Author Topic: Wish I had GR8DAME's nerves of steel!  (Read 4020 times)

Offline smsmith

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Wish I had GR8DAME's nerves of steel!
« on: July 27, 2006, 09:47:18 am »
I read GR8DAME's account of the clients who showed up for a meeting leaving their golden retriever in the black SUV during 90+ degree sunny day.  I am so proud of you!!!!

Now, I need some choice lines to share with two annoying and pet-endangering people.

1)  My Landlord.  He INSISTS on bringing his pups with him to our property (5 tenants).  Three of us have dogs who only go outside on a leash or in a fenced-in backyard.  Landlord brings his lab-mix and Pomeranian -- gets busy nailing, painting, or other repair, and lets pups run all over the neighborhood.  About a year ago, he had another pomeranian -- went to another property, did the same thing -- opened the doors and let puppies run all over.  Pomeranian was hit by a car.  Did he learn anything from that experience?  No.  Death by Landlord if you ask me.  I'd love to be able to say something that might penetrate his thick skull.  Believe me, having money does not guarantee you have common sense!

2)  My insane neighbor across the street with 4 dachsunds.  Forget about the two million times I've heard her yell at them to stop barking (I've heard that the definition of insanity is doing some behaviour over and over again expecting a different result).  Forget about the way she walks to and from her car in nothing but a short terry bathrobe (the woman's at least 60).  Forget about how she takes her dogs for walks at 12 or 1 am (she works the 3-11 shift).  THIS WOMAN DOES NOT LOCK HER FRONT DOOR.  We live in the inner loop area of Houston.  In the Heights.  Not the kind of neighborhood you leave something of value on the front porch -- let along leave the front door unlocked!  Somehow 2 of the dachsunds got out the other day while she was at work.  Sat in their driveway barking at any one who walked by.  After dark, I walked across the street (despite the growling, snarling and raised hackles) opened the front door and let them back in.  What can I say to her to make her understand once and for all that she needs to lock her door, put her dogs on leashes when they go out, and work on not yelling all those germanic names at the top of her lungs when they do exactly what she's taught them to do?

Offline greek4

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Re: Wish I had GR8DAME's nerves of steel!
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2006, 09:54:09 am »
I have no idea what you should do but I am laughing so hard my stomach hurts about the daschund lady.

Emily and 1 husband, 1 boy, 1 on the way, and 4 crazy dogs

Offline NoDogNow

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Re: Wish I had GR8DAME's nerves of steel!
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2006, 09:57:15 am »
Here's what I'd do (but keep in mind that I'm evil.)

1--He owns your house, so you can't get on the wrong side of him.  Buy some of the evil dog chains nobody likes.  Offer to chain them up out of his way, so that Einstein can visit with them.  (Einstein won't eat them, will he?  :D) Chain them to the clothesline if you have one, or your front door if you don't.  But chain them up, so YOU don't have to see one hit by a car.)

2--Go let them ALL out, and call Animal Control.  Do this as often as necessary to get her to either LOCK her bloody door, or for Animal Control to take them away from her.  People who love doxies don't really care how much they bark; they'll get adopted.

But I'm evil.
Sheryl, Dogless and sad


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Re: Wish I had GR8DAME's nerves of steel!
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2006, 10:11:54 am »

Thanks for the pat on the back, but I only have brass balls, not nerves of steel, LOL!

For your landlord, I would offer to pup sit if you can. It will keep you and your landlard on good terms and protect the little buggers.

Nieghbor lady: IF you can get the image of her strolling around in her robe burned off of your retinas, try a nice anonymous note. Point out that if one person knows that she does not lock her door, in all likelyhood the entire nieghborhood knows and that it is only a matter of time before she is a victim. If she is lucky it will be a simple robbery and they will lock the yappers up. If not she could come home to dead yappers and someone waiting to steal more than just her posessions. And also, most insurance companies will deny benifits if contributory negligence can be proved on a claim.

Offline smsmith

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Re: Wish I had GR8DAME's nerves of steel!
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2006, 10:43:17 am »
Well thanks for the quick response!

Far as Landlord goes, I couldn't care less about keeping him happy.  I'm tied in here till Sept 2007, because HE WANTED ME TO STAY so bad he offered an extra year at reduced rent.  (Houston rental market is pretty sweet right now)

He's an idiot.  For instance -- this past Sunday he decided to trim the limbs on a tree hanging over my carport (next to the fence of my backyard).  So, he and his "helper" (that's another story altogether) start trimming, promptly dropping a huge limb on top of my 15 year old ficus tree, and dangerously close to my Australian fern that's about 5 ft. tall.  AODSF!@!#@@#@$!

Then, while he's up there on the roof, he gets his "helper" to bring him the blower -- and proceeds to blow the contents of the gutters onto my patio -- and all my potted plants, my chair, etc. Have you ever seen, or smelled the inside of your gutters?  GROSS!@#$@!$#@!^!$#%!@$@$

I come out, start raising h*ll and say "you broke my ficus tree!"  He says in a voice that sounds like a little kid caught red-handed -- "oh, is it BROKEN?"  Like, if it's just bent over in half, it's not as bad as if he had snapped a limb.  I had to stake two limbs this morning (THursday) because they're still falling over!#@$&@*#&$*!@&$@$!@($#*@)#(*$!

So, as you can see the first problem is to not be so angry that I am capable of conversing politely with this idiot.  (Even his property manager complains about what an idiot he is.)  I think the calling Animal Control idea is the best remedy for HIM.  That would be a switch for Animal Control, wouldn't it?

Neighbor lady:  I like the anonymous note idea.  I'm glad I haven't talked to her yet.  Heck, I could leave the note on her pillow -- THAT would get the point across, wouldn't it?   HEE HEE.

Thanks guys.  Ya'll are great.



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Re: Wish I had GR8DAME's nerves of steel!
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2006, 11:12:14 am »
HAHAHAHAAHAHA @ the subject line!  I thought that too!
I think you got some great ideas!  Now just get those brass ovaries ready for action!

Offline cosmosmama

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Re: Wish I had GR8DAME's nerves of steel!
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2006, 11:21:13 am »
I love the idea of the note on the pillow, but you may want to invest in some leather chaps to brace against ankle biting!!
Krista, Cosmo (Goofus), Sadie (THE BOSS) and Sammie (Sweet Boy)
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