Author Topic: Please Dont Tell Me This Is What I Think It Is!!! (SORRY, it's a long rant)  (Read 3981 times)


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So...Sunday, Mothers Day....Boys went out on the golf course (father in law is the superintendent ...dogs get free range)  and Bootsie (retriever mix) comes home with something in her mouth...Next thing you's in ROSCOE's mouth!!!! He acted as if he got me this AWESOME Mother's Day gift-

I took pictures because I wasn't sure what it was AT FIRST, and in case he got sick, I could give them to the vet.  Hubby and Ross wrestled on the ground for about 10 minutes before we could lodge this.....get ready..... HOOF + some LEG out of his mouth!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH I nearly passed out!!! YUCK!!! I Don't even know where he got it!!

I keep imagining that these 5 dogs ran Down an Antelope on the golf course...of course I know this is ridicules...Th ere aren't any antelopes in Riverside....a re there?  Maybe a goat? We have coyotes, I'm sure one of the dogs just picked it up...but...I don't even want to think about it...

Anyway I Threw it away, luckily nobody is throwing up or anything, but ugh...I washed his mouth out, and gave him a tbsp of Apple Cider Vinegar with a tsp on honey JUST in Case...

::sigh:: So...Just wanted to share...becaus e...I couldn't keep this disgusting thing to myself...Just wonder if anybody else's babies have brought home body parts?
« Last Edit: May 13, 2008, 10:01:35 am by AudgePadge »

Offline aggghgmom

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I'm glad everyone is feeling OK - what a nice bunch of pups you have to bring you a present.

When we had our Springer..Stol i she was playing with what looked like a stick in our backyard - I called her over to play fetch and as soon as I grabbed it I realized it was a rabbit leg - don't know where the poor rabbit wound gross!!

Thanks for the chuckle!!


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that looks like deer to me... ???

Offline Lacey

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It's not always our furry friends who bring us goodies ... my friends 1 year old was playing on the kitchen floor and suddenly started to choke.  My girlfriend assumed it was cat food, and when she scooped the offending object out of his mouth, she found he was gagging on a LIVE, BABY FROG!!!  ewwwww
Lacey ... caregiver to:

Fable ~ 8 yeard old husky mix female
Minerva ~ 2 year old rat terrier female
Ozzy ~ baby Australian mixed with 'something big' male

Offline Apreston

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Sick Sick sick.... dog are sooo gross but sooo cute!
Love the picts!
We had an Austrailan Shepard day I was sitting the our back deck and he comes running up beside me and lays big deal...he was just out in the feild running and playing he was taking a break. I hear this chirping...I look around to enjoy the scenary thinking maybe the bird is in the bird feeding; no no no I was sooo mistaken my dog had the Cardinal in his mouth! Then he drops in front of me like an offering! He did that a couple times with mice and once with a ground hog! Thank God you got it out of there mouths! But still soooo soooo funny!
Thanks for sharing!


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Eeeeewwwwwwwww w, that is so gross. :o
Before I got Clifford I used to have a doggy door for my Jack Russell and cat. They brought me in several mice and baby birds, usually only half dead so they could keep playing with them. My cat also brought in a live cockroach and just let it go on the floor. I'm glad no one was ever taking video as I jumped around screaming when Annie kept trying to give me a mouse. Fortunately those are the biggest critters they ever brought in.

Offline Scootergirl

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Well, that certainly beats Kentucky's dead squirrel she brought me a couple weeks ago. "Oh Deer"!! Happy Mother's Day!!
"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principle difference between dog and man." -- Mark Twain

Offline Rajas Mom

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I have an issue with toads and bunnies.  I live on a cul-de-sac in the township and what used to be a wooded swamp area on the other side of it is now an apartment complex.  Fortunately it's not close enough for me to even notice, however it has disturbed the eco-system around here a bit.  In the spring/summer I can't take a step in my yard without killing a toad.  The dogs have a field day (literally) with it.

For the past two years though, baby bunnies have been popping up in my yard.  This was a nightmare last summer when Bo (our lab) found an entire nest of them.  Dead baby bunnies everywhere!  I thought that was bad, but the worst was yet to come...

Raja managed to find one this past winter.  By the time I managed to track her down and get it away from her (she did make several attempts to bring it in the house) there was only half a bunny left and her white coat was smeared with blood.  It still makes me sick to think about it!
Raja (Our Princess), 3 yr St. Benard
Charlie (Our Calico Cat), 3 yr
Bocephus (Wild & Crazy Lab), RIP
Shadow (Secretly a Cat Schipperke Mix), RIP

Offline Ali

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OMG, I'm so sorry but I'm seriously laughing out loud in my office right now. I know it's not right but that third pic is priceless in a really sad, disgusting way.

Totally - that third picture is priceless. Yet, sooooo gross! That is the absolute beat all end all disgusto story of any pet's "gift" to their person!! I mean, really super ultra mega GROSS!!
mom of 4 humans AND
Tani (TAH-nee or rhymes with "Bonnie")- Aussie/Pittie?Boxer?Mutt!
Kai - Aussie/Dobie
Kenji - big ol' black cat
Mika and Nishi - kitty sisters, foster failures!
Tasia Ladysnake - ball python

Offline AltDeutsche

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Oh My!
What a gift!
Ya'll have some great stories. Thankfully the pups don't hunt and just enjoy the deer and rabbit we give them.
Mace Sable Coated GSD 02/08
Rex Sable Coated GSD 02/08


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So...I was sitting in my living room, watching this show called the VERMINATOR...o n..cant remember the's a group of exterminators, that get rid of these huge rats, mice or whatever...and's like watching a train just can't look away...

I thought of ALL of you and your stories posted here...and I couldn't sleep thinking that there were creepy crawlies all over me and that the dog might plop one on my pillow...

Offline brooklily

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hahahaha good stuff ,nice hoof!  Wheres the rest???????  Its amazing what they can catch when they want to. My dad's little but quite CHUBBY corgi caught and killed FIVE rabbits in one day  :o last spring.   Brooklily caught and ate a bird and I feel a squirrel is next. Its her main goal in life ::)    I try to scare them away before she gets out in the morning. Run squirrels ,run!
She is not naughty, she is fun!
Brooklily 2 1/2    bulldog mix