Author Topic: Dog afraid of camera....  (Read 4022 times)

Offline 8BIGPAWS

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Dog afraid of camera....
« on: July 18, 2006, 01:41:28 pm »
I have had Molly for 14 mo and have very few pictures.  Those I have were taken when she wasn't expecting it.  She doesn't like the sound of the zoom lens opening so I try to do it ahead of time out of ear shot.  Then she doesn't like it when I put the camera in front of my face.  I'd love a family picture. 

I can get outside pictures when she's playing but I'd love a group shot of the family.

I've let her sniff the camera and she doesn't like the smell. It's digital. Go figure.  I can't.  Any ideas?


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Re: Dog afraid of camera....
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2006, 05:16:20 pm »
I have had Molly for 14 mo and have very few pictures.  Those I have were taken when she wasn't expecting it.  She doesn't like the sound of the zoom lens opening so I try to do it ahead of time out of ear shot.  Then she doesn't like it when I put the camera in front of my face.  I'd love a family picture. 

I can get outside pictures when she's playing but I'd love a group shot of the family.

I've let her sniff the camera and she doesn't like the smell. It's digital. Go figure.  I can't.  Any ideas?
I have a digital too, can take 400 plus pics.  What I do is aim in the general direction of the dog, without puting my face near the camera.  (holding it inconspicuousl y in my hand).  You won't be able to see what you are shooting, but you will get really good at guestimating where the dogs are on the viewfinder...
Try this, and let me know!

Offline ZooCrew

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Re: Dog afraid of camera....
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2006, 08:42:28 pm »
You might try carrying a camera around with you all the time, to get her more used to it.  Also, use the zoom inconspicuousl y (sp?) with her in the room.  Not to take a picture, but to get her used to the sound.  Don't even look at the camera while doing it.

Take it slow.  Try turning it on and off a few times a day with her in the room, maybe zooming once or twice, gradually increasing the amount of times you can do this.  Granted, you will probalby go thru alot of batteries w/o taking any pics, but it will help her get used to the smell, sight and sound of a camera. 

You didn't mention if she was afraid of the flash.  If so, you might try taking a few flash pix of nothing so she can get used to that as well.  Once that works well, try putting the camera up to your face, as if to take a pic, but only do it for a brief second or so.  Eventually you can work your way up to taking pix, and she shouldn't think anything of it.

Hope this helps.

Offline krismark

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Re: Dog afraid of camera....
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2006, 05:51:00 pm »
I agree that you should carry it around...and maybe it will even start to "smell better" to her then.

Good Luck!