Author Topic: Help Kiah's licking her paw: UPDATE  (Read 10035 times)

Gypsy Jazmine

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Re: Help Kiah's licking her paw: UPDATE
« Reply #15 on: August 02, 2006, 11:27:13 am »
Do you know what in her envoirment Kiah might be allergic to?...It sounds like it might be something like a cleaner or carpet fresh type thing seeing as it is her paws...What did your vet say?...Might save you time, trouble & save Kiah the irritation to figure out what...Have you started using any new cleaner or OMG...just thought of this...the new flooring?...What do you think?

The way the vet sounded is it's something outside. I never thought to ask him about the new floor. :o I bet it's a possibility that it's the cleaner I use to shine the floor with. I'll definately change that and hope it works. Thanks Chelle!
But, you had Kiah last summer with none of this...I know dogs, like people, can develop allergies but didn't this paw thing coincide with when you put the new floors in?...Too much of a coincidence for me...Is the floor possibly treated with something from the factory?....Might want to look into that too but I'd bet it's the cleaner.


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Re: Help Kiah's licking her paw: UPDATE
« Reply #16 on: August 02, 2006, 11:38:24 am »
No allergies last summer with Kiah. It totally coincides with putting in the laminate flooring. I know it has to have something on it to keep it from getting scratched. Also when we tore up the carpet there was a ton of dust and stuff under it. The dogs were walking on it has well.  The vet said we could do allergy testing, but it's more expensive then giving her antihistamines .

Gypsy Jazmine

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Re: Help Kiah's licking her paw: UPDATE
« Reply #17 on: August 02, 2006, 01:32:18 pm »
No allergies last summer with Kiah. It totally coincides with putting in the laminate flooring. I know it has to have something on it to keep it from getting scratched. Also when we tore up the carpet there was a ton of dust and stuff under it. The dogs were walking on it has well.  The vet said we could do allergy testing, but it's more expensive then giving her antihistamines .
Is there anything you can do to protect Kiah's paws from the flooring or do you think it's just the cleaner...I'd lean towards the cleaner.

Offline clark

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Re: Help Kiah's licking her paw
« Reply #18 on: August 05, 2006, 08:29:10 am »
My Bear was licking his left paw raw, constantly. Sometimes he really got into it and chewed his pads as well. He also suffers almost constant ear infections in his left ear. To boost his immune system we started giving him a couple tablespoons of yogurt in his kibble at every meal. Although the ear is still a problem, his paw and paw pads are left alone. 

I would definitely go to the vet, though, as you just never know the first time around.

Good luck - and please let us know what you find out.


Jennifer, I'm curious to know how you treat the ear infections?  My lab/golden mix Jake has them all the time.  I was keeping them clean and then when the infection would return I'd take him to the vet, start him on antibiotics, it would get better for a little while, then the infection would return and the whole cycle would start over again.  I started checking into some natural cures and I was given a remedy of "vitamins" - something for the immune system, something for fungus, and 1/4 teaspoon olive oil mixed together and dropped into his ear 3x a day.  Not helping at all!!!!  I don't want to be a bad mom and wait too long, but I just don't know what to do.  A friend said she cleans her dog's ears with listerine!  Sounds pretty harsh to me.  Any suggestions?
"The reason a dog has so many friends is that he wags his tail instead of his tongue."

Offline BellaRoosMom

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Re: Help Kiah's licking her paw: UPDATE
« Reply #19 on: August 05, 2006, 09:16:57 am »
clark:  we used to use listerine on our horses...but I forget now where on them we used it.  I think it may have been at the top of their tail to keep them from getting that bushy look which is caused by fungus (I was told).  I think it would be a good topical anticeptic since we can put it in our mouths.

Offline jennifer

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Re: Help Kiah's licking her paw: UPDATE
« Reply #20 on: August 06, 2006, 02:04:15 pm »
Hi Amy
I wish I had a sure-fire solution to Bear's ear infections.  We're dealing with one right now.  Interestingly, he seems to get them in his left ear.  If it's really bad, he gets symptomatic in the right ear as well.  But mostly it's his left. 

The anti-bacterial drops from the vet - Vet Solutions Clotrimazole - don't work at all.  We're trying a different drop - Zymox OTIC Enzymatic Solution - which seems to be helping some.  It has hydrocortisone in it as well, which helps with the inflammation and 'itchiness', I think.  It's supposed to treat both bacterial and yeast infections.  We also use a sanitizing wash at least once a week with or without infection symptoms.  After 2+ years of the same kind of cycle you refer to with Jake, Bear is finally used to my squirting and digging around in his ears.  He sits patiently for me, poor thing.   :-[

I haven't heard of Listerine, though I agree, it does seem harsh.  A co-worker recommended Monistat - yes, the yeast infection stuff for women - which makes sense in a weird way, but I'm hesitant to try it.

I hate not knowing how to help Bear -- both because it really seems to trouble him at times, and because I know that untreated infections can lead to hearing loss. It's amazing how sensitive a 170-lb dog can be.  But I'm convinced it's environmental and seasonal allergies, nearly impossible to single out.  :-\

I'm hopeful that the OTIC solution will work for Bear.  I'll let you know.  Good luck with Jake!

:) Jennifer

*modified to add content*
« Last Edit: August 06, 2006, 02:17:20 pm by jennifer »
:) Jennifer
Mom to Saint Nakita and Charlie the cat

RIP sweet Bear (9/02-8/08)