
Where do you fall in your family

10 (41.7%)
7 (29.2%)
Middle child
2 (8.3%)
Only child
5 (20.8%)
Not really sure
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 11

Voting closed: August 29, 2005, 11:11:39 am

Author Topic: Family Placement  (Read 16880 times)


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Re: Family Placement
« Reply #45 on: August 25, 2005, 01:36:55 am »
hey, this is no nickers pity party.  i just thought i was adding to the stories!  what doesn't kill us makes us stronger !  lol
I second that survival instinct!...I am sure that wasn't an isolated incident...Bee n there...done that...I'm sitting here, remembering & thinking that I'm not nearly as bad of Mom as I often think.


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Re: Family Placement
« Reply #46 on: August 25, 2005, 07:03:51 am »
No pity or anything, Nikkers, but DANG. What a scuzz-ball.

I could share my own scuzz-ball dad stories...but, hey. We all know we're interesting, right? I haven't spoken to the man in 11 years, so why think about him now?


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Re: Family Placement
« Reply #47 on: August 25, 2005, 08:32:00 am »
Wow Ladies!  Much respect to all of you!  I am very fortunate in that my Daddy is the BEST man on the planet!  He is my heart!  My Mom is a great lady too, however, she got sick when I was 11 and has been in and out of remission for the past 17 years.  Wow...I didn't realize it had been that long!  What she has isn't fatal, but it never goes away.

Anyway, needless to say, I learned how to wash clothes, cook, etc. at an early age.  Seeing a parent completely dependent on you, expecially at such a young age,  is a very humbling experience.  I think it was a good thing, though, b/c it caused me to be independent and self-reliant.  No matter what happens in my life, I know I can get through it.  I had to grow up pretty fast though.  My husband always reminds me that I am the most self-aware and self-reliant, not only woman, but person he knows...so I have to be patient with those who aren't.   ;)


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Re: Family Placement
« Reply #48 on: August 25, 2005, 08:35:21 am »
Wow, Heather! Its so nice that your husband recognizes that in you and tells you!

BTW, how's it all going with everyone back to school? Its SOOO quiet around here. Both Molly (my daughter) and Mark (boyfriend) started back on Monday...but I don't start until next Monday! hehehe! So, I've got a week to myself here! Its kinda weird. I thought I'd be getting so much done....but instead I find myself hopelessly addicted to BPO. Yesterday, I actually had to turn the computer off to get anything done.


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Re: Family Placement
« Reply #49 on: August 25, 2005, 08:42:55 am »
Thanks Nicole!   He's a pretty good guy....when he wants to be!  lol ;)

Hubby starts back to school on Monday over at UNC.  He's been working on his experiments all summer long trying to get a paper out, so I'm sure things are going to get real hectic when classes crank up!  I started a new job (with the same company, though), so things are a little slow, but I have a feeling they are going to get crazy soon!

Are you looking forward to getting back to classes?  How's Molly enjoying the new year?  Good teachers, etc?  Molly is such a cute name... for a cute little daughter, of course!!

So...you turned the computer off, huh?  We were wondering where you went!!  :D


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Re: Family Placement
« Reply #50 on: August 25, 2005, 08:46:14 am »
UNC-CH? I'm pretty sure you told me that once before....I went there for awhile! One of my good friends just finished his Chem PH.D so I can relate to being all crazy and trying to get papers out! His wife was my best friend and she was like, "AGH! I just can't wait for it to be over!" But, now he's Dr. Hampton Henley III and it was all worth it! hehehehe!

Molly loves school. She loves all of her teachers and she loves being in middle school now. I can't believe she's in middle school. I think I'm going to go have a heart attack!

Yeah, I just had to shut the dang computer off, I couldn't get ANYTHING done! hahahahaha!