Author Topic: switching to raw... difference in behavior??  (Read 6726 times)

Offline Kermit

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switching to raw... difference in behavior??
« on: July 18, 2006, 08:45:43 pm »
So I am officially switching Nigel to a raw diet. I didn't really make the decision so much as I just started giving him raw meat and bones last night and now I think I will stick with it. He just likes it so much. And it seems to be calming him down. Maybe that whole "working for his food" thing??

Lately he has been really stressed out, and I can't figure out why, but I can see the anxiety in him. So I bought him a bone hoping it would release some tension for him to sit and chew it for a while. And I was right! And tonight he is just acting like a different dog. He just seems so much happier. Less nervy, if that makes any sense.

What's funny is that weird myth that feeding raw makes a dog vicious. I am seeing the opposite. I was wondering if anyone else had experiences like this when they switched to raw, or if they had ever heard anything about the subject? All I know is I am sticking with it and I can't wait to see what happens!!!! I am excited! And hopefully I can switch everyone over but I don't have a fridge big enough to hold meat for this whole crew! ;) :D I'll see how it goes with Nigel first!

The most awesome thing is how easy it is. Get meat out of fridge, hand it to dog.  :D It's easier than measuring out kibble!!!! :D


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Re: switching to raw... difference in behavior??
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2006, 08:55:40 pm »
So I am officially switching Nigel to a raw diet. I didn't really make the decision so much as I just started giving him raw meat and bones last night and now I think I will stick with it. He just likes it so much. And it seems to be calming him down. Maybe that whole "working for his food" thing??

Lately he has been really stressed out, and I can't figure out why, but I can see the anxiety in him. So I bought him a bone hoping it would release some tension for him to sit and chew it for a while. And I was right! And tonight he is just acting like a different dog. He just seems so much happier. Less nervy, if that makes any sense.

What's funny is that weird myth that feeding raw makes a dog vicious. I am seeing the opposite. I was wondering if anyone else had experiences like this when they switched to raw, or if they had ever heard anything about the subject? All I know is I am sticking with it and I can't wait to see what happens!!!! I am excited! And hopefully I can switch everyone over but I don't have a fridge big enough to hold meat for this whole crew! ;) :D I'll see how it goes with Nigel first!

The most awesome thing is how easy it is. Get meat out of fridge, hand it to dog.  :D It's easier than measuring out kibble!!!! :D
:) we feed only raw.  If you are going to feed only raw, no isn't easy.  There are lots of things the dog will need, in addition to rmb's (raw meaty bones). 
I can give you the recipe I use, if you is WONDERFUL. 
As far as the attitude change is concerned, we noticed that right away.  Badger was less irritable, more happy.  You can't go wrong with this diet...
Here is the recipe if you like:

5 pounds ground meat
1 cup bone meal
3/4 cup vege mix (more for fat dog, less for lean dog)
1/2 cup virgin olive oil
2 tbsp cod liver oil
2 tsp garlic
1 tbsp kelp powder
1 tbsp alphalpa
1 tbsp flax seed meal
2000 mlg vit c
4 glucosamine/chondroitin tablets ground up

Mix all well...feed as per this formula

Badger is 130 pounds, and gets 40 ounces total per day. 

Offline Boyle

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Re: switching to raw... difference in behavior??
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2006, 09:13:16 pm »
Congrats on making the switch.  We switched Nola on raw more than 6 months ago.  We didn't notice any change in behavior - he is still the same lump he's always been.  Unlike Rhonda, we have Nola on the franken-prey model (no veggies) so Nola gets bone-in meats instead of the bone meal.  Like Rhonda, we do supplement with Gluc/Chond plus we added Omega 3s since Nola won't touch a fish.  Nola is also given organ meats and green tripe. 

Do a search on this board for raw and you will find a number of links plus Yahoo has a number of raw groups that are extremely informative. 


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Re: switching to raw... difference in behavior??
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2006, 10:49:41 pm »
Congrats on making the switch.  We switched Nola on raw more than 6 months ago.  We didn't notice any change in behavior - he is still the same lump he's always been.  Unlike Rhonda, we have Nola on the franken-prey model (no veggies) so Nola gets bone-in meats instead of the bone meal.  Like Rhonda, we do supplement with Gluc/Chond plus we added Omega 3s since Nola won't touch a fish.  Nola is also given organ meats and green tripe. 

Do a search on this board for raw and you will find a number of links plus Yahoo has a number of raw groups that are extremely informative. 
This is one thing I LOVE about can taylor it to the dog.  We modify the diet I listed, but I listed it in it's basic form.  We actually feed fruits as snacks (today we picked blackberries together.  One for the bowl, one for Pookie, one for Gossy...) I LOVE the diet!

Offline navarre1316

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Re: switching to raw... difference in behavior??
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2006, 10:56:53 pm »
Are there any specific fruits/veggies that a dog is NOT suppose to have?  With my last big paw I had a lot of stomach/digestive issues, plus he had epilepsy and horrible arthiritis at age 6.  I was talking to some people about the raw diet when he died.  So when I get another big paw I think I really want to try the raw.  But I will definitely research first!
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Re: switching to raw... difference in behavior??
« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2006, 11:06:07 pm »
I have read that they aren't supposed to have onions, or grapes, but I have also read other places that they can have both.  I don't feed those to be on the safe side.
I feed most other fruits, fresh nuts, seeds, raw eggs...
It is recommended that you not combine fruit with raw protein, so we don't do that...
Good luck!

Offline BabsT

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Re: switching to raw... difference in behavior??
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2006, 05:46:48 am »
I feed raw... my CO was weaned on to it and my male I switched when I got him at 9.5 wks and was fully on raw by 12 wks.

I just do meat, bones, organs and tripe...  I do give them other things from time to time just because they like it LOL but they dont need it.

It requires them to actually think about it to a certain exttent... if you give bones with nook and crannies they have to get the meat out of there too LOL

But the stool size alone along with consistency of it, is much easier than kibble picking up LOL
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Offline Kermit

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Re: switching to raw... difference in behavior??
« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2006, 09:50:10 am »
Luckily my holistic vet recommends raw and he has given us lots of info on how to do it; he is the coolest guy who is always there to answer any questions. He recommends raw to all of his clients and we have really picked his brain about it.
I have heard loads of stories of the benefits of raw, but I just don't remember whether I heard any reports about temperament or behavioral changes. Right now this is the most exciting part for me!!!  :D


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Re: switching to raw... difference in behavior??
« Reply #8 on: July 19, 2006, 11:35:56 am »
Luckily my holistic vet recommends raw and he has given us lots of info on how to do it; he is the coolest guy who is always there to answer any questions. He recommends raw to all of his clients and we have really picked his brain about it.
I have heard loads of stories of the benefits of raw, but I just don't remember whether I heard any reports about temperament or behavioral changes. Right now this is the most exciting part for me!!!  :D
There is a widespread myth that raw makes dogs 'bloodthirsty'.  This myth is spread by people who don't let information get in the way when forming opinions.  Raw has no real downside except that its expensive and more time consuming than feeding kibble. 
The poos are SOOOO much smaller/firmer; and Badger actually got more calm when we fed it to him.  Also, it cleared up ear/skin conditions he had for years!

Offline bhender254

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Re: switching to raw... difference in behavior??
« Reply #9 on: July 19, 2006, 12:53:14 pm »
We feed raw also, although finding affordable, good quality meat around here is getting very hard to do. Chicken has been our staple, with organs,eggs,fish, but the chicken quarters I've been getting lately seem to be spoiling very quickly when thawed out, like they smell bad as soon as they are thawed. I've been buying meat in the grocery store, where do you get you meat?


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Re: switching to raw... difference in behavior??
« Reply #10 on: July 19, 2006, 01:22:39 pm »
We feed raw also, although finding affordable, good quality meat around here is getting very hard to do. Chicken has been our staple, with organs,eggs,fish, but the chicken quarters I've been getting lately seem to be spoiling very quickly when thawed out, like they smell bad as soon as they are thawed. I've been buying meat in the grocery store, where do you get you meat?
We get the meat from the local butcher shop.  It is cheaper than the grocery store.  We get ground turkey neck and the doggers LOVE it...

Offline Boyle

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Re: switching to raw... difference in behavior??
« Reply #11 on: July 19, 2006, 02:38:36 pm »
I love talking raw!  Cleaner ears and smaller poops are just the beginning.  Can you say no doggie breath?!?!  Nola has the cleanest smelling breath, I kid you not.

We get our meats from the ethnic stores.  They have things like beef heart, lamb necks, pork necks, goat, etc. that I cannot find in the national/regional chain grocery stores.  I do notice that their meats and organs seem to turn funky a bit quicker but, unless the meat becomes rotten, I feed it all to Nola.   When it starts to smell off, I feed him on the porch  :D 

If you are looking for information on a BARF supplier, check Yahoo groups and search BARF.  They have regional BARF groups that will help you locate suppliers of ground meat, veggie & bone.  That was how I found our supplier of skinky green tripe.

If you are looking for prey model supplier, check these Yahoo groups: and


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Re: switching to raw... difference in behavior??
« Reply #12 on: July 19, 2006, 06:20:47 pm »
Boyle, that is all GREAT info!  Yeah, funky smelling meat is even YUMMIER!  The only thing you could do to excite my dog more would be to rub dead fish guts on it!

Offline bhender254

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Re: switching to raw... difference in behavior??
« Reply #13 on: July 20, 2006, 01:55:24 pm »
Yeah D'Artagnan will eat the funky stuff, he doesn't care, I just don't like him yacking it back up a couple of hours later, YUCK!!! I think part of my problem is that Raw, BARF or Prey style hasn't caught on in the midwest yet so I am in the minority.

Offline Boyle

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Re: switching to raw... difference in behavior??
« Reply #14 on: July 20, 2006, 01:58:20 pm »
Bhender254, I'm in Chicago and can send you some information on a supplier out of Michigan who delivers MI, IN, IL and WI.