Author Topic: New pic of Bubba so you can all see what I mean about his weight.  (Read 6409 times)


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I was comparing a couple pics, one taken September 12th with one I just took today and while it's not a huge difference he seems to have gained some weight. The concave area in front of his hips doesn't seem as sunken. His tummy still tucks up a bit too much.

But I figured I'd post these 2 pics and see if it looks like he's gained any weight to you all. Since I'm with him daily it makes it hard for me to see any big changes.. The last weight we got was 128-130. I'm not sure how accurate that is though since Bubba wouldn't hold still. I really need to get him into the vet to weigh him on their scale. 

I've honestly been hesitant to post pics of Bubba because he looks like a bone bag. :'( I almost feel ashamed if that makes any sense, although it doesn't help that I have people asking me why I'm starving him. :( I know you all won't judge me.. at least not on here. LOL But it's still in the back of my mind, you know.... :-\

Putting weight on him has been a really slow process as some of you know. I figured it would be as easy as feeding him extra.. NOT. The Canidae seems to be helping.. although not as quickly as I'd like. I may just make up a batch of Satin Balls.. maybe help the weight gain along. :-\ At least his ribs and spine are not visable now, that had to be the worst. Everytime I looked at him I wanted to cry. :(

I think the major boo boo I made was trying the California Natural. He had a nice steady weight gain before that. That food was a disaster and he still hasen't gained back the weight he lost during that episode.  :(

The first pic is the one taken today. Doesn't he look so impressed. haha. I put him in a stand/stay and he just loves it so much.  ;)

The second pic is the one taken Sept.12th. I circled the area that I'm talking about...

Ahhhh... *sigh* At least I'm having no weight issues with Lola.. If she had half the problems poor Bubba has had I think I would go insane. This whole weight issue with Bubba is just making me neurotic.. LOL
« Last Edit: October 20, 2006, 02:58:00 am by Lyn »

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Re: New pic of Bubba so you can all see what I mean about his weight.
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2006, 03:47:22 am »
He's beautiful.  Yes, a little skinny, but beautiful!  I know you want the weight to pack on fast, but slow and steady wins the race!
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Re: New pic of Bubba so you can all see what I mean about his weight.
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2006, 03:53:04 am »
I was going to say exactly what Tina did. The first thing I noticed was how happy he looks, not how thin he is. He looks very happy, and well taken care of. He is a little on the skinny side, but he doesn't look starved, and I'm sure he will gain the weight in time. Keep your chin up. It will get better. :) ((hugs))


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Re: New pic of Bubba so you can all see what I mean about his weight.
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2006, 04:04:40 am »
I just feel like there is something that the vet is missing. This can't be normal?!

The chronic loose stool/diarrhea, weightloss and slow weightgain are the only symptoms he has. Which could point to anything.. heart, kidneys, liver, pancreas, bowel.. things that the full blood panel should have completely covered right? My vet was a little too vague in that department.. he said said the blood work was normal and that was the extent of it. He had an emergency come in so our visit was cut short.

I think I'm going to take Bubba back in for another blood test since this weightloss was fairly recent, and get him to do another exam.


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Re: New pic of Bubba so you can all see what I mean about his weight.
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2006, 05:08:32 am »
That might be best. Or take him to a different vet for a 2nd opinion if you are really worried. How are his eating habits? Does he seem to eat a lot and never be full? We had a dane that did that and continually lost weight regardless of how much we fed him, and it turned out he had a tapeworm. After we figured that out, he slowly gained weight back. Just some thoughts, I'm not sure if that's what it could be or not, and it doesn't seem like he is continuing to lose weight, but thought I'd throw out another idea. Good luck.

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Re: New pic of Bubba so you can all see what I mean about his weight.
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2006, 05:09:19 am »
I think he looks good. His coat is healthy and yes he is on the skinny side but it's not that bad.  Have you considered getting a second opinion from a different vet?  I think maybe a fresh set of eyes may help find the problem.
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Re: New pic of Bubba so you can all see what I mean about his weight.
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2006, 05:12:07 am »
maybe just maybe...and i'm no expert.  but what about worms?  wouldn't those cause weightloss? 

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Re: New pic of Bubba so you can all see what I mean about his weight.
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2006, 05:58:36 am »
Lyn I know exactly how you feel. I have had terrible problems keeping weight on Brody, my female great dane. She has seen 2 different vets and both of them have given her a clean bill of health. She eats like crazy, but just doesn't gain weight. I am embarrassed to take her out anywhere because she looks like I've REALLY neglected her. Someone here, don't remember who, but told me to try the satin balls. Have you tried them with Bubba? I don't remember if he has any allergies to where you wouldn't be able to feed them. But I started Brody on them and she has started to really but the weight on. I used to be able to see her ribs, her backbone, her hip bones. Honestly she looked a LOT worse than Bubba does. And now I can barely see her ribs, and her backbone, I can't see her hip bones at all. I started out by feeding her a satin ball with her other food 3 times a day. Just a little bit at a time. Now she still gets fed 3 times a day but only gets a satin ball once maybe twice a day. Good luck. He does look very happy, healthy, and a well loved dog.
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Re: New pic of Bubba so you can all see what I mean about his weight.
« Reply #8 on: October 20, 2006, 06:20:34 am »
I too think a second visit to your vet, possibly a different vet would be in store.  Def. get stool samples checked. Blood work wont always tell the whole story, check and see if there are more indept tests available for dogs with digestive problems, sounds alot like my Mokey who has had ibd actively since she was about 6 months old and she had alot of the same things you are saying.

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Re: New pic of Bubba so you can all see what I mean about his weight.
« Reply #9 on: October 20, 2006, 06:34:58 am »
I don't know all of the details of your struggles with Bubba, but I can tell you that, from an outisde perspective, the new pictures of Bubba look great! He still looks skinny, but there is a HUGE improvement that you probably can't see because you're in the thick of it. You can tell that he is a happy and very well-loved boy!

I also reccomend seeking a second opinion, because, doctors and vet's diagnoses, are, for the most part, opinions.Which means that someone may have a different opinion that fits.

I also recommend adding supplements to his food, if he doesn't have allergies to the ingredients in satin balls, try that. Or try adding fresh meat/fish/eggs etc that he handles well, throw some extra (and tasty!) calories in there.

Also, as a last ditch effort, and talk to your vet about it first, try caloric powders. Our friends have two duaghter with cystic fibrosis that can't keep weight on them for anything. So, they sprinkle a powder on their foods that is basiccally just calories. I have no idea if they work/are healthy for dogs, but it's always worth askign, right?

Lastly, keep in mind that you are doing a great job. You have shown a dedication that is incredibly admirable, and he is lucky to have such a great mom. Weight that is gained slowly is kept on for longer, and generally is more healthy than immediate gains. Kepe up the good work, he is a handsome boy!


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Re: New pic of Bubba so you can all see what I mean about his weight.
« Reply #10 on: October 20, 2006, 09:39:14 am »
Ack! I just had this long reply typed out and I closed it..  :o Let's try this again.. LOL

Thanks for all the great suggestions.  ;D

As for the satin balls, I've wanted to try them for sooooo long. But I'm not sure how Bubba's tummy will handle them. If I give him something that doesn't agree with him he get's bloody, watery diarrhea. If the diarrhea persists for any length of time then he starts to lose weight again. I'm worried he will end up losing the weight he just put on and then we are back at square one. So I'm not sure if I should risk it, have quicker weight gain. Or just go the slow steady route.  :-\

Here's the list of things we have done so far...

-Numerous stool samples (tapeworm was found once last summer and were treated) other than that nothing was found in those. We wormed him anyway using a broad spectrum wormer. Still no change in his loose poop.
- Full blood panel.. found nothing abnormal.
- Abdominal x-rays.. no growths.. tumors.. ect...

Ooops, I have someone at my door... I'll post more in a bit.  :D


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Re: New pic of Bubba so you can all see what I mean about his weight.
« Reply #11 on: October 21, 2006, 03:16:38 am »
Ugh, I had family visit unexpectedly. Don't you just love that. ::)

Ok, There are 3 vets in my area. I switched from the other vet to the one I have now when I got Bubba, the 3rd vet is a.. (ummm... bad word, lol) he's the one I used to work for. I saw how he treated the animals.. so I won't take my babies there. He also used to 'overcharge' people for things he didn't even do. >:(

I can get my vet to check for IBD/IBS. How is that diagnosed? Biopsy?

You know I was just reading about Giardia.. it almost resembles what going on with Bubba. Except for the poor appetite and he's not really gassy. I'm thinking another round of the broad spectrum wormer might be a good idea.

Symptoms are...

-Intermittent loose stools
-Will not gain weight
-Poor appetite
-Some dogs will eat but keep losing weight
-Graze on grass excessively

He's been de-wormed about a trillion times but maybe he's reinfecting himself? I wonder if there is anyway to 'disinfect' the yard?


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Re: New pic of Bubba so you can all see what I mean about his weight.
« Reply #12 on: October 21, 2006, 05:20:28 am »
I been to a couple out of town vets but they were how can I put it.. pushy.. and had a high and mighty attitude and just seemed 'rough'. :( One acted like he were an encyclopedia of Saint Bernard knowledge.. meanwhile I was told at the desk by the receptionist that the vet did not have many large breeds clients. ::)

The vet I have now is awesome. You can just tell a true animal lover when you see it. He's the only vet I've ever been to that got right down on the floor with Bubba to rub his belly and inspect a hot spot. Bubba turns into a complete freak as soon as we walk in the door because he loves it there. We have been there alot in these past 20 months, Bubba probably thinks it's his second home. LOL

I'm going to call the vet about the broad spectrum wormer stuff and find out exactly what parasites/worms it kills, 'I know Giardia was one of them' I'll have take Bubba in to get his weight for the wormer so I can see what progress we have made there too. Might as well take another stool sample in while I'm at it.

"Off to check and see how broke we are"  :D If we are not already. LOL Good thing hubby gets paid weekly. ;)


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Re: New pic of Bubba so you can all see what I mean about his weight.
« Reply #13 on: October 21, 2006, 05:46:12 am »
Yeah the high fibre was working for awhile there. We had switched to the fish kibble (eagle pack) and I was adding extra oatmeal to his meals. Then suddenly one day he started having huge loose stool. I couldn't figure it out, so I stopped adding the oatmeal for 2 days and his poop when back to normal. As soon as I started giving him the oatmeal again the large loose stool returned. So stopped giving it to him all together.

Now he's eating the Canidae (which he couldn't eat before without having booty blowout) and his stool is between normal to soft. But he 'goes' quite often. About 5-6 times a day. Small volume stools.

I believe he was tested for Pancreatitis awhile ago. We had a full blood panel done. But I just read a site that says it's a different blood test that's not apart of the full blood panel ??? I'll have to get my vet to check Bubba's file.. if it wasn't done, I'll ask for him to do one.

But nope, no vommiting.. no loss of appetite.. no lethargy.. Bubba has been described as very active for a Saint. He's a borderline spaz. LOL