Author Topic: unorganized memories of the ROADTRIP  (Read 3450 times)


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unorganized memories of the ROADTRIP
« on: June 26, 2005, 04:02:09 pm »
here it goes i think of stories, i will put them in here!  so check in often, we've got some good ones! everytyhing you can think of.....i'll start in a second

Offline jabear

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Re: unorganized memories of the ROADTRIP
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2005, 04:07:28 pm »
Memories, memories.....H ere is a funny one. I was on the phone with my sister and Nicki and I had been driving on the peninsula forever! We went down a road that had no dead ended with no where to turn around so I did like a 20-point turn. Anyways, as I am turning, and on the phone, I hear a noise and look in the back seat. What do I see? Angus peeing in the back with COdy and Bear just staring at him. It was so funny that I started to laugh so hard I was crying! It was so fitting on this road in the middle of nowhere with the other 2 dogs just staring at Angus like, "Dude- you just go right ahead and empty yourself out. We all know we aren't getting out anytime soon".  ;D I tell you- any other time I would have been mad but all I could do on day 3 of the roadtrip with absolutely no sleep was laugh, laugh, laugh.
  Mom to one handsome black Bear.


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Re: unorganized memories of the ROADTRIP
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2005, 04:20:05 pm »
LMAO!  i dont know how you could be mad, that was SOOOOO funny! and it wasn't our car!  plus he's a baby LOL. 

its true though...the little pisser did it again.

MEMORY # DOS.......

when in seattle on day 4, we decided we were SOOO tired and needed to get a real night of sleep for the first time since we we got a hotel room.  we told them we had one dog (BEAR) and got a room on the first floor.  we popped out the screen of the window, picked up wangus and dakota, and passed them through the window like drug smugglars to one another.  then, wango and cody slept on jaba all night and she didnt even end up getting sleep after ALL THAT TROUBLE we went though!  lol

serioulsy, who picks up 70lb dogs and hands them through the window!

Offline jabear

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Re: unorganized memories of the ROADTRIP
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2005, 04:34:51 pm »
Memory 3:

When Nicki was reminding me of the peeing in the car incident on day 4, I spit the hot chocolate in my mouth all over myself. I though that I was gonna cry once again with all of the laughing. Too funny I tell you. Too funny!
  Mom to one handsome black Bear.


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Re: unorganized memories of the ROADTRIP
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2005, 04:41:22 pm »
memory 4-

so...on went to fresno on monday to meet up with jaba and the cub...and we went to a dog park where many things occured, including me getting into it with an anorexic FREAK, who "would be more comfortable if angus was on a leash", because he kept barking at her one else, just her!  she was crazy.  anyway....we met up with pndlake, and she is CRAZY COOL, as is niki the trash dog LMAO.....but while they were talking, peggy mentioned to jaime about this olympic peninsula that was jaimes heaven on earth!  well, while driving north, we saw a roadsign for it and we freaked out and pulled a right off the highway and decided we would find it.  we drove and drovce and drove for about what, 7 hours jaime?, and then were like holy moly lets ask.....jaime gets out of the car, goes inside and comes out CRACKING UP!  she had two things to tell, and one of them was that WE HAD BEEN ON THE PENINSULA THE WHOLE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  WE JUST KEPT DRIVING AND DRIVING EXPECTING TO COME ACROSS THIS PLACE NOT KNOWING WE HAD BEEN ON IT ALL DAY!  lol, again, we coulndt contain our laughter! 

who doesnt know they are on a friggin peninsula!

Offline jules

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Re: unorganized memories of the ROADTRIP
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2005, 05:12:26 pm »
Maybe Angus thought thatwoman was a bone and he wanted.Second, maybe you and jabear should color your hair blonde for the next road trip in case anything like that happens again it will be expected.LOL!!!!!!

Offline pndlake

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Re: unorganized memories of the ROADTRIP
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2005, 06:12:47 pm »
LOL I can just picutre the five of you driving 7 hrs. looking for the turnoff to the Olympic Peninsula like it was a small one that you could drive out onto and fish.  It is about half of the enitre East Coast of Washington.  Yup I was getting ready for the brawl at the dog park, Niks said "it doesn't matter what I do the the $%^^&, I'll never see her again".  I had this funny picture of blood, dirt, dogs, screaming and more, but it never happened.  Thank heavens for good memories.



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Re: unorganized memories of the ROADTRIP
« Reply #7 on: June 26, 2005, 06:44:10 pm »
LOL!...What great stories!...I know you guys will never forget it! :)