Author Topic: Kitana's in trouble again! Need Help!  (Read 17989 times)


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Kitana's in trouble again! Need Help!
« on: May 16, 2006, 07:43:06 am »
Yesterday Kitana nipped me in the face. I was sitting in a chair ignoring her because she wouldn't leave me alone. Normally she just barks and jumps up. This time she jumped directly at my face and caught my lip. So I grabbed her muzzled and said NO. She then turned on her back.

Then other day Raeanne(my daughter) had Kitana toy and wouldn't give it to her. So Kitana went to grab the toy and got Raeanne's hand. Kitana didn't break the skin but you could see the teeth marks. Sometimes when you're walking Kitana will grab your pants with her teeth. She has always been a mouthy girl. I thought I could handle and train her out of it. I'm not having any luck.

I need to stop this behaviour now or Kitana will no longer be in this house. I have tried grabbing her muzzle with a stern no, but that's not sinking in her thick head. The only thing that works is a squirt bottle, but I don't always have it with me. Then I have to be proactive about it. Any advice?


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Re: Kitana's in trouble again! Need Help!
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2006, 08:00:03 am »
If she's still small enough to "manhandle" try that. 
Last night I had had enough of Grace blowing me off when I tell her no.  And I have done this before with the breeders advise.  When she was little I would roll her on her back and growl and snarl and hold a glare till she looked away.  We did that with Lady too when she acted up. 
Last night I laid on top of Grace and gave her my best "alpha dog".  She swallowed her clump of TP, but she got the point.  We laid there for more than 5 minutes staring at eachother and I growled and snarled.  The rest of the night she was a different dog. 
I know it sounds brutal...but it gives them the idea that YOU are in control and they'd better listen cuz YOU are the big dog.  This works with dogs who are large and heavy's a constant battle with dogs who have developed some bad habits.  We roll Lady over once in a while too even though she's over 100 pounds. 
Just remember...the y want and need structure and direction.  So do you. 
With biting...I think just read an article yesterday about that.  I left it at home this morning.  PM your email addy and I'll fax it to my email and email it to you.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2006, 08:03:24 am by lins_saving_grace »


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Re: Kitana's in trouble again! Need Help!
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2006, 08:07:33 am »
Question!  When you "scold" her...what does your voice sound like?  High pitched and excited?  Or calm and low, deep and authoritative?  The difference in my aggrivated high pitched excited I've had enough scold that makes Grace do it anyway and worse and my calm, deep I'm the big dog voice that makes Grace think before she does makes a world of difference.


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Re: Kitana's in trouble again! Need Help!
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2006, 08:09:55 am »
Thanks Lin! I just pm'd you.

I do the NILF thing with Kitana, but she just doesn't seem to get it. She knows "leave it" cause she eats and chews on everything. She's just too smart for her own good. I'm at my wits end with her. Yesterday she peed on her bed right in front of me! I know she did it on purpose. I never had any problems like this with Kiah and she's suppose to be the stubborn one. LOL! 


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Re: Kitana's in trouble again! Need Help!
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2006, 08:11:42 am »
Question!  When you "scold" her...what does your voice sound like?  High pitched and excited?  Or calm and low, deep and authoritative?  The difference in my aggrivated high pitched excited I've had enough scold that makes Grace do it anyway and worse and my calm, deep I'm the big dog voice that makes Grace think before she does makes a world of difference.

It's a deep stern NO! No high pitch sound here!


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Re: Kitana's in trouble again! Need Help!
« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2006, 08:19:20 am »
Repeatition!!! Repeatition!!! Repeatition!!! Repeatition!!! Repeatition!!! Repeatition!!! Repeatition!!! Repeatition!!! Repeatition!!! :)  ;D 
I get sick of it myself telling Grace the same thing over and over...God I get sick of it!  But she's learning and has come a long way.  So have I really.

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Re: Kitana's in trouble again! Need Help!
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2006, 08:40:22 am »
It seems like you have a very drivey dog...that needs constant mental and physical stimulation... she nipped you in the face for attention (even though it is not polite)she seems like a dog always on the go....

My brother has a poodle that I am with everday from 8-3 and well the pup (5.5mths) needs constant stimulation and excerises....

how much time can you honestly give to her in regards to working her persay... If you do walks, just take her, do lots of OB and differnt things to mentally exhaust her as well as physcially and seems like you might have to take a lengthy walk at that...

I would put her on schudele of crate, exercise, alone time, work, she knows what comes next
Zero 23mth  Central Asian Ovcharka
Anchara 16mth old Caucasian Ovcharka

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Re: Kitana's in trouble again! Need Help!
« Reply #7 on: May 16, 2006, 08:42:48 am »
I haven't had issues with real nipping ....but I've had other issues and the Mr. Can thing (nails or rocks in a can and give a good shake) worked wonders... well, its worked for my Weim...but Riley my Beagle is a little deaf to the noise... its worked great with teaching Duffy not to chase the kitties and to get him to stop some annoying behavior... so Mr. Can is my steady when I need help on something...

xoxo marianna
Hugs & wags -
Marianna, Riley & Duffy


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Re: Kitana's in trouble again! Need Help!
« Reply #8 on: May 16, 2006, 10:16:01 am »
Definately the can.  Loud noises if your dog responds is great.  Grace reacts to the...even if I stomp my foot loudly she gets that.  Water bottles...they do so so for Grace but great for other dogs. 

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Re: Kitana's in trouble again! Need Help!
« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2006, 10:41:51 am »
I'm so glad you brought up this problem.  I haven't had actual nipping (yet) but Einstein gets more rambunctious all the time and we walk for 30-60 minutes every day.  I needed to be reminded to do obedience, too!  He seems to be oblivious to my "hush" when he's barking -- I am going to get a can ready tonight.  I'd like to know more about teaching him to lay down and stay -- and also to come.  He's USUALLY good about it, but I don't feel like I'm really in control -- it's just that he's ready to go so he'll come.  At first treats did the trick, but he doesn't have any interest in them anymore.  He KNOWS when we're going for a walk and he gets so excited!  I make him sit and stay before we go out the door and if he runs for it when the door opens, I bring him back inside and make him do it right.

In the past when I've tried rolling him over, he thinks I'm playing and he jumps up and runs around.  How strenuously should I force him to lay down?  And using my best "boss" voice, and mean look, doesn't have ANY impact when he's excited.

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Re: Kitana's in trouble again! Need Help!
« Reply #10 on: May 16, 2006, 10:45:27 am »
Poor chara did so much OB on walks... LOL... we did long sits, down,s stays, ups, paw, played with tug etc... and zero too...

and with dogs, give and inch they will take a mile...remeber they are dogs and dont share or care, if you dont stay in control and show stuff they will eventually try and take over
Zero 23mth  Central Asian Ovcharka
Anchara 16mth old Caucasian Ovcharka

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Re: Kitana's in trouble again! Need Help!
« Reply #11 on: May 16, 2006, 11:07:54 am »
Some people may not agree with this, but Bella had me at the end of my rope also.  If I wasn't paying attention to her, she would come up behind me and either grab my shirt or my pants and pull hard!  She ripped several shirts.  She also would put her mouth on me all of the time.  I tried all of the dominance things, etc, etc.  I finally bought a shock collar.  I've rarely had to even use the shock part, I just use the beeper (tone) part.  When she is getting out of hand, I tell her no and beep it until she does what I want.  If she doesn't pay attention, I will give her a small shock.  It doesn't hurt her, but gets her attention.  She has become a completely different lovable baby!!!

Yesterday Kitana nipped me in the face. I was sitting in a chair ignoring her because she wouldn't leave me alone. Normally she just barks and jumps up. This time she jumped directly at my face and caught my lip. So I grabbed her muzzled and said NO. She then turned on her back.

Then other day Raeanne(my daughter) had Kitana toy and wouldn't give it to her. So Kitana went to grab the toy and got Raeanne's hand. Kitana didn't break the skin but you could see the teeth marks. Sometimes when you're walking Kitana will grab your pants with her teeth. She has always been a mouthy girl. I thought I could handle and train her out of it. I'm not having any luck.

I need to stop this behaviour now or Kitana will no longer be in this house. I have tried grabbing her muzzle with a stern no, but that's not sinking in her thick head. The only thing that works is a squirt bottle, but I don't always have it with me. Then I have to be proactive about it. Any advice?
Tessie - Belladonna's and Mojo's Mom


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Re: Kitana's in trouble again! Need Help!
« Reply #12 on: May 16, 2006, 11:17:07 am »
I'm so glad you brought up this problem.  I haven't had actual nipping (yet) but Einstein gets more rambunctious all the time and we walk for 30-60 minutes every day.  I needed to be reminded to do obedience, too!  He seems to be oblivious to my "hush" when he's barking -- I am going to get a can ready tonight.  I'd like to know more about teaching him to lay down and stay -- and also to come.  He's USUALLY good about it, but I don't feel like I'm really in control -- it's just that he's ready to go so he'll come.  At first treats did the trick, but he doesn't have any interest in them anymore.  He KNOWS when we're going for a walk and he gets so excited!  I make him sit and stay before we go out the door and if he runs for it when the door opens, I bring him back inside and make him do it right.

In the past when I've tried rolling him over, he thinks I'm playing and he jumps up and runs around.  How strenuously should I force him to lay down?  And using my best "boss" voice, and mean look, doesn't have ANY impact when he's excited.
Rolling a dog over is submission.  You have to let him know it's not play roll over.  When I roll either of my girls over they think it's play too...until mommy or daddy who outweigh them... are right there on top of them, sitting on them, straddling them, holding them down.  you may not have to hold them down as forcefully as time goes by...but you may need to put your back into it at first.  It doesn't hurt the dog...just their pride.  Use your best judgement.  A mother dog would do the same thing but would probably put some teeth into it.

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Re: Kitana's in trouble again! Need Help!
« Reply #13 on: May 16, 2006, 11:19:37 am »
Most alphas dont roll their pack mates and very rarely use force.  and it is quite a dangerous thing to do in regards to getting bit... force doesnt need to be used... body language and consistency... i have never had to 'roll' any dog and my chara gave me a good run for a while...
Zero 23mth  Central Asian Ovcharka
Anchara 16mth old Caucasian Ovcharka


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Re: Kitana's in trouble again! Need Help!
« Reply #14 on: May 16, 2006, 11:20:58 am »
Some people may not agree with this, but Bella had me at the end of my rope also.  If I wasn't paying attention to her, she would come up behind me and either grab my shirt or my pants and pull hard!  She ripped several shirts.  She also would put her mouth on me all of the time.  I tried all of the dominance things, etc, etc.  I finally bought a shock collar.  I've rarely had to even use the shock part, I just use the beeper (tone) part.  When she is getting out of hand, I tell her no and beep it until she does what I want.  If she doesn't pay attention, I will give her a small shock.  It doesn't hurt her, but gets her attention.  She has become a completely different lovable baby!!!

Yesterday Kitana nipped me in the face. I was sitting in a chair ignoring her because she wouldn't leave me alone. Normally she just barks and jumps up. This time she jumped directly at my face and caught my lip. So I grabbed her muzzled and said NO. She then turned on her back.

Then other day Raeanne(my daughter) had Kitana toy and wouldn't give it to her. So Kitana went to grab the toy and got Raeanne's hand. Kitana didn't break the skin but you could see the teeth marks. Sometimes when you're walking Kitana will grab your pants with her teeth. She has always been a mouthy girl. I thought I could handle and train her out of it. I'm not having any luck.

I need to stop this behaviour now or Kitana will no longer be in this house. I have tried grabbing her muzzle with a stern no, but that's not sinking in her thick head. The only thing that works is a squirt bottle, but I don't always have it with me. Then I have to be proactive about it. Any advice?
I think a shock training device is necessary if all other techniques fail.  Some high spirited dogs can be very successfully trained this way.  It's not cruel...they wouldn't make them if it was cruel. 
Luckily we haven't had to resort to this...invisib le fence sells little shock things that look like fire alarms that keep pets from going into certain areas of the house etc. also.