Author Topic: No Dogs Allowed  (Read 24335 times)

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No Dogs Allowed
« on: June 17, 2005, 10:03:18 am »
It's street fair and farmer's market time here in Cali and we love bringing Drake to these fun events.  Unfortunately, and it seems it's just in our county, they don't allow dogs at public events.  We take him anyway, because that is just rediculous.  We took Drake to the Art, Wine and Music festival last weekend here in Novato and of course, we got mobbed.  One volunteer walked up to my wife who was talking to a Newf lover, interrupted her with an "AHEM" and shoved a No Dogs Allowed sign in her face.  I laughed because she replied, "Sorry, he's not a dog, he's a Newf"!  So we continued on, stopping constantly so people could gush and molest Drake, which was great!  We love sharing him with others and the positive reaction we get.  Then a cop walked by us with his daughter and she screamed, "Oh Daddy, look at the doggy"!  She runs up to give Drake a hug and he goes into cop mode. "Uh, there's no dogs allowed and it's posted at every entrance, you have to leave!"  We were like, ok, just give us a minute to peel your daughter off our dog and then to tell this growing line of people who want to pet and talk about him that we are leaving!  It was so freaking rediculous!  Does anyone else have to deal with this stupid issue?  What is the logic behind it?  People love big dogs and want to be around them.  It is overwhelming how people will go out of their way to just be able to pet and talk about them.  A few months ago, George Lucas himself pulled up next to us and began baby talking Drake who was hanging his head out the window.  
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Re: No Dogs Allowed
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2005, 10:11:43 am »
It's really too bad!...There are no pets allowed at any of our public parks...Unfort unatly irresponsible dogs owners have paved the way for this kind of thing...Sadly enough I have a feeling it will never be undone.

Offline pndlake

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Re: No Dogs Allowed
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2005, 10:43:23 am »
It is very sad to see this happen.  We get more and more rules and regulations that have to be abided by.  Did you get to vote on that "no dogs allowed" law? Of course not.  It is shoved down our throats.  I thought this was a free country.  WRONG

Offline Carolyn

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Re: No Dogs Allowed
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2005, 10:50:28 am »
Long Island is just about the same there are some places that allow dogs but for the most part a lot of "no dogs". I like to go to the beach with the dogs, theres a leash law in NY which is fine by me, but there are still people who feel the law doesn't apply to them, those are the people who mess it up for others.

Offline GrumpyBunny

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Re: No Dogs Allowed
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2005, 11:25:45 am »
When we moved to Michigan in 2002, we were very surprised to find that not only were there not a lot of off-leash dog parks, but that you could not even take your dog on-leash to a public park.   The nearest dog park to us was about 45 minutes away, and we got there as often as we could.  There was talk at that time shutting it and others down...  Honestly, in the nieghborhood in which we lived, there were tons of dogs in backyards, but almost none out on the streets.  People would look at us as if we were insane whenever we gave our dogs their nightly walk through the neighborhood

This was quite a change for us from the San Diego culture where you could take your dog many places, and there were tons of dog parks, beaches, etc.  Our dogs were used to going every day, at least in summer when it was light enough to take them after work.

Of course, now that we are back in dog-friendly San Diego, I have Ranger who is awful and can't be trusted at the dog park.  Figures!  :D
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Offline jabear

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Re: No Dogs Allowed
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2005, 11:59:31 am »
I hate that too. We have just given up and decided not to fight signs that say no dogs, but I love your solution Ryan. We will have to do that next time we got to some even that says no dogs.
  Mom to one handsome black Bear.


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Re: No Dogs Allowed
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2005, 12:08:02 pm »
Thank goodness that there is a beach here that allows dogs. They are supposed to be on leashes, but the "dog community" has sort of taken over. The beach is part of the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, so its owned by the federal government. But, since parks aren't a huge priority for this administration, they are sort of short-staffed. Hence, there isn't much patrolling by the rangers. Its basically a leash-free dog beach governed by the dog owners themselves. Everyone knows their own dogs, and makes responsible decisions about leashing/not-leashing. And, everyone cleans up. So, my Newfie mix Cabeza is a happy boy and can go swimming and hiking whenever he wants!!!

However...the city itself is not very dog friendly...I could go on for hours about it..but, I'll spare ya! I used to live in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. That place was great! I could take my doggies to the bar, to the video store, some restaurants and lots of shops. Talk about dog-friendly! I can't wait to get back to a community like that!

Part of the problem in my community as well is the HUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUGE Pit Bull fighting problem. It makes it hard for all of us responsible dog owners to be taken seriously when there are trained fighting dogs running around all over. It makes me so sad. Last night, this kid was walking by my house with a TEEEEEEEEEENY Pit bull puppy and he was like, "You want her? I can't take care of her." Well, of COURSE I took her! I was not going to let her become a fighter!!!! AAGH. Its too bad that those kinds of human wastes exist.

Kinda long...sorry! Thanks for the rant....


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Re: No Dogs Allowed
« Reply #7 on: June 17, 2005, 01:52:17 pm »
im glad you got the puppy instead of the kid keeping it though!  you just saved a fighter nicole!  way to go!

Offline mastiffmommy

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Re: No Dogs Allowed
« Reply #8 on: June 17, 2005, 02:00:44 pm »
Here around Charlotte, or at least in the area where we live, we have several parks you can bring your dog, on a leash. All the playgrounds are no dogs allowed though, but in the bigger parks they usually have playgrounds too, so we can bring both two and fourlegged kids. We go to noth myrtle beach quite a bit, and their beaches are usually good with dogs too, in laws have a condo with beach front, and the beach right outside there, you see people walking with dogs all day long, but I dont think the dogs are allowed in the water during "lifeguard" hours. But before and after they can have a blast.

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Offline mamadog

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Re: No Dogs Allowed
« Reply #9 on: June 17, 2005, 02:08:43 pm »
Well after reading this I did  searching on line and called city hall to double check the regulations here.
In Maine dogs are allowed in ALL parks or beaches as long as they are not privatly owned...then it is up to the owner. I was told a few weeks ago by the director of a campground near us that dogs were not allowed to swim in any body of water anywhere in Maine unless you owned the water yourself. I found out today that this is NOT TRUE! Privat beaches can post no dogs on beach, but not public ones. So my babies can go swimming. I also found out that my city does not have a leash law. Your dog much either be on a leash OR within voice as long as your dog can hear you and will obay your commands with reasonable reliability they can be walked off leash anywhere in the city. In most of the rest of the state there is a leash law. I'm actually impressed with how dog friendly our state is. We have a folk festival every year and dogs are allowed there as well as any other public events. And most hotels here allow dogs too.
So I can't bring my fur kids to the mall or out to dinner... that's about it really.
Oh, and in the actual city of Bangor a person can not have more than 3 dogs over the age of 6 months old unless they are a breeder, vet or shelter. I guess I've reached my legal limit!!


Offline pndlake

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Re: No Dogs Allowed
« Reply #10 on: June 17, 2005, 03:02:31 pm »
Vickie, last Fall we were tooling around the countryside in Maine.  We found a beautiful lake and went down to the beach to take photos.  Since we live so far away, we did not have any of our dogs and this is more about Maine laws anyway.  There was a sign posted that said exactly this "Please do not feed the ducks or swimmers will get swimmer's itch". After laughing histerically,  we took a photo of it and still can't figure out what swimmers itch is and how it is connected to ducks.  Please help us.

Offline mastiffmommy

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Re: No Dogs Allowed
« Reply #11 on: June 17, 2005, 03:23:27 pm »
You are a lucky puppy owner vicki. Go do some swimming with your dogs....

I do like the idea of a no leash law, as long as it is not violated. Unfortunately a no leash law, also means that all the dogs people let run loose, all over the place feel in more right to do so. Here in Union county where I live they dont have a leash law, and every time you talk to other rescue workers or The Human Soc. they say that had we only had a leash law, it would have been easier. I dont know if that would make the people who obviously dont take care of their dogs to change, probably not. But I can see both good and bad with a no leash law. Me for one would love it, for me and my dogs.

I know I would love to let my dogs run loose when we go to the beach or the park so much more fun for them than being on the end of a leah with a slow moving mom in the other end  :P

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Re: No Dogs Allowed
« Reply #12 on: June 17, 2005, 11:02:02 pm »
We are fortunate to live in a "dog friendly" area.  I 've taken my Newfs to our local mall and in to all the stores (Abercrombie is the ONLY one with an issue...why is that?  Most of their clothes are already ruined  ;D) and most of the stores keep cookies for the dogs behind the counter.  At one time, the security guards suggested NOT allowing dogs and the dog owners banded together almost like magic and said that they would be fine NOT shopping at there if the dogs couldn't come.  No dog people!  I make a point of buying only from the stores that allow my dogs in!  I don't even like Neiman Marcus...but they allow dogs, as do Saks, J Crew, Restoration Hardware, Home Depot, Armstrong Nursery  etc.  It's truly a case of love my dog!

At our local park, we have people who let their dogs run off lead...and are so responsible about cleaning up after them...and encourage people with families to come and meet the giants so when a neighbor protested against having the dogs off lead, the dog lovers came forward for us.  We pay taxes too and it's unfair to limit our where we can go with our best friends!

Offline mamadog

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Re: No Dogs Allowed
« Reply #13 on: June 18, 2005, 09:59:43 am »
LOL I can see that this would be funny to an "outa statah"!
There is a connection... let me explain.
Ducks (as well as geese, gulls, swans, and aquatic mammals like muskrat and beaver) carry a tiny parasite  in their blood stream. The parasites produce eggs that are passed in the feces of the host bird or mammal.  So if the animal feces land in the water, the water becomes contaminated.
Swimmers' itch (also called cercarial dermatitis) is a skin rash caused by an allergic reaction to contact with the parasites. Symptoms include tingling, burning, or itching of the skin within minutes or days after exposure.  Small reddish pimples appear within 12 hours, which may develop into small blisters.  Itching may last up to a week or more, but will gradually go away.
They post the sign is for 2 reasons. 1. is to let you know that swimmers itch is common there (it isn't a problem in every body of water) and 2. if you feed the ducks, more ducks will come. More ducks, more duck poop. More duck poop more parasites. The problem will get worse.  Simple right??!!
Have you ever seen a sign telling you not to drink the water because of "beaver fever"?  That's a fun one too!


Offline pndlake

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Re: No Dogs Allowed
« Reply #14 on: June 18, 2005, 11:14:43 am »
Thanks Vicki, I will pass this on to my husband.  Never heard the Beaver one, wish I had a photo of it.  After that encounter, we like to spend part of our traveling time taking photos of strange signs.  Thanks agaiin, Peggy ;D