Author Topic: 2nd Dog  (Read 4604 times)

Offline smsmith

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Re: 2nd Dog
« Reply #15 on: April 14, 2006, 04:42:28 am »
What is it I dont love about them...With both of them, I am in awe at how intune to me they are, I like the fact that they arent on top of me but near me, They are very calm tolerant tender animals to their own pack, defend you with their life in a heart beat, indifferent to the world around them, intelligent and able to think on their own, clean, able to tolerate wide range of temps, minimal grooming (brushing during fur storms) speedbumps in the house but when I am ready to go, they are too. Non destructive and can stay at home for 12 hours without incident if I should need them to.

I like how they have two faces... goofy love bugs to us but very stern to the outside world... they are like a secret

I can go on and on and on...

Thanks.  Einstein is the only dog I've had in sooooo many years that I was curious about how he (as an Ovcharka) is compared to other dogs.  I'm always amazed at how Einstein knows things.  And he's so stubborn -- last night he graced me with his presence in my bedroom (on the floor, next to french doors with long drapes).  I heard him licking/chewing, but figured he was cleaning the filth from the dog park off his paws.  Turns out he was chewing the hem of my drapes.  I tapped him on the head and said "no" as stern as I could.  He just sat there for a minute -- waited till I had resumed reading, then got up and laid down on the OTHER side of my bed.  He never acts like he got "caught" doing something bad, but he immediately stops and then steals away to another area.

He's always amusing.   