Author Topic: fumble and the terrible twos!  (Read 3524 times)

Offline Fumble

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fumble and the terrible twos!
« on: October 22, 2006, 11:23:03 am »
ugh! i don't know if it was the drastic change in temperature!  basically from 70 to about 50/55, but fumble has been extremely nippy lately! even after walks when he's usually tired, he's all hyper and mouthY!  he calms down at points.. but then there are the others where i just don't know who he is!!  :o he'd better be happy he's soo cutE!!! 

i just feel really bad for stacy, cause she got bit at work the other day by one of her 'crazy kids' in her after school program, had to go to the hospital, get tests... etc. etc... so now she's all freaked out when he goes to nip at her! which i feel bad about!  i'm sort of at a loss and just needed to vENT!  lol! sorry i've been MIA too.. it really doesn't give me a right to vent.. but i only really talk to stacy and she's right here experiencing it!!  sheesh!! 

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Offline horsepoor21

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Re: fumble and the terrible twos!
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2006, 11:36:58 am »
I'm sorry Fumble's being a naughty boy and that's really ...kind of crazy ... to hear about your sister being bit by a child ! But ... as I read your post I was thinking the exact same thing * But He's sooooo cute !!* LOL  :-* ;D
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Offline shangrila

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Re: fumble and the terrible twos!
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2006, 12:48:01 pm »
Maybe if you tried a little bit of rescue remedy he would calm down ???

And tell her if is makes her feel any better, I get bitten all the time at work  :o I work with students with severe PDDs and I have bitten twice badly and one job and probably two dozen times at the other job although the kids I have there cant bite hard enough to even leave a mark
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Offline DixieSugarBear

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Re: fumble and the terrible twos!
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2006, 04:07:29 pm »
The 2'ssssssssss are killing me with Sugar Bear.  I sure will be happy when he is 3. ::)
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Offline FumbsAuntie

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Re: fumble and the terrible twos!
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2006, 12:04:05 am »
Hey guys! Yah I did get bit, i actually will probably be bitten quite a few times while i work at this one place.. Although this is the worst we've had ever with biters! And yes, I do get upset when Fumble does get at me with those teeth, i guess its becasue i can yell at him back and tell him no. The only reason we get bit at work is becasue the children are being unsafe; banging their heads, hurting themselves, or hurting us, so we put them in a "supportive hold" not a restraint, leaving our shoulders and are arms in mouths way! its the only way the kids can hurt us, so they do it. !! But thanks for the concern! :)

Offline Tspanos

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Re: fumble and the terrible twos!
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2006, 09:44:13 am »
I don't know about that job of yours Stacy. As for Fumbs we'll have to see how he is after this weekend.