Author Topic: Miss Ella 3 year old mastiff looking for a loving family check out her web site!  (Read 14136 times)

Offline marinafb

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Ella 3 year old mastiff looking for a new loving home check out her web site she is just beautiful!
Freya-9 years collie shepard mix
Milo-6 years Pitt Bull
Bryce-3 years English Mastiff
Mab and Angus cool cats

Offline Imani's Mom

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Sweet girl, but apparently *I* fit the owner's definition of a collector. HA!

Weedsport, NY

Offline macybean

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I was thinking that. I've got two dogs and three cats. I do own my own home, but I'm only 25.

I think it's great that he wants a forever home for his dog, of course, and that he wants potential adopters to think about the long-term and not "oh, cute dog!"; however, he's giving up the dog because he didn't think about these things. I can't help but think he's the pot calling the kettle black.

Offline marinafb

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:o I agree with both of you but…. I think for what ever reason a person has for finding another home for there pet you would want to find the right home. I myself know that a pet is a BIG responsibility . When you take on a dog which I have 3 not only are they going to need to be taken to the vet-dog food – obedience training – Love and understanding- and so much more for the rest of there lives! My dogs are part of my family that would be like saying well I have 3 kids but there to much work so I better find another home for them oh well. I love my dogs and I will be responsible for them to there natural lives are over that is the oath I have taken to them. Marina mother of Freya, Milo and Bryce :o :o :o
« Last Edit: September 02, 2006, 02:33:19 pm by marinafb »
Freya-9 years collie shepard mix
Milo-6 years Pitt Bull
Bryce-3 years English Mastiff
Mab and Angus cool cats

Offline macybean

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I understand, and I know that circumstances can arise which demand that you rehome your pets (unfortunately). But it just seemed interesting that he took quite a bit of time to explain that pets are a long-term commitment yet is giving his up. I agree with you-it's like giving up a child.

Offline Imani's Mom

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And she isn't even spayed- what responsibility to her has HE ever followed through on?

Weedsport, NY


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awww...guys. He's trying to do the right thing for the dog by finding the best home. I think that should be commended. I've said it in other threads, so sorry if I repeat myself, but...somethin g I've learned in all of my rescue/rehoming stuff...people can be *good* dog parents without having all of the traits that we ourselves would have. Not everyone is going to treat their dogs like we do, or do all of the things that we would. But, that doesn't mean that the dog doesn't have lotsa love. You can tell from reading what the man wrote on her site that he truly loves her.

My point in saying all of this is not that I think that the guy might be reading it and have his feelings hurt or something...bu t...I think that it is important for all of us "dog-weirdos" (what my boyfriend calls us  ::)) to withold our judgement a lot of the times. I know that a lot of people fear/hate rescue because of it, and in shelter situations, that kind of judgement can prevent a dog from going to a pretty good home. Also, I think that these kinds of situations can be a good opportunity to educate. And maybe that is what this guy is looking to do, too. Maybe he learned somewhere along the way (after buying his dog) that these are the things you need to think about BEFORE buying, and now he's going to make sure that someone else does...

Not to be preachy. Just my way of lookin' at things.


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Actually, I agree with everyone's opinions on this.

True, the guy does seem to be trying to find the perfect home for his pet.  And the dog lover in me respects him for that.

But, in all honesty, the dog lover in me also finds him to be a hypocrit.  I've had two children and dogs.  Neither suffered from a lack of attention.  Granted, the amount of attention may have slacked.  But everyone knew they were loved and cared for.

I do feel it is commendable that this fella wants the best home possible.  But I feel, the first thing he has to do is get that girl spayed BEFORE she is adopted.  We all know that the smooth talkers will get her and she will be living a horrible life as a puppy mill mom.  I didn't get in his explanation that money was the issue.  As soon as she is spayed the puppy mills will not be interested.  And he will, hopefully, get true dog lovers interested in her.


Oh, I agree Tina. He should absolutely have her spayed before he adopts her out.

As far as being a ah...sure. In a way. He is. Or, he could have just learned that it didn't work for him,and now he doesn't want anyone else to get into that situation.

Offline MSF

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Come on folks !!!!!!!
This man could of dumbed her at the pound.
He could of given her to the first joe that came along.
He could of dumped her on a back country road.
He could of just built a pen for her and kept her outside starved for attention.

But no, he sees he can't meet her needs and deal with other issues so he is looking for a nice home for her.
With so many nasty quick fixes he could of made, and you want to fault the man for trying to find a home that he can't provide for her.
Chill out, In reading his info about her I hear a man who feels guilty enough and wants to make sure the next home is the right and forever home.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2006, 07:26:03 am by MSF »

Offline Bella's mom

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Come on folks !!!!!!!
This man could of dumbed her at the pound.
He could of given her to the first joe that came along.
He could of dumped her on a back country road.
He could of just built a pen for her and kept her outside starved for attention.

But no, he sees he can't meet her needs and deal with other issues so he is looking for a nice home for her.
With so many nasty quick fixes he could of made, and you want to fault the man for trying to find a home that he can't provide for her.
Chill out, In reading his info about her I hear a man who feels guilty enough and wants to make sure the next home is the right and forever home.

Yes, I agree.  I wish all owners who needed to rehome their pets could at least try as hard as this man.
Tessie - Belladonna's and Mojo's Mom

Offline Imani's Mom

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Not that I feel I should have to defend myself on this issue- my point is this... I am near enough to him where I could drive over and pick her up, BUT... I am not *qualified*, as I already have two females purchased from a breeder, one rescue boy, and my foster girl just left for her forever home two weekends ago.  I also have four cats, and chinchillas, which, by his own words, makes me a collector.  What right does HE have to accuse me of that???  How many of you guys here would tell me I would not give this girl the best home she could ever have for the rest of her life???

Weedsport, NY

Offline macybean

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Imani's mom-Thank you.

At 25 and with two dogs and three cats, I wouldn't "qualify" either, despite owning my own home and business and having 5 years of rescue/foster experience.

Past that, I'm glad he's going through all of this trouble. I hope his dog gets a good home out of it. As someone who has gotten close to needing to rehome a dog, I know it's a hard decision. It's just the nature of giving up a pet that doesn't quite fit with his effort, yet it *is* best for his dog that he does this. I was just pointing out the, uh, irony (not sure that that's the word I want to use) of his ad.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2006, 02:44:06 am by macybean »

Offline aggghgmom

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First let me say Ella is gorgeous!! 

I always feel badly for a dog that was/is so loved before the children came and now is being given away because there is no time...very sad.  I sometimes feel Harley gets the short side of the stick because I work during the day and have very active children and he gets left alone...I feel badly for him.  That said I could not get rid of him -that may be selfish maybe he would be better with a less active family but he is my baby and the time we have together I use for Harley time.  (As crazy as it seems he also have some good neighborhood friends who break him out for play time when I am not here)

I do give the person credit for trying to be totally honest and upfront regarding the costs, drool, shedding etc of this dog - best for a new family to know and understand what goes into owning a dog like this.  I don't however, understand the part about collectors some people just like dogs, cats etc and can easily add another pet to the family.  Imagine the fun Ella could have with some of the families on this board.  Imani's Mom for instance she obviously loves this breed of dog; does rescue work and lives close to this person (I'm guessing from his e-mail that he is in Rochester, NY - That is where I am from).  I think he should reconsider and if he feels a person wants the dog only because it would be cool to have a X-large dog and doesn't know what they are in for it is one thing but to allow people with numerous dogs to adopt - obviously people with numerous dogs love the animals that is why they have them.

I LOVE mastiffs but family can't deal with drool or Ella could have a wonderful life on my couch!!

Sorry this is SO long

Offline Imani's Mom

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Thank you! I needed that bit of reassurance.  I forgot to mention that I am home ALL DAY with these guys, have a fenced yard, live out in the country,  do my own training, and everybody who meets them tells me how wonderfully behaved and well trained all of my babies are.  Oh, and my youngest child is 18, and the only one still living at home, tho she is going to college right now.

Weedsport, NY

Offline marinafb

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 :o :o :o :o

I think you should contact him any ways and let him know Ella would have dogs her own size as playmates she would have a loving home and none of us are collectors we are truly animal lovers. I think he lost site or someone else is advising him and he said tose things out of fear for what could happen to his ella. I wish him the best of luck and hope he truly finds some one that cares enough about that breed to give her a loving home! Marina
Freya-9 years collie shepard mix
Milo-6 years Pitt Bull
Bryce-3 years English Mastiff
Mab and Angus cool cats