Author Topic: Our favorite pics of friends who wait at Rainbow Bridge.. .In memory of Rosie.  (Read 14273 times)


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Re: Our favorite pics of our friends who wait at Rainbow Bridge
« Reply #15 on: June 18, 2006, 04:36:27 pm »
What a nice thread :)

The first Picture is of Shaste aka Sam the adult rotti. She LOVED the beach. She was the best rotti . Not a mean bone in her body. I really miss her. I lost her to cancer at age 8 :'(

The puppy is Katie. She was the opposite of Sam. She had some issues but she had some really special qualities to her too. She is missed as well. She passed with her head in my lap. :'( We lost her to cancer at age 9.

Picture #2-The little guy was my first male rotti Hogan. He sure would have grown into such a nice big boy. We never got to know--we lost him to severe HD at 6 months old:'( We really miss him too. For being here such a short time--he sure got a big piece of my heart ;)
He is a half brother to Puck-they have the same daddy ;)

« Last Edit: June 18, 2006, 04:37:58 pm by Icerotti »

Offline Imani's Mom

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My best buddy, Chaos.  The love of my life, and the beginning of my search for another one with traits similar to his ( I knew none would be just like him, but wanted one with the same type of personality and mannerisms, which turned out to be English mastiffs, though I still don't know what breeds Chaos was.)

Chaos was a shelter rescue- he had been dumped on a busy city street in February, in the snow, with severe electrical burns in his mouth.  I got him at right about 14 weeks, and he only lived 5 years, before I lost him to a congenital problem.

He was my best buddy, and went everywhere with me.  He learned everything so fast, and was the best behaved dog I have ever known.  He was my rock through  buying my first house (still live here now), divorce, medical issues, raising two teenage daughters on my own, having to close a hard-earned business due to medical problems, as well as just everyday life.   It took me five years of just fostering other rescues to be ready to have my own dog again, and the search began, and ended up with Imani, my 2 year old English Mastiff, and now there are three of the big doofuses in my life, and I wouldn't have it any other way.  (I WOULD love to still have Chaos, of course, but thats not possible.)

Weedsport, NY

Offline BarkleysMum

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I don't have a picture of my first great love, Teddy.  He was a cockapoo and lived to age 17! I have a picture of him on a table too (only it was a kitchen table, and he was pretending to be a center piece I think hehehe).

My buddy Rufus (1990 - 2000) waited until I was on a plane to Cuba before he allowed himself to get sick enough that our awesome vet had to make the decision to put him to sleep.  She told me that she believes he waited until I was gone so I wouldn't have to make the decision.

I missed him like crazy and swore I'd never get another dog. And then this guy called my name from the shelter:

Barkley was a rescue as well, and so we're not 100% sure how old he was.  What we do know is that he graced our home (and walls, and doors, and floors, and cars, and mirrors...hehe he) with his love and drool from December 2000 until May 19/06.  Forever in our hearts (and still on some of those afore mentioned parts of the house!)
Newly owned by Anna Banana, kind of owned by Sheba
and always remembering Barkley - crossed the Bridge on May 19, 2006.

Offline DixieSugarBear

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Chelle, thanks this is a great idea.  This is my dear sweet Rosie. "White Rosie of Dunwoody" She was my first fur-kid as an adult. I had her for a very short 9 1/2 years. She may be out of my arms for now but she will be a part of me forever. She was the most loving soul I could ever hope to know.
Lisa, owned by the following:
Sugar Bear - Great Pyrenees 4.5 yr.
Dixie Darlin - Great Pyrenees 4 yr.
Penny Lane - Great Pyrenees 2.5 yr.
Beauman - Great Pyrenees 14 months
Izzy - Great Pyrenees 14 month
Rosie - Great Pyrenees (at the bridge)


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All such beautiful pictures!!! Here are my 2 babies that are waiting for me at the Rainbow Bridge, my heart and souls!!!! George was lost at 10 months of age almost 4 yrs ago, and Diesel passed away at 2 yrs at the beginning of this year  :'(


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I don't have any pics of Philly but she's there too.  We lost her when she broke out of her pen and was hbc and it broke her spine on the day of my father's funeral.  Needless to say it was a pretty BAD day all the way around.  She was a mantle like Bella...In fact she could have been her twin in looks but definately not personality.  I think this was one of the reasons I had a few "issues" with Bella in the beginning.  I kept expecting her to be Philly and she wasn't.  She was a remarkable dog and I will miss her always.  I had her for a very short year.

Offline aggghgmom

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I wanted to thank you for starting this thread - I love reading about everyones babies and what they mean to them.

I have 3 I want to include but I don't have digital pictures so I would have to scan the pictures and my scanner isn't working I hope I will have time to do it at work but just in case I don't I want to include:

Blondie - the Cocker Spaniel I had growing up she was a sweet, overprotective baby.  Blondie died (she was 16) when I was about 6 and my family wouldn't get me another dog so I had to wait until I was 26 and got married

Margo - my first dog with my hubby - she was a Norweign Elkhound.  She was only 11 months when she died.  She ate a rope she found in my in-laws yard we tried to pull it out but she was just to strong.  Margo was a strange girl very aloof, but she loved me and I loved her.  I cried for days when she died.  I felt SO guilty.

Stoli - our beloved Stoli she lived till 12.  She was our baby; she was the cutest puppy she was a English Springer Spaniel (people thought she was a St. Bernard as a pup).  She was our kid she came everywhere with us; dinners out, golfing, outings at friends houses.  She was the sweetest girl - until my son was born then she became a guard dog - I don't think she necessarily loved my son but she took it upon herself to protect him, noone could have gotten near him.  We loved her till her dying day - she was diagnosed with congenatal (sp) heart failure, I opened a credit card just to pay for her medical bills, then one night she came to me and let me know it was time.  I cried while I petted her on the way to the vet - but my husband who I had only seen cry once before cried like a baby, Stoli was his girl.  When we drive past that vet he still pouts!!

Sorry about being so long-winded

Thanks for the memories!!!

Gypsy Jazmine

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I thought this might be theraputic for those of us who have had animal friends who have gone on before us & wait at The Bridge...Wheth er it be dogs, cats, horses, bunnies, guinea pigs, lizards, birds, etc...Lets all show the souls who touched our hearts & lives....I will start with Rosie. 2003?-June 15, 2006...This is one of the pics of her that really captures the dog she was...Though her true essence was this laughing girl her "dark times" made it impossible for her to stay with us....But this....This is how I shall remember my sweet white Rosie. ;D
& here are our wheeky friends Porkchop & Applesauce...P orkchop was a rescue & we bought Applesauce as a companion for her...They were very happy together...Sad ly Applesauce passed on at 11 months old of what was probably a genetic problem & the vet couldn't fix...I syringe fed her for 3 weeks while we tried to find the answer to make her well but we never did...I helped her to The Bridge in Nov. of 2002.
Applesauce I had to help to The Bridge May of 2005 at the very ripe old age of 7 & 1/2!!!!!!...The usual life expectancy of a guinea pig is 4 yrs. so she lived a long life & was very loved!...She is the one who taught me even the smallest of living things have heart & soul the size of the whole universe!...Her 2nd companion Hammie lives on with us.
Rest in peace little piggy girls...May you wheek away in God's gardens of the tastiest parsley!

Offline Bella's mom

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This is Baby, my mini schnauzer.  I helped her to the Bridge at the age of 13.  It was the hardest decision that I ever made, especially because it was mental problems that led me to the decision.  She just really didn't have a life left.
I had her from the time that I was 15 years old until I was 28, so she was with me through so many good and bad times.  I will miss her always.
Tessie - Belladonna's and Mojo's Mom

Gypsy Jazmine

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I thought this might be theraputic for those of us who have had animal friends who have gone on before us & wait at The Bridge...Wheth er it be dogs, cats, horses, bunnies, guinea pigs, lizards, birds, etc...Lets all show the souls who touched our hearts & lives....I will start with Rosie. 2003?-June 15, 2006...This is one of the pics of her that really captures the dog she was...Though her true essence was this laughing girl her "dark times" made it impossible for her to stay with us....But this....This is how I shall remember my sweet white Rosie. ;D
& here are our wheeky friends Porkchop & Applesauce...P orkchop was a rescue & we bought Applesauce as a companion for her...They were very happy together...Sad ly Applesauce passed on at 11 months old of what was probably a genetic problem & the vet couldn't fix...I syringe fed her for 3 weeks while we tried to find the answer to make her well but we never did...I helped her to The Bridge in Nov. of 2002.
Applesauce I had to help to The Bridge May of 2005 at the very ripe old age of 7 & 1/2!!!!!!...The usual life expectancy of a guinea pig is 4 yrs. so she lived a long life & was very loved!...She is the one who taught me even the smallest of living things have heart & soul the size of the whole universe!...Her 2nd companion Hammie lives on with us.
Rest in peace little piggy girls...May you wheek away in God's gardens of the tastiest parsley!
Here is my childhood friend & very first furbaby, Heidi Ann...I guess she was my 1st rescue too as she was hanging around the archery range my dad used to practice bow hunting at...I loved to go with him!...Well, she was half starved & more than half wild & the guys were talking about "putting her out of her misery" because winter was coming & nobody could catch her...I pitched an absolute hissy fit & my dad chased her under the concession stand in the mud, muck & God knows what else & dragged her out hissing & clawing...He sustained quite a few bites & scratches for her efforts & we managed to get Heidi home where she calmed down, learned to enjoy our love & attention, & graced out lives for almost 14 more years...She licked away my tears as a child, listened to all my secrets as a teenager, & was my constant as a young adult in a world I wasn't always sure about...God rest your soul my faithful friend...I never did fully return the love & faithfulness you showed me but I've since learned...The lesson you taught me took & I return it to every "unwanted" fur baby that I can...Heidi's legacy will live on forever through me, my children, & their children.

Offline BlackGreatF

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Man oh man... I would LOVE to learn how you gal do that with the pics and the captions.
So for me,so I don't confues myself and mix up pics, I will post one animal at a time.

THIS is/WAS my true love.
Bj lived to be 13, God Bless his Soul.
He had this nasty limp that I noticed that started to P. in off.  Then test show he had high white blood cell count and low blot clot count.  His nose started to bleed outta the blue.  Hence what started the test.  Brought him hom, the next day he wouldn't move from under the kitchen table.  For the first half of the day I never thought nothing of it.  Then it was late afternoon, and he wasn't moving from that spot. he'd get up, like in a sitting position. but no more.  So I thought ok, his arthitis is bad, I'll help him up.  HE had NO movement in his hind legs.  He was paralized.
Vet set a blot clot in his spine.  Vet side he could try to fix it.  I said, no, what is the sense.  He has arthitis, and this nasty limp that p'ed him off.  He said ok.
Dear BJ, I still have your pic of above my computer nd in my bedroom, so that I would never, ever foget him.
BJ, born Nove 6th, 1992, to Sept. 14th, 2004.

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This is Sylive, she went months before BJ, in July to be exact.  However, I never knew when she was born, I figured she was older, maybe a little older or younger than BJ.  She lived a full life tho.  Unfortunatly, she too had arthitis. One day, my mom and I were out in back, and Sylive went for a pee.  Well, next thing you know, my mom and I heard a 'crack', coming from Sylive. She sqawed to go pee, and she couldn't get back up.  Me and my mom looked at each, and tears ran down both of our cheeks.  We knew it was time.  I took her to the vet, and of course the vet wanted to try everything under the sun to save her. Tests came back, and she had lympniod cancer.  ( can't remember the name).  They wanted to do Kee-mo.  I said NO Way... what is the sense of fixing her cancer if she can't even walk. :'(
So down she had to go...damn vets.  I paid for their BMW's that year. >:(

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Oh and I forgot to mention... as you can see in her pic (above), Sylvie was a ham... hee hee.

And God Bless ALL my cats that went to the bridge.
Sheba, Tigress, Tomaseena, Whitie, Gray-Stroke, and more when I was a child.

Oh and I had a pup for only 6 months... she ran in front of a car and smashed up her hips.  My mom and I thought it would not be worth fixing her hips, since she still would grow and her hips woulddn't ( and we didn't have that kind of money  :'( ).  Her name was She-Ra. She was my crazy kook, that when she would get wet, she'd run straight into the house and rub herself all over. I am scanning her pic right now as I speak.  See her in the first pic.  What a kook.
Damn, what a cutie... I haven't seen these pics in years... :-[  2 pics of She-Ra

Then in my youngest child hood, my mom had a German Shephard.  Old age for him, and Arthitis.

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You know, as I was going down memory lane.  Kuma is laying right behind me. I feel wrong, feeling sad for my beloved furkids that has crossed the bridge.  Now I have this feeling like I am having an affair, by with my thoughts. I feel wrong to feel this in front of her.  I know dogs sense stuff.  I am afraid I have saddend her... I need to go now and give her a hug. 
Night all... or should I say morning  :o


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Rambo, my red, who taught me all about loving a big paw, and trained me. You taught me the true meaning of forgiving mistakes, and Lord, I made so many.

And Bandit, the sweetest most loving boy I have ever had.
You taught me unconditional love.

You will both live forever in my heart.