Author Topic: An update on the Angus Wangus and Codina....and everything else  (Read 3418 times)

Offline nickerbokker

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haven't been on to post in a while, just watch you all post like a stalker. update on the angus.

first off, i totally screwed up the dog lol...and i take full responsibility for his nuttiness and everything else...BUT, we are making improvements thanks the the new environment and grandma of course.

when we moved home, angus was a nut case.  absolutely no one could come into the house without him going nuts, he broke my moms kitchen window blinds, constantly jumped up on the door and scratched it and drooled on it (  ::) ).  growled, barked, lunged at any neighbor in the WHOLE neighborhood that came out their front door while he was outside, went NUTS over all the other dogs in the neighborhood so on a so forth.  my momma was gettin a bit upset with the whole disaster we call wangus, and was saying he could hang around as long as nothing bad eating myself or getting close to eating someone else.  this was a big concern for me being as no one teaches their kids to ask if they can pet a dog, so all the neighborhood kids would run over at a b line for a petting session with a snarling dog  :o

what first went on was my mom being the alpha she was born to be lol.  very tough love, no petting unless she felt like it, no petting unless he was laying on his side, no tolerance for crazy spells (which i still think are funny).  he started to turn slowly...but the problem was still that the dog would go crazy at the sight or sound of someone outside....and would still turn on me when i wanted him to do somehting he did not agree with (like laying down).  so i  was given no choice but to get.....a shock collar.  several of you might hate me for it, i did, and thats ok.  we got the crappy 50 dollar one that shocks him when he was eating and not when he was barking...and that wasn't much help..  so we traded it in for a remote controlled one, as well as got a big boy bed, and started over.  i think i had to shock him for maybe three days (on a very low level), until he understood the the warning beep meant to knock it off...

now, i don't even have to use the warning beep.  all i say is leave it, and he turns around so fast and quits paying attention!  no kidding, when we are outside, there are ALL kinds of crazy dogs (at least 2 per house on my whole street), that are barking, and if i see him puffing up, i say leave it and he looks at me like "no problemo momma!" and then actually smiles LOL.  he no longer pays attention to my neighbors, or the other dogs, but does his business, has a play with cody, and then comes in to cool off!!!!!!!  he no longer growls, let alone attacks me, and listens...and i think he is actually enjoying life a little better!  not to mention it is A LOT easier on myself and mom. 

yesterday my mom had a girls day out with a friend, and after she came in to pee...she KNOWS angus is a little nuts, but so is she (god love her), and she walked RIGHT over without even saying anything to us and put her hand right on his head and he just stood there.  no growl, no bark, no attack...just let her pet him...THEN HE WENT AND LAYED DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  LIKE HOLY MOLY PEOPLE...ANY IDEA HOW HUGE THAT IS??????  so the wanger is for sure becoming a big boy finally!

so not saying i like the shock collar thing..and i sure dont abuse it...but it helped the dog to self regulate himself a little bit!!!!!!!  he has really learned not to build himself into a frenzy!

on a different note, mr cody has lost all his weight...still dont know what that was about...and is happy happy happy to have a yard, and a brother who is a little more sane.  not to mention that now that were home, he has an ice machine which is heaven on earth...and gets to sleep with grandma (which he never got to do before we left home lol). 

AND....this morning at about 2:07, i woke up to angus barking frantically, heard two guys voices, then heard them yelling, the heard a car alarm, then heard my mom scream to me, then heard the car screech off...come to find out, when my mom heard the voices and then angus, she got up and the guys were running from the back of our house and got into their car (scrambling) and flew angus TOTALLY saved the day.  i got up, took the dogs out, angus ran RIGHT to the street and picked up their scent and followed it to the back did cody.  so something was up. 


anyway....LONG update...but well over due. 

thats all for now. 

nic, cody and the wanger


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Re: An update on the Angus Wangus and Codina....and everything else
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2006, 05:49:27 am »
That is GREAT news, Nicki! Glad to hear that you found a method that worked on Wangus, and that he is happier and heathier and so are you. Shock collars, IMO, are like any other training device. They have their uses in some cases, and the problem comes in when stupid people abuse them instead of utilizing them properly. We all know the hard time you have had with Wangus, and when you look at the alternatives for a dog with his issues, a shock collar is not that bad.
ANyway, congrats on training success and I am glad it is working out for you.

Offline PennyK

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Re: An update on the Angus Wangus and Codina....and everything else
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2006, 06:12:41 am »
Sometimes you got to do what needs to be done. 

Glad to see you back on the board.

Hurray for BIG DOGS!!
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Offline DixieSugarBear

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Re: An update on the Angus Wangus and Codina....and everything else
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2006, 06:31:25 am »
Hi Nicki,  I think it is great that you did what had to be done with Wangus. Sounds like the boy is happy knowing he does not have be be in charge of everything.  I do wish he could have gotten to the guys around your house ;)

Lisa, owned by the following:
Sugar Bear - Great Pyrenees 4.5 yr.
Dixie Darlin - Great Pyrenees 4 yr.
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Offline greek4

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Re: An update on the Angus Wangus and Codina....and everything else
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2006, 07:07:14 am »
Rocco has a remote control collar and a plain bark collar.  All I have to do is hold it up and he is the best dog ever.

I think you did great.  Though I still laugh when Rocco forgets and barks with it on and it gets him and he looks behind him.  I am mean I know but I shocked myself first and it does not hurt but it startles the pee out of you.

Emily and 1 husband, 1 boy, 1 on the way, and 4 crazy dogs


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Re: An update on the Angus Wangus and Codina....and everything else
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2006, 07:23:57 am »
You Go Girl!

Way to take control and do what is best for You and Wangus! I am soooo happy to hear it is all working out and it sounds like Wangus is a well adjusted pup because of it!

Now... can I send my crew to you for a little "attitude adjustment"?  ;D

p.s. an extra big hug for Angus.... for saving the day!

Offline nickerbokker

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Re: An update on the Angus Wangus and Codina....and everything else
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2006, 11:54:19 am »
Quote from: LaurelGrove
Question--do they make shock collars for kids?  My nephews are coming for a visit, and . . . (don't worry, I'm KIDDING! sort of :P )

no, but thats why we were blessed with the back-hand lol...use works!

thanks every buddy, i kinda proud of my little devil also!!! 

Gypsy Jazmine

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Re: An update on the Angus Wangus and Codina....and everything else
« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2006, 12:03:18 pm »
Hey Nicks!...Good to see ya'!...I'm really glad you are getting Wangus straightened out...It can't be much fun for you or Wangus when he is out of control...I am pretty proud of you that you hung in their with your devil dog!...I've always said that I believe in shock collars as a last resort & it sounds like you were there with Wangus for sure!...What I don't agree with is when people slap a shock collar on their dogs as the first means of trying to train them before they've tried everything else!...Now that burns my butt!!!...Give both Wangus & Cody a big hug from me will ya'?! & you take care Lady! :)

Offline cuttles/sadieMay

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Re: An update on the Angus Wangus and Codina....and everything else
« Reply #8 on: June 09, 2006, 12:16:32 pm »
Glad to see you didnt give up hope on Wangus! Sounds like you did a great thing for him!
Three cheers for the big dog and the big bark that goes with it. Who needs an alarm when you have big dogs?
Congrats Nikki, Glad to see you.
Hugs and Slobbers for Wangus and Cody


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Re: An update on the Angus Wangus and Codina....and everything else
« Reply #9 on: June 09, 2006, 06:09:13 pm »
That is great news about Angus. I have no problems with a shock collar either. We had to use a remote one with Puck too. Every dog is different and thier situation/problems are unique to them and need to be dealt with as such.
Thanks fot the update. It was great to hear from you. Miss seing you on the board.

 ;D ;D ;D

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Re: An update on the Angus Wangus and Codina....and everything else
« Reply #10 on: June 09, 2006, 06:23:22 pm »
Hey, I had to use the remote shock collar on Bella, also.  I was reaching the end of my rope.  We had been through puppy class and hired a one-on-one trainer, but she was one determined pupper.  As she became too big for me to handle, I had to do something.  Like you said, once they are startled a few times with it, you can just use the warning tone.  If they get really out of hand, you go ahead with the shock.  It has made a huge difference in Bella, also.  We still have a lot to learn, but she and I can actually enjoy our time together instead of it becoming a fighting match!! ;D
Tessie - Belladonna's and Mojo's Mom