Author Topic: A beautiful life has been gone for 1 month now...I miss my sweet Rosie...  (Read 10987 times)

Offline Nina

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I know how you feel. It's only been in the last few months that I don't cry myself to sleep. I will miss Dilbert until the day I meet him in heaven. I can say that one day you will think of your beatiful Rosie and smile and laugh at all all the cute things she did. That is how I think of Dibby now. Tim and I talk sbout all the crazy things he did. And I talk to him (Dibby) all the time. I still say goodnight to him every night and sometimes I can feel him next to me. I give you big ((((hugs)))

Nina and Tim
Calgary, AB, Canada
Harley(Lab mix)
Dilbert(Pyr mix)At the bridge
Jolene (cat)

Gypsy Jazmine

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Let me ask those of you who lost dogs for whatever reason if you ever felt angry at them after they were gone...I am over the mild anger now but for awhile I was mad at Rosie for not knowing a good thing when she had it...K...That's crazy...right?...I can't believe I'm going to hit post now. :-\

Offline dober_gurl

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Let me ask those of you who lost dogs for whatever reason if you ever felt angry at them after they were gone...I am over the mild anger now but for awhile I was mad at Rosie for not knowing a good thing when she had it...K...That's crazy...right?...I can't believe I'm going to hit post now. :-\

Hmmm that's kind of tough, i've never really been angry per say at the animals. But a couple of days ago I thought Maggie died(long story) and I was very angry/sad to think that she had left me. I guess my friend helped me figure out that she's my best friend and I don't want her "abandoning" me that way when we're both obviously not ready to lose each other.
"None left to rescue, none left to buy, none left to suffer, none left to die. None to be beaten, none to be kicked...all must be loved and all must be fixed"

Sunny-Amazon Parrot
Squishy-Guinea Pig

Offline navarre1316

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I don't think it's crazy at all to be angry, it's part of the process.  Navarre died after having emergency surgery.  He made it through the surgery, they had him up and walking, the hole nine.  But he didn't make it through the night.  I went to see him before they picked him up to cremate him and I was so mad that he left me.  Even though before he went to surgery I told him if he was too tired he could go, but I was still mad, I felt abandoned.  My house has never been so quiet and yet so noisy at the same time.  So no, you are not crazy.
God placed me on this earth to accomplish certain tasks...I'm so far behind I'll never die!!

Navarre: GSD 9/13/99-5/14/06 patiently waiting
Issabeaux: GSD 1/27/07
Daphne: Boxer
Stone: Siamese mix

Gypsy Jazmine

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Thanks...A big part of the reason that I was angry that Rosie left me is that I had to put her down due to aggression...S he was a rescue & I poured my heart & soul into helping her be o.k. & I thought we'd overcome ehr problems & then she attacked my 6 yr. old niece...not a bite a full out unprovoked attack...I just kept thinking "you crazy bi**h...why Rosie...WHY???? :'( :'( :'(

Offline navarre1316

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Oh, yeah.  It's different too when you lose a friend too early.  And part of the anger is a feeling of failure I think too, with any death.  Navarre was only 6 but he did have a few medical issues and stuff came up all the time.  Two of my credit cards are mostly him, I tried anything I could to make his life comfortable and the week before he died I knew he wasn't feeling good but he didn't do anything specific.  It's kind of hard to tell your vet somethings wrong with my dog but I don't know what!!  I just knew.  So I also had the what if's......I stop those now, no point in it because no answer to any of the what if's or why he actually died, because we don't know, will matter now.  He's not here.  My friends would try to be so good and say the typical things, "he's not in pain anymore", "you were a great mom, you did everything for him you could", etc.  God love 'em, but I didn't care, my boy was gone and I didn't care that he wasn't in pain anymore, I just wanted him fighting me for the couch!!  So selfish thoughts come with the anger!!  I'm rambling, I should probably go to bed now!!
God placed me on this earth to accomplish certain tasks...I'm so far behind I'll never die!!

Navarre: GSD 9/13/99-5/14/06 patiently waiting
Issabeaux: GSD 1/27/07
Daphne: Boxer
Stone: Siamese mix


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Let me ask those of you who lost dogs for whatever reason if you ever felt angry at them after they were gone...I am over the mild anger now but for awhile I was mad at Rosie for not knowing a good thing when she had it...K...That's crazy...right?...I can't believe I'm going to hit post now. :-\

You are not alone at feeling like that. Its been almost 4 yrs since my sweet George passed away and there are days I get mad at him for leaving us so soon. I think of him all the time and wonder how my life would of been if he was still here, think of how he would look full grown, and on and on. I will never forget him and will always love him just like you will always love Rosie. Its been a few months since I lost Diesel and I still think of him everyday. Just the other day I saw a picture of him on my computer and broke down crying. I watch the video I made for him all the time and it helps me. Rosie was a beautiful girl, and is missed by a lot of people. She was a very special girl. You can tell by your posts, you have a big heart and Rosie will always have a special spot in your heart. Im sorry you are hurting so much. I never knew how much it hurt to have a dog, no not a dog but a family member, passed away till I lost my George. My heart broke into pieces and I will never forget that feeling. But time does heal the heart but nothing will ever take their places in our heart

Gypsy Jazmine

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I do that too...The what if's...What if I'd had her since she was a puppy...What if I hadn't had people over that day?...What if I'd crated her when the company was here?...But, honestly, deep down I don't think any of it would have mattered...I don't think Rosie's aggression was all because of what was done to her...I think it was IN her & a part of her...& of coarse I couldn't never had anyone here again & even if she'd been crated that day the attack would have happened to someone eventually & it could have been alot worst or happened to someone who wasn't family like one of my kids' friends...But still I go through the "what if's"...What if she hadn't been a crazy bi**h?...Now there's something I could have worked with but she was who she was...Ya' know when I call her a "crazy B" I mean it affectionatly & today I am smiling when I say it...It's a new day & I am going to force myself to have happy Rosie memories. :)

Offline newflvr

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I completely understand the feelings you have about losing Rosie.  I felt/feel that way about Otis.  The problem is I still sort of know he's around.  When we used to go for our rambles on the hillsides near our house, he'd always be about 6 - 10 feet in front of me.  When we'd get to  division in the path, he'd stop and look back at me to wait for directions.  That's the pose that has stayed with me.  That standing there in the weeds, wind blowing through his fur and looking back over his shoulder.  Oh, God, there I go again!  Crying like I'd lost him this morning.  He was so much a part of me.  I would tell him 'left' or 'right' and he'd march on ahead.  That's where he is now....just ahead of me, stopping occasionally to look back, waiting for me to follow....

 :'( :'( :'(


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I'm so sorry you're feeling this way Chelle, I know how you feel and my heart aches for you... :'(

We also thought about "what if's" in regards to our Rotti, Slater who passed away last year a few months after being diagnosed with cancer.  "What if we didn't do the chemo", etc.  But in the end we came to peace with the fact that we did all we could in our power to help Slater, as did you for Rosie.  You took her in and gave her a beautiful life, home, and most importantly - a beautiful family to love her... :-*

We know that Slater is still here with us now, and that we will see him again one day.  Slater and Rosie are waiting for us, patiently.

I understand how hard it is - it absolutely sucks.  I think we also felt guilty for how quickly the time passed by after Slater had passed away, just like you with Rosie.  A month already - crazy...

I'm so sorry Chelle, thinking of you and your family ;) :-*

Gypsy Jazmine

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I'm doing o.k....I really am...I mean I quit sleeping with her collar under my pillow after a couple of weeks & it only took me 5 days to finally vaccum her hair along with Sam & Pippin's from the dogs room floor & I also managed to wipe the muddy pawprints off of the kitchen floor within the first week...I no longer break down in tears because we have one too many dog dishes & I don't feel the need to carry her collar around with me anymore...I'm getting lots better I just miss the crap out of that crazy lady...She was my right hand girl...When we do get another dog it will have to be a sweet little girl puppy...There is serious girliness missing here!


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I'm getting lots better I just miss the crap out of that crazy lady...She was my right hand girl...When we do get another dog it will have to be a sweet little girl puppy...There is serious girliness missing here!

Aw, I agree!  Girliness is needed in your house once again (eventually)!!! ;)

Glad to hear you're doing a bit better :) ;)
« Last Edit: July 18, 2006, 09:33:49 pm by k2campbell »

Offline longshadowfarms

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Glad to hear that you're doing a bit better with it.  It really does take a long time and you're bound to have really bad days in there along the way.  Wish I could say you'll have really good days too but that takes longer.  You'll just have days when it isn't overwhelming.  I'm even getting teary now typing this and it has been 8 mo since Thor died.  It isn't Piper or Josh that I'm still mourning, though I miss them too.  It keeps going back to Thor.


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I wasn't mad when I lost Dotty, but I definately felt lost. I still do sometimes. It has been 7 months and just a couple of weeks ago I came across pictures of her when I first got her and I did my share of  :'( then. I still go daily to where we buried her and talk to her, and tell her I miss her. It seems to make it better talking to her and looking at her pictures, her collar , her little shorts she loved. As time goes on I'm sure things will be easier, I understand completely the pain of losing a furbaby. She was my 1st dog, and my 1st to enter Rainbow Bridge, I still hurt for my Dotty. But I can say I feel better knowing my girl isn't suffering anymore. I hope soon that your pain will be eased some, and knowing some day I will be back with my Snotty Dotty it makes me feel good. May you rest in peace Rosie, we'll see you at the Rainbow Bridge baby.