Author Topic: Obedience classes--yes or no?  (Read 2272 times)

Offline mtaig12

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Obedience classes--yes or no?
« on: June 27, 2006, 01:23:12 pm »
I'm trying to decide whether to enroll Star in obedience classes in the fall. There's a group nearby who does classes from basic puppy to canine good citizen to agility, etc. I wanted to run this by the group and see what ya'll thought.

Star is a 5 year old rescue Great Dane who we've had for seven months. She had lived in a home setting before, but her last foster was in a kennel. She came to us housetrained, she has learned "sit" and "lay down." She is food motivated, but has to sit before getting food (either in her bowl, or treats). She does have a lot of energy, but has learned not to jump up on people to get attention. Overall, she's better behaved than our chow mix who we've had for 12 years!

Her one issue is dog aggression. I'm sure she has lots of reasons to be defensive against other dogs (she probably was bred extensively, and may have been protecting puppies), but she is fixated on other dogs. She and Max (chow mix) have worked things out, and they play fight/wrestle but haven't really gotten into it in months. When I walk her and Max, if she sees another dog, as soon as that dog barks or makes any type of posturing, Star is ready to fight. Judging by the scars she has, she's probably not been the winner in the past.   

What I'd like is to be able to work with her around other dogs who are under their owners control. (So the dog park is out as an alternative!) I'd want her to be relaxed or at least not anxious around other dogs, and maybe that could be a prelude into being more social. Would obedience classes be helpful, or would they be either a waste of money and/or distracting to the other participants?

Thanks for your input!

Tracy and Mike - parents
Alex and Ian - kids
Max and Star - canines
Oscar and Emily - felines
Nibbles - hamster
North Carolina

Offline Binky

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Re: Obedience classes--yes or no?
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2006, 02:33:21 pm »
I took Binky to obedience class and I thought it was worth it ONLY for the socialization.  The training part is really common sense for anyone who's had a dog!  There was a woman with a collie from a similar situation as your dane.  The dog was older, very nervous around other dogs, had some aggression, etc.  I think that by the end of the class the dog was better socialzed, and was much better around the other dogs.  However, there was another aggressive dog in the class and he was never allowed any socialization at all with dogs or people, so I would check out your trainer's policy before signing up.  Good luck!
Binky-Great Pyrenees
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Re: Obedience classes--yes or no?
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2006, 03:09:38 pm »
I agree with Binky and would add that I don't know that a general class would be the best thing...maybe you could call a behaviorist who has other dogs in the program. 
Crazy as it sounds, I would watch about 20 episodes of 'the dog whisperer'.  Cesar deals with this sort of thing on alot of episodes.
Most class instructors aren't specialized enough to deal with this kind of thing imo, so like Binky said, you should find out what qualifies the teacher in this area.
sounds like you are doing great already for this doggy!

Offline zanie

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Re: Obedience classes--yes or no?
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2006, 04:16:38 pm »
One of the main reasons I like to have Dell in a class is for the socialization.  He had a rough start in life and the trainer suggested classes to help him get over his shyness and extremely submissive behavior.  He is still pretty submissive but not to the point of peeing on himself anymore AND there's not a dog-aggressive bone in his body.  Quite the contrary, he can't get enough of other dogs!

As Binky said, the social part of the class is worth the cost.
"I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive." - Gilda Radner

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