Author Topic: Anyone else with a hard headed dog , litteraly ? LOL  (Read 7917 times)

Offline Boobearsmom

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Re: Anyone else with a hard headed dog , litteraly ? LOL
« Reply #30 on: March 16, 2006, 10:15:12 am »
Oh man have I been there!  Not only does Boo do the sitting on the lap in the bathroom thing, but she will occasionally decide to try and push me off the toilet because she wants to see a)what I'm doing there or b) that she needs a drink (eewwhh).  Needless to say, I've never actually taken a tumble off of it yet  ;D  Oh and not only does she have a hard head that opens doors, but a hard tail too.  One time I had about 4 bruises running from my hip to knee.  I showed my mother and she freaked wondering what happened.  I told her it was the dog's tail that happened.  I looked like I had been beaten with a stick!

Gypsy Jazmine

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Re: Anyone else with a hard headed dog , litteraly ? LOL
« Reply #31 on: March 16, 2006, 11:08:11 am »
If you ask my DH he will tell you that Pippin has the hardest head imaginable...P ippin greets DH by placing his massive head between DH's legs & jerking sharply upward...I don't think I've ever seen DH double over so much in 10 yrs. as I have since we got Pippin! :D

Offline NoDogNow

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Re: Anyone else with a hard headed dog , litteraly ? LOL
« Reply #32 on: March 16, 2006, 03:51:35 pm »
This is why our bathroom had a deadbolt lock when I was a kid.

Not to use a as a panic room in case of burglars.

Not to force children to wait until you're done.

To keep DOGS out of the bathroom.

My mom has a shy bladder, and she flatly CANNOT go if there's anyone else in the bathroom--dogs included. Our little chia-rat dogs were easily held out by the simple latching of the door. They didn't much like being left out of the action, but didn't really have any choice.

Then my uncle got Daisy, his infamous turkey stealing Saint mix.  By the time she was 6 months old she figured out how to grab a door handle in her mouth and turn it to open a door.  Needless to say, she went pretty much everywhere she wanted to, and it didn't much matter whose house she was in.

After she'd traumatized my poor mother twice, Mom made Dad go buy one of those storm door hook and eye latches. 

That didn't even work one time. 

Daisy got the door unlatched, but found it would only open an inch. Those latches might stand up to a 5 year old, but not a 6 month old Saint with her feet braced against the wall. She flat SHOVED the door open with her head, and ripped the hook piece right out of the door frame. 

It's good to be reminded of the need for a deadbolt for the bathroom door when you have a big paw...

Sheryl, Dogless and sad

Offline greek4

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Re: Anyone else with a hard headed dog , litteraly ? LOL
« Reply #33 on: March 16, 2006, 03:56:42 pm »
Rocco has a really hard head and uses to catch a shutting door, prevent you from shutting a door, shove a closed door open, lift the bed to get a bone, anything he can do he does.  He will slam his head and not even shake it off, he just keeps going.

Emily and 1 husband, 1 boy, 1 on the way, and 4 crazy dogs