hill and the deck covers the slope in front of the house).  I went in after her, but she had gone about 30' and appeared to be stuck!  She was squirming and barking and I was really freaked out!  So I went inside and woke my husband up and asked him to come help me get her out from under the deck.  Keep in mind, there's only about 1.5 feet from the ground to the support beams of the deck, and my husband is 6'1", 230lbs.  Anyway, while I was waiting for him to get dressed, I looked under the house again and that was when I saw TWO GLOWING EYES...a BIG RACOON!!!  Clearly this was what motivated Bo to go under the deck.  So my husband has to shimmy under the deck and while he's trying to pull her out, she sqirms farther away from him and corners this 'coon and gets into a VERY nasty sounding fight with it.  I can't see anything at this point-I'm standing in the yard in the dark, I can only hear what is probably one of the worst sounds I've EVER heard.  My husband grabs a huge rock and throws it at the 'coon, which then takes off and runs out from under the deck, right over my feet and off into the darkness!!  It then takes him another 20 minutes to drag himself and Bo out from under the house (keep in mind there has been a sigthing of a second 'coon under the house while he's struggling with her).  He comes out, scratched & muddy.  Bo comes out COVERED in mud and whatever else was under there (wild critter poop, anyone?).  SHe's got a nick on her nose, which is bleeding, so I immediately freak out becuase her rabies shots are due to expire this month.  It's now 2:45am and I have to give Bo a BATH because she's so filty!!  Needless to say, the girl was VERY chagrined and sheepish this morning when we got up (again).  I now have to take her to the vet to get her nose checked and make sure she doesn't have any critter crud.  Oh, and my husband had to patch the hole where she squeezed through so as to avoid this happening again!!  Oh, and while all of this was happening...Fl oyd went back to bed!!
Just thought you guys would want to know what I was up to this morning!! 
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Offline maxsmom

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Re: Bo Vs. Racoon-the 2am chaos
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2008, 01:31:02 am »
Poor girl.  At least you know you have excellent protection in case any racoons attempt to take over your house.  She is a seasoned coon hunter now.  Good girl Bo, protecting your mommy and daddy.
Max  2 Irish Wolfhound
Jake  2 Great Pyrenees
Cody   3 Tibetan Mastiff
ChiChi 1.5 Caucasian Ovcharka
John and Nicki Maine Coon cats

Offline CalistogaPyr

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Re: Bo Vs. Racoon-the 2am chaos
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2008, 01:35:33 am »
Yeah, I think that she's had a 'coon vendetta since we first moved into the house and the 'coons learned to open the window to our guest bedroom and help themselves to the cat food!!  Since then, I think she's been biding her time, plotting her revenge.  I wish I had taken a picture of her all covered in mud (and whatever else was under there)!!
A guardian to her core, no 'coon is too scary for Bo!!
"Be the change you wish to see in the world"-Gandhi