Author Topic: Time  (Read 948 times)

Offline lshelley21

  • Big Paw Certified
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  • Posts: 255
  • Jazmine 7 months old
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« on: August 17, 2006, 06:45:53 am »
it is funny how time flys by so fast... it has been three months since i picked up Jazmine and it feels like i got her last week. Sometimes it is hard to fine all the time to myself, i am not looking for sympathy or anything like that, i guess i am jsut getting this off my chest.  Working 8-530...getting home at 6-630, our schedual is as follows.... wake potty, jaz potty, walk jaz, feed jaz, get dressed leave for work.... work..... come home walk jaz, feed me and hubby, feed jaz, go to bed...there never seems like there is any time for me...I mean just the little things, by the time night falls it is like i just blinked my eyes, sometimes i wish it was daylight forever.  I feel that i have so much to do and no time at all. But 3 years ago when in school, the time just could not go fast enough...sitti ng here at work time is as slow as slow could be...but as soon as i leave here it is insane... no time for me. No time to jsut go out and play with Jaz, no time to go on a "date" with the hubby, barely enough time to shower. Either i am unorganized or my life just seems insane right now... IT IS AUGUST!!!!!! My b-day is almost here... i think last i looked at the calandar was when i was looking to pick up jaz from maine.... a 6 hour ride to get her. Before i know it she is going to be 6 years old the next time i blink. I seem to be missing so much, i wish i got out of work earlier than i do, after lunch the time is so slow that i wish i could just leave. Ok sorry for boring you... just had to get that off of me... thanks
Lauren, Jazmine (great dane)
Jazmine's pets:
Calvin (ferret)
Willy (ferret)
Samantha (ferret)
Baxter (ferret)
Ferrets friends:
Shirly and baldamore (geckos)
Gecko's friend:
Big D (fish)

Oh yeah.. my pet.. Matt (hubby)
Our pets are all above