Author Topic: Weight Watchers and Nicoderm  (Read 8806 times)

Offline Bella's mom

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Weight Watchers and Nicoderm
« on: June 06, 2006, 10:11:07 pm »
I need your prayers. :)  I'm starting Weight Watchers and getting back on the nicotine patch tomorrow.  Both on the same day! :o  I've quit smoking before for about 4 years, and then about a year and a half ago thought that I could just have one.  Big mistake.  I need the most willpower that I have ever had in my life!  I'll be trying to lose 23 pounds at the same time.

Also, pray for my coworkers.  I've warned them about my plans, so they will probably try to stay clear of me so that I won't take their heads off.  >:( :D
Tessie - Belladonna's and Mojo's Mom


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Re: Weight Watchers and Nicoderm
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2006, 10:13:38 pm »
I need your prayers. :)  I'm starting Weight Watchers and getting back on the nicotine patch tomorrow.  Both on the same day! :o  I've quit smoking before for about 4 years, and then about a year and a half ago thought that I could just have one.  Big mistake.  I need the most willpower that I have ever had in my life!  I'll be trying to lose 23 pounds at the same time.

Also, pray for my coworkers.  I've warned them about my plans, so they will probably try to stay clear of me so that I won't take their heads off.  >:( :D
I did ww for 15 years.  It is a really wonderful, difficult to get used to program.  If you need any help at all, you can pm me, or drop me a hotmail.  I mean, anything at all. 
I'm doing Jenny Craig for about 4 more weeks, then when I reach goal, I'm heading back to ww, so I can do it with you!

Offline Bella's mom

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Re: Weight Watchers and Nicoderm
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2006, 10:18:51 pm »
I need your prayers. :)  I'm starting Weight Watchers and getting back on the nicotine patch tomorrow.  Both on the same day! :o  I've quit smoking before for about 4 years, and then about a year and a half ago thought that I could just have one.  Big mistake.  I need the most willpower that I have ever had in my life!  I'll be trying to lose 23 pounds at the same time.

Also, pray for my coworkers.  I've warned them about my plans, so they will probably try to stay clear of me so that I won't take their heads off.  >:( :D
I did ww for 15 years.  It is a really wonderful, difficult to get used to program.  If you need any help at all, you can pm me, or drop me a hotmail.  I mean, anything at all. 
I'm doing Jenny Craig for about 4 more weeks, then when I reach goal, I'm heading back to ww, so I can do it with you!

That sounds great.  Did you do ww on your own, or did you go to meetings?  There are people at work who are just getting all of the info on-line, so that's my plan.  I just got so jealous seeing my coworkers losing weight while I'm just putting it on.
Tessie - Belladonna's and Mojo's Mom


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Re: Weight Watchers and Nicoderm
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2006, 10:24:52 pm »

That sounds great.  Did you do ww on your own, or did you go to meetings?  There are people at work who are just getting all of the info on-line, so that's my plan.  I just got so jealous seeing my coworkers losing weight while I'm just putting it on.
I initially went to meetings very religiously and I don't think I personally would have made it at that time in my life without the meetings.  Once I worked through the stuff that made me fat, I went to meetings about once a month, free, as a lifetime member.  I did that as a way, for me,  to feel connected to the program, and as a sort of life raft so that I wouldn't gain too much weight back during the month.  I am a really emotional eater, with some binging issues.  For me, it helped to go to a meeting and look around at all the fat people saying EXACTLY the same stuff out loud that I said to myself in my head. 
I think probably at this point in my life I could probably just count points and monitor myself online, but I also like knowing where the local meeting is, and what time it takes place, so I can go if I need to. 
If you would describe yourself as a very emotional eater, with limited knowledge about portion size and tools for weight loss, then I think you ought to consider going to the meetings, at least for a while. 
If you are a self motivator, who isn't really an emotional eater, and you sorta know what your triggers are and how to monitor yourself, then online should work for you.  All you really need in that case is to be more aware of your food choices and monitor calorie intake. 

Offline Bella's mom

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Re: Weight Watchers and Nicoderm
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2006, 10:31:43 pm »
The only emotional eating (or lack of) that I do is when I am really upset about something.  I completely lose my appetite.  Otherwise, I think that I eat out of boredom or just because I want some comfort food.  Actually, would that be called emotional eating? :-\
Tessie - Belladonna's and Mojo's Mom

Offline MafiaPrincess

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Re: Weight Watchers and Nicoderm
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2006, 10:33:51 pm »
Good luck *hugs*

Please remember muscle weighs more than fat.. and the numbers on the scale are less important than what size of jeans you can now get into.

My father drilled that into my head my whole life.. And while I know it's true.  It still minorly depresses me what the scale says. 

I dropped 4 pants sizes between septemeber and now.. and lost all of, 3/4 of a pound..

But I can see muscle tone where there was none.

Just keep in mind that the scale isn't as important as people would like to make it out to be.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2006, 10:35:20 pm by MafiaPrincess »
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Offline Bella's mom

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Re: Weight Watchers and Nicoderm
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2006, 10:38:47 pm »
Good luck *hugs*

Please remember luscle weighs more than fat.. and the numbers on the scale are less important than what size of jeans you can now get into.

My father drilled that into my head my whole life.. And while I know it's true.  It still minorly depresses me what the scale says. 

I dropped 4 pants sizes between septemeber and now.. and lost all of, 3/4 of a pound..

But I can see muscle tone where there was none.

Just keep in mind that the scale isn't as important as people would like to make it out to be.

Thanks.  I totally agree.  That's just a number that I throw out, but I know when I am healthy.  I just feel good.  All you have to do is fit into that pair of pants that you couldn't wear for the last two years, and that is what counts!
Bella and I are going to start walking in the morning.  I work evenings, and she and I had gotten into a great habit of walking before I went to work, but then it became 200 degrees here, so....  Anyway, excuses aside, we are going to walk about 8 or 830am, before it is unbearable for both of us.
Tessie - Belladonna's and Mojo's Mom


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Re: Weight Watchers and Nicoderm
« Reply #7 on: June 06, 2006, 10:55:43 pm »
Eating out of boredom or because you want comfort foods is emotional eating, by pop psych definition. 
I think your plan is awesome, but I am worried that you could be asking too much of yourself and then you could set yourself up for failure.  Do you tend to bite off more than you can chew?  (I'm personally really bad about that).  If you haven't already been exercising, I wouldn't recommend starting that at the same time you start the diet.  In fact, if you went to meetings you would hear that you shouldn't begin an exercise routine for at least 2 weeks.  The reason for that is that you will be on a very restricted caloric level, and it will take time for your body to adjust.  If you are also exercising, you could send your body into 'starvation' and you don't want that.  It's fine if you are set on doing the walking too, but in that case, you need to carefully monitor your activity level and increase your points value for that day, to accomodate the burned calories. 
The quitting smoking thing is great too, but it's just a ton to try and do all at once. 

Offline Bella's mom

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Re: Weight Watchers and Nicoderm
« Reply #8 on: June 06, 2006, 10:57:04 pm »
OK, it's three minutes until midnight here.  I have to hurry and eat all the bad food in the fridge and smoke my last cigarette in the next three minutes. :D :o
I'll go do that now, and then go straight to bed so I don't think about it anymore. :D
Tessie - Belladonna's and Mojo's Mom


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Re: Weight Watchers and Nicoderm
« Reply #9 on: June 06, 2006, 10:59:59 pm »
OK, it's three minutes until midnight here.  I have to hurry and eat all the bad food in the fridge and smoke my last cigarette in the next three minutes. :D :o
I'll go do that now, and then go straight to bed so I don't think about it anymore. :D

Offline MafiaPrincess

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Re: Weight Watchers and Nicoderm
« Reply #10 on: June 06, 2006, 11:11:42 pm »
Thanks.  I totally agree.  That's just a number that I throw out, but I know when I am healthy.  I just feel good.  All you have to do is fit into that pair of pants that you couldn't wear for the last two years, and that is what counts!
Bella and I are going to start walking in the morning.  I work evenings, and she and I had gotten into a great habit of walking before I went to work, but then it became 200 degrees here, so....  Anyway, excuses aside, we are going to walk about 8 or 830am, before it is unbearable for both of us.

I fully understand.  I just get worried when people mark off I need to loose X pounds.. Some people don't know better, you never know.  I like to reassure people that the scale isn't the be all and end all :)
I was pretty shocked at the doctor last week to see I'd lost 3/4 of a pound and 4 pants sizes together..  But I haven't fit into my jeans from grade 13 in FIVE years and they fit again so woooot.  I'm hear roaring for you.
My neighbour thinks I'm still shedding some.  I've gotten into doing hopefully 2 dog things a day.  Like a walk/jog and playing some ball.  Blading some days.. Agility classes.  I've been bad for a year on giving Cider enough excercise.  Thought playing with her wouldn't help me.  But it's added a deep bond, and we both are looking sexy ;)
I think getting into a walking 'habit' is rocking hun.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2006, 11:12:34 pm by MafiaPrincess »
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Offline Bella's mom

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Re: Weight Watchers and Nicoderm
« Reply #11 on: June 06, 2006, 11:15:04 pm »
Eating out of boredom or because you want comfort foods is emotional eating, by pop psych definition. 
I think your plan is awesome, but I am worried that you could be asking too much of yourself and then you could set yourself up for failure.  Do you tend to bite off more than you can chew?  (I'm personally really bad about that).  If you haven't already been exercising, I wouldn't recommend starting that at the same time you start the diet.  In fact, if you went to meetings you would hear that you shouldn't begin an exercise routine for at least 2 weeks.  The reason for that is that you will be on a very restricted caloric level, and it will take time for your body to adjust.  If you are also exercising, you could send your body into 'starvation' and you don't want that.  It's fine if you are set on doing the walking too, but in that case, you need to carefully monitor your activity level and increase your points value for that day, to accomodate the burned calories. 
The quitting smoking thing is great too, but it's just a ton to try and do all at once. 

I just had to get on-line once more before bed. :D  Yep, well I guess that I am an emotional eater.  That's good to know about the exercise thing.  I was walking at least four or five times a week with Bella and recently stopped because it got so hot! (Poor excuse, but actually true).  Do you think that walking for about 20 minutes or so at first would be bad?
Also, yes, I agree that it is alot at one time, but I've been back and forth lately (trying to stop smoking one week, trying to lose weight the next).  I feel like I just need to put my foot down with myself.  I'm one of those organized, like structure, like deadlines type of personalities, so I usually do really well when I am determined.  I'm just fed up with feeling bad (not healthy).
Tessie - Belladonna's and Mojo's Mom

Offline Bella's mom

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Re: Weight Watchers and Nicoderm
« Reply #12 on: June 06, 2006, 11:18:28 pm »

I was pretty shocked at the doctor last week to see I'd lost 3/4 of a pound and 4 pants sizes together..  But I haven't fit into my jeans from grade 13 in FIVE years and they fit again so woooot.  I'm hear roaring for you.
It's sounds like you are doing fabulous!  Continue the great work.  I know that it feels so good to accomplish something like that. :)
Tessie - Belladonna's and Mojo's Mom


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Re: Weight Watchers and Nicoderm
« Reply #13 on: June 06, 2006, 11:19:10 pm »
Eating out of boredom or because you want comfort foods is emotional eating, by pop psych definition. 
I think your plan is awesome, but I am worried that you could be asking too much of yourself and then you could set yourself up for failure.  Do you tend to bite off more than you can chew?  (I'm personally really bad about that).  If you haven't already been exercising, I wouldn't recommend starting that at the same time you start the diet.  In fact, if you went to meetings you would hear that you shouldn't begin an exercise routine for at least 2 weeks.  The reason for that is that you will be on a very restricted caloric level, and it will take time for your body to adjust.  If you are also exercising, you could send your body into 'starvation' and you don't want that.  It's fine if you are set on doing the walking too, but in that case, you need to carefully monitor your activity level and increase your points value for that day, to accomodate the burned calories. 
The quitting smoking thing is great too, but it's just a ton to try and do all at once. 

I just had to get on-line once more before bed. :D  Yep, well I guess that I am an emotional eater.  That's good to know about the exercise thing.  I was walking at least four or five times a week with Bella and recently stopped because it got so hot! (Poor excuse, but actually true).  Do you think that walking for about 20 minutes or so at first would be bad?
Also, yes, I agree that it is alot at one time, but I've been back and forth lately (trying to stop smoking one week, trying to lose weight the next).  I feel like I just need to put my foot down with myself.  I'm one of those organized, like structure, like deadlines type of personalities, so I usually do really well when I am determined.  I'm just fed up with feeling bad (not healthy).
I have a really hard time conveying information in this format.  If I say something and it seems off, I really appreciate being asked if I meant .....
No, I think walking is great, the goal is to set something moderate and reasonable that you are sure you can attain, and then nailing that thing.  If you think you can handle quitting smoking, and the diet, and the walking, more power to you.  Just remember to add a few points to compensate for the increased activity. This is really my hardest issue.  Setting reasonable attainable goals, then going after them consistently.  If you can do that, you will be fine!

Offline Bella's mom

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Re: Weight Watchers and Nicoderm
« Reply #14 on: June 06, 2006, 11:26:47 pm »
I have a really hard time conveying information in this format.  If I say something and it seems off, I really appreciate being asked if I meant .....
No, I think walking is great, the goal is to set something moderate and reasonable that you are sure you can attain, and then nailing that thing.  If you think you can handle quitting smoking, and the diet, and the walking, more power to you.  Just remember to add a few points to compensate for the increased activity. This is really my hardest issue.  Setting reasonable attainable goals, then going after them consistently.  If you can do that, you will be fine!
Thanks for the great advice.  I know that it's alot, and you want to make sure that I am not setting myself up for failure.  I totally understand.  I'll just give it my best, and not beat myself up if I'm not perfect. (Or eat when I get upset about it! :D)
Tessie - Belladonna's and Mojo's Mom