Author Topic: Confused, need help, can't figure out what to do...  (Read 14807 times)


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Confused, need help, can't figure out what to do...
« on: June 21, 2006, 12:13:56 am »
OK this is going to be really hard to explain for those of you who haven't followed my puppy experience.  I am really scared right now, and feeling emotional in general tonight over this. 
I had a long talk with our breeder tonight.  The pups are 1 and 1/2 weeks from going to new homes.  The pups were born by emergency c section because one of them died and mom was toxic and could die. 
When the pups were born, one of them was tiny.  So little that the breeder didn't know if she would live or not.  She brought the pups home and nursed the little one around the clock, basically keeping the pup with her all the time.  She was tentatively planning on keeping the pup if she lived so when she sent me pics, she didn't include that pup in the pics. 
The pup is now thriving wonderfully.  She is putting on a lot of weight, and the breeder feels that this pup is one of two that she wants to be able to breed in the future. 
(for those who think this sounds fishy, I have reason to have 100% faith that she isn't trying to sell us a sickly pup...)
She said this pup is now gorgeous, thriving, smart, alert, and very mellow.  She thinks we would be perfect for her.
Now, hubby is freaking out BIG TIME.  He is terrified that if she was that tiny at birth, she could have long term problems and he is upset....he is scared she could be sick or brain damaged or something....

She wasn't in the litter with the other pups, she has been coddled since birth.  She was too much smaller than the other pups to be with them.  She is smaller than them even now, but she is catching up. 

Please tell me what you all think...I'm upset that hubby is so upset, if it would help, I can post pics, but I don't know that you can tell anything by them, she looks healthy to us.

Offline nostaw

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Re: Confused, need help, can't figure out what to do...
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2006, 01:23:13 am »
My thoughts are that size will not matter, the fact that this pup has fought from an early age and has gained weight is a plus as far as I am concerned. In addition, it has been hand reared so will more likely bond with humans to a greater degree. Try for a compromise with hubby and suggest that you take the puppy, subject to an examination by your vet, that way you will have peace of mind that the pup is in the best of health and can avoid any "I told you so's" at a later date.

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Re: Confused, need help, can't figure out what to do...
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2006, 05:13:18 am »

Sorry, yes, this was a little difficult to follow. Seems part A started in another thread, but got it figured out.

I am sorry, but I must disagree with many on this board and advise you not to do this. There are too many red flags here. Honestly it would take me all morning to go through them. Follow your dear hubby's instincts here and do not do this.

If you would like an more detailed explanation, I'd be happy to give it over the phone. You can pm me with your phone number and I'd be happy to call you. Also, you really should pm some of the breeders on this list and ask their advise. I believe they can give good insite into responsibiliti es both legally and financially. Some that come to mind are Sarnewfie, Taijinrr, YelenaLevitina, Tanimara, and RedyreRottweil ers.


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Re: Confused, need help, can't figure out what to do...
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2006, 05:35:58 am »
As hard and means as it sounds and going againt majority vote, I personally would not take the pup... Without human intervention, the pup would not have survived and also hasnt learned the social skills that the other pups have learned because of being so small and removed from the litter.  You also dont know why that pup wasnt going to survive... if the mother was going to reject the pup it could have some issue that us humans are unaware of until further down the road.

In nature it is the strongest that survive and that is what I would want in my home...

I know it sounds terribly harsh and mean but I want a total package if I am getting a pup not the weakest link but if you do take the pup, I certainly wouldnt pay full price and I am suprised the breeder isnt just placing the pup into a loving home.

I am sure you will make the decesion that fits your family the best and I still will give you all the goo goo ga ga cute responses on pics because they are all so damn cute
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Re: Confused, need help, can't figure out what to do...
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2006, 06:50:06 am »
I'd go with a vet's oppinion on the health issues.  As for socialization, single pups are NOT always a problem, esp if they have other adult dogs around once they hit the socialization age (6 weeks on is when this happens).  A friend had a single pup (going to visit him tomorrow) who has grown into a fine, well adjusted dog.  He did have plenty of adult dogs around to socialize him and teach him what a pup needs to know.  That, I think, is critical.

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Re: Confused, need help, can't figure out what to do...
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2006, 07:16:07 am »
I agree with BabsT and Good Hope.  It seems really really strange to me that she would want to breed the runt, that just seems like such a bad idea.
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Gypsy Jazmine

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Re: Confused, need help, can't figure out what to do...
« Reply #6 on: June 21, 2006, 07:25:54 am »
Gosh...I just don't know...Didn't you say in the other thread that the breeder said all of the pups had show potential & were all magnificant?...The question that comes to mind then is why is she trying to sell you the runt?...Also, weren't your origional intentions to buy a pet quality puppy?...Now she says all the dogs are show quality & I am assuming she want's show quality puppy price for them all or is that a wrong assumtion? :-\...Lastly, at that very young age how can a breeder know if her pups are show/breeding quality?...If this pup does not reach standard for the breed it can't really be shown or bred & being as it is the runt, don't runts often stay smaller than other dogs when they are grown? :-\...Be careful my friend. :) I'd definitly contact some established breeders...Pip pin's breeder is Tanimara here at BPO & I would be happy to p.m. you her e-mail if you like...Then you could include the links to your threads about your situation...Le t me know if you'd like Jackie's e-mail or you could just p.m. her here but I don't know how often she comes by.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2006, 07:30:13 am by Gypsy Jazmine »


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Re: Confused, need help, can't figure out what to do...
« Reply #7 on: June 21, 2006, 10:22:50 am »
Gosh...I just don't know...Didn't you say in the other thread that the breeder said all of the pups had show potential & were all magnificant?...The question that comes to mind then is why is she trying to sell you the runt?...Also, weren't your origional intentions to buy a pet quality puppy?...Now she says all the dogs are show quality & I am assuming she want's show quality puppy price for them all or is that a wrong assumtion? :-\...Lastly, at that very young age how can a breeder know if her pups are show/breeding quality?...If this pup does not reach standard for the breed it can't really be shown or bred & being as it is the runt, don't runts often stay smaller than other dogs when they are grown? :-\...Be careful my friend. :) I'd definitly contact some established breeders...Pip pin's breeder is Tanimara here at BPO & I would be happy to p.m. you her e-mail if you like...Then you could include the links to your threads about your situation...Le t me know if you'd like Jackie's e-mail or you could just p.m. her here but I don't know how often she comes by.
It would be great if you asked Tanimara to pm me. 
Any breeders who are willing to talk with me at more length would be hugely appreciated. 
I feel like I'm going to vomit.  My gut gut gut instinct is that this feels wrong.  Every single solitary time in my life when I ignored my gut, I got NAILED.  Oh but I want this puppy so bad it hurts.  I want this nagging feeling to go away.

Gypsy Jazmine

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Re: Confused, need help, can't figure out what to do...
« Reply #8 on: June 21, 2006, 10:35:24 am »
Gosh...I just don't know...Didn't you say in the other thread that the breeder said all of the pups had show potential & were all magnificant?...The question that comes to mind then is why is she trying to sell you the runt?...Also, weren't your origional intentions to buy a pet quality puppy?...Now she says all the dogs are show quality & I am assuming she want's show quality puppy price for them all or is that a wrong assumtion? :-\...Lastly, at that very young age how can a breeder know if her pups are show/breeding quality?...If this pup does not reach standard for the breed it can't really be shown or bred & being as it is the runt, don't runts often stay smaller than other dogs when they are grown? :-\...Be careful my friend. :) I'd definitly contact some established breeders...Pip pin's breeder is Tanimara here at BPO & I would be happy to p.m. you her e-mail if you like...Then you could include the links to your threads about your situation...Le t me know if you'd like Jackie's e-mail or you could just p.m. her here but I don't know how often she comes by.
It would be great if you asked Tanimara to pm me. 
Any breeders who are willing to talk with me at more length would be hugely appreciated. 
I feel like I'm going to vomit.  My gut gut gut instinct is that this feels wrong.  Every single solitary time in my life when I ignored my gut, I got NAILED.  Oh but I want this puppy so bad it hurts.  I want this nagging feeling to go away.
Why don't you go ahead & p.m. Jackie (BPO name Tanimara) to tell her your concerns & maybe get some advise...I will call or e-mail her to tell her to come & check for her p.m....Let me know when you've sent it...I really think you'll get good avise from her...She is no nonsense, knowlegable & doesn't candy coat the truth...That is what you need here! :)


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Re: Confused, need help, can't figure out what to do...
« Reply #9 on: June 21, 2006, 10:36:35 am »
Gosh...I just don't know...Didn't you say in the other thread that the breeder said all of the pups had show potential & were all magnificant?...The question that comes to mind then is why is she trying to sell you the runt?...Also, weren't your origional intentions to buy a pet quality puppy?...Now she says all the dogs are show quality & I am assuming she want's show quality puppy price for them all or is that a wrong assumtion? :-\...Lastly, at that very young age how can a breeder know if her pups are show/breeding quality?...If this pup does not reach standard for the breed it can't really be shown or bred & being as it is the runt, don't runts often stay smaller than other dogs when they are grown? :-\...Be careful my friend. :) I'd definitly contact some established breeders...Pip pin's breeder is Tanimara here at BPO & I would be happy to p.m. you her e-mail if you like...Then you could include the links to your threads about your situation...Le t me know if you'd like Jackie's e-mail or you could just p.m. her here but I don't know how often she comes by.
It would be great if you asked Tanimara to pm me. 
Any breeders who are willing to talk with me at more length would be hugely appreciated. 
I feel like I'm going to vomit.  My gut gut gut instinct is that this feels wrong.  Every single solitary time in my life when I ignored my gut, I got NAILED.  Oh but I want this puppy so bad it hurts.  I want this nagging feeling to go away.
I'm sorry to switch like this on all of you, I greatly appreciate your time. I just re-read my last post and realized my gut already told me what I needed to do.  I am sobbing right now.  I know it sounds mellow dramatic, but I have been wishing/dreaming/thinking about this puppy for 3 plus years, and I just emailed the breeder and told her we couldn't take this puppy.  I need to go cry right now.  I can't believe I did this, it was either strong of me, or paranoid and stupid...right now it feels stupid.  I'm blithering cause I'm really upset, and I didn't sleep, from worry. 

Gypsy Jazmine

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Re: Confused, need help, can't figure out what to do...
« Reply #10 on: June 21, 2006, 10:41:42 am »
I'm so sorry that you are so sad right now...I feel you :'(...Perhaps the breeder will work something different out with you now...Let us know what she says & again I'm sorry my friend.


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Re: Confused, need help, can't figure out what to do...
« Reply #11 on: June 21, 2006, 10:53:35 am »
oh dear... :-[
that is always a tough decision...
but I do believe that you have to trust your gut on this one - if it doesn't sound quite right, it probably isn't right...
I'm so sorry.


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Re: Confused, need help, can't figure out what to do...
« Reply #12 on: June 21, 2006, 10:53:49 am »
I am so sad for you right now, but I agree that you are doing the right thing by going with your gut feelings. I feel that if she is a really good breeder she'll understand why you feel this way.

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Re: Confused, need help, can't figure out what to do...
« Reply #13 on: June 21, 2006, 11:23:45 am »
I'm very sorry that you are so sad right now.  It is so hard when our heart and head tell us different stories.

I hope this all works out for you.  It is a difficult phylosophy to follow sometimes but everything happens for a reason - there is a PERFECT puppy out there waiting to find the perfect family.

Again, I'm sorry


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Re: Confused, need help, can't figure out what to do...
« Reply #14 on: June 21, 2006, 11:40:11 am »
That was a tough decision to make.

When I have stuff like that happen, I try to tell myself that this means there is something even better waiting for me.  This is fate's way of clearing the way.  It helps me.

I'm sorry you're feeling so yucky.

I keep running off to cry, then coming back to check for an email from the breeder.  I need to get my perspective back.  I didn't have (God forbid) a child die, my village wasn't taken over by hostile rebels, I didn't lose a furkid.  I have a happy healthy family, potentially minus one puppy. 
OK I think I need to cry again...
 :'( :-\