Author Topic: More than a handful - YUK!  (Read 20533 times)

Offline PennyK

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More than a handful - YUK!
« on: May 28, 2006, 07:47:16 pm »
Does anyone have any tips or tricks for picking up after your big paw while out on walks?   :-[

Teddy is getting bigger and so are his leftovers.  YUK!  In the yard we can use a shovel but I've just been taking a grocery bag on our walks and its getting increasingly difficult to pick "it" all up in one hand while the other holds the leash. 

I'm just wondering what method of poop scooping works best for our big guys? 

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Re: More than a handful - YUK!
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2006, 08:41:47 pm »
Badger immediately stops doing his business if he suspects that I'm watching.  He won't even go unless he is totally hidden, so I have to chase him around to find the teeny tiny piles.  He sees me and runs off to hide again, usually behind a bush that I can totally see him hiding behind.  I have no ideas for big loads, but I can tell you that one big pile is probably easier to deal with than 13 baby turds!  Hey, I would ask Liz, she knows a LOT about doggy piles!

Offline shangrila

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Re: More than a handful - YUK!
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2006, 07:40:11 pm »
Nowadays Zoey pretty just only goes in our yard, so when I walk her I just carry bags in case (I buy the green ones with handles or the blue ones with handles - grocery store bags often have nicks in them  :-X ). The thing that is nice about the bags I buy is that they are easy to tie while holding a leash because they are big and have handles.

One thing I would also suggest is the pooper scooper they sell at target. When we first got zoey, I bought one that is hand-held - it was plastic and green and opens/closes one handed. I just checked and they don't sell it online, so I can't give you a link, but I know I have seen it at other target stores, but no where else. I would check it out cause it's super easy to do one handed.

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Offline aggghgmom

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Re: More than a handful - YUK!
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2006, 01:07:52 pm »
I'm sure Harley's aren't as big as some others but they are big enough and smelly enough for me.  I use the bag our newspaper comes in and also tie the leash around my waist or under my foot.  The other hand is covering my nose or I will toss my cookies and I don't want to be picking that up also.

Harley NEVER poops while on a leash until last week I mapped out a new 2 mile route so we didn't have to go over the highway because the noise freaks him out; anyway there is a large grass area on our new route and he ALWAYS poops there.  I am going to try a new route as soon as it cools down around here.

I must say I HATE carrying the bag of poop home so I am considering getting Harley a pack so he can carry it himself!!
« Last Edit: May 30, 2006, 01:10:40 pm by aggghgmom »

Offline Boyle

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Re: More than a handful - YUK!
« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2006, 01:27:02 pm »
I found that once we bettered the quality of kibble, his intake decreased (from 8-10 cups to 5-7 cups) as did his "output."  We have Nola on raw now and it is barely a handful - I am not kidding - plus it doesn't smell quite so bad.  I hope that doesn't sound like I am gloating  :D

Offline zanie

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Re: More than a handful - YUK!
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2006, 02:10:09 pm »
I'm sure Harley's aren't as big as some others but they are big enough and smelly enough for me.  I use the bag our newspaper comes in and also tie the leash around my waist or under my foot.  The other hand is covering my nose or I will toss my cookies and I don't want to be picking that up also.

Harley NEVER poops while on a leash until last week I mapped out a new 2 mile route so we didn't have to go over the highway because the noise freaks him out; anyway there is a large grass area on our new route and he ALWAYS poops there.  I am going to try a new route as soon as it cools down around here.

I must say I HATE carrying the bag of poop home so I am considering getting Harley a pack so he can carry it himself!!

That whole carry-the-poop-home thing just grosses me right the heck out!  I have considered a backpack type of thing for Dell but if I'm going to spend the $$ on a backpack, personally I don't really want to shove poo in it, even if it IS in a bag  :-\  and besides, Prince Dell would be MORTIFIED if he knew he was carrying his own poo on his back.

I've tried tying it around the leash but we use a Flexi and it just slides down the lead and gets in the way. 
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Offline brandon

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Re: More than a handful - YUK!
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2006, 02:18:41 pm »
Oh, this is the perfect opportunity for me to mention Poop Freeze again! :) Where their slogan is "Clean up with poop-freeze.. because it's your dootie"

Sorry, the whole idea cracks me up, even though I am sure it would be less gross to pick up.
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Re: More than a handful - YUK!
« Reply #7 on: June 26, 2006, 02:22:01 pm »
Oh, this is the perfect opportunity for me to mention Poop Freeze again! :) Where their slogan is "Clean up with poop-freeze.. because it's your dootie"

Sorry, the whole idea cracks me up, even though I am sure it would be less gross to pick up.

Oh THAT is friggin' hysterical! 

Offline zanie

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Re: More than a handful - YUK!
« Reply #8 on: June 26, 2006, 02:22:48 pm »
Oh, this is the perfect opportunity for me to mention Poop Freeze again! :) Where their slogan is "Clean up with poop-freeze.. because it's your dootie"

Sorry, the whole idea cracks me up, even though I am sure it would be less gross to pick up.

 ;D ;DBWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!  That is GREAT! Has anyone tried this?
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Offline NoDogNow

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Re: More than a handful - YUK!
« Reply #9 on: June 26, 2006, 03:34:15 pm »
That is GREAT! Has anyone tried this?

Being dogless and sad, I have not tried, it, but HAVE SEEN IT used around West Hollywood and near the Grove!  It's every bit has funny as you think it is, particularly as it has a CUSTOM FANNY PACK to carry the can, the bags and other poo supplies.   :D  :D

The humor value goes up exponentially when the wearer of the Poo-Pack is one of those fashion conscious and clearly trying to be dignified about it all gay guys. Just picture it: the Versace shirt, the Marc Jacobs slacks, the trendy matching shoes...and the Poo Pack around his waist.
Sheryl, Dogless and sad


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Re: More than a handful - YUK!
« Reply #10 on: June 26, 2006, 03:41:19 pm »
That is GREAT! Has anyone tried this?

Being dogless and sad, I have not tried, it, but HAVE SEEN IT used around West Hollywood and near the Grove!  It's every bit has funny as you think it is, particularly as it has a CUSTOM FANNY PACK to carry the can, the bags and other poo supplies.   :D  :D

The humor value goes up exponentially when the wearer of the Poo-Pack is one of those fashion conscious and clearly trying to be dignified about it all gay guys. Just picture it: the Versace shirt, the Marc Jacobs slacks, the trendy matching shoes...and the Poo Pack around his waist.

AHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA They ought to include a can of perfume that you can spritz it with after you freeze it. 

Holly, you reminded me of something, I can't believe I had forgotten.  Years ago, I was hiking with Pookie (on a very commonly used trail), he did his business and when I picked it up, there was a hole in the bag.  Well, to make things worse, it was very squishy, and the doo got up under two of my fingernails.  We were a few miles from the trail head, and wiping it on the grass wasn't working...wate r wouldn't even make the stink go away.  It was So repulsive, and for some odd reason, I couldn't stop myself from sporadically sniffing my fingers. 


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Re: More than a handful - YUK!
« Reply #11 on: June 26, 2006, 03:53:20 pm »
That is GREAT! Has anyone tried this?

Being dogless and sad, I have not tried, it, but HAVE SEEN IT used around West Hollywood and near the Grove!  It's every bit has funny as you think it is, particularly as it has a CUSTOM FANNY PACK to carry the can, the bags and other poo supplies.   :D  :D

The humor value goes up exponentially when the wearer of the Poo-Pack is one of those fashion conscious and clearly trying to be dignified about it all gay guys. Just picture it: the Versace shirt, the Marc Jacobs slacks, the trendy matching shoes...and the Poo Pack around his waist.

AHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA They ought to include a can of perfume that you can spritz it with after you freeze it. 

Holly, you reminded me of something, I can't believe I had forgotten.  Years ago, I was hiking with Pookie (on a very commonly used trail), he did his business and when I picked it up, there was a hole in the bag.  Well, to make things worse, it was very squishy, and the doo got up under two of my fingernails.  We were a few miles from the trail head, and wiping it on the grass wasn't working...wate r wouldn't even make the stink go away.  It was So repulsive, and for some odd reason, I couldn't stop myself from sporadically sniffing my fingers. 
OH Good Lord, sometimes I horrify myself.
 ::) :-[ :-\


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Re: More than a handful - YUK!
« Reply #12 on: June 26, 2006, 05:33:06 pm »
BWAHAHHAHAHAHA HAHA  You are a sick-o freakazoid!


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Re: More than a handful - YUK!
« Reply #13 on: June 26, 2006, 05:34:52 pm »


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Re: More than a handful - YUK!
« Reply #14 on: June 26, 2006, 05:37:02 pm »
Oh don't get all blushy now. LOL   You know you liked it.