Author Topic: I hate my hubby, kids, & my dog right now!  (Read 11716 times)


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Re: I hate my hubby, kids, & my dog right now!
« Reply #15 on: June 29, 2005, 08:01:58 am »
Absolutely agree, Tina. Despite any venting to the contrary, I love men in general, and mine particularly. It's just like when I accidentally tore the door off of my Sunbird, and dented his prize truck all at the same time.... And he went to our body man and asked him "Why the f#$% didn' I just learn to cook?" (It was also a very quiet two weeks at the house.) Sometimes you just need to release that steam. So apologies to any guys that feel slammed, it's nothing personal.


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Re: I hate my hubby, kids, & my dog right now!
« Reply #16 on: June 29, 2005, 08:21:30 am »
I'm feeling much better today!...Hubby will be home off of the road & I know for sure that barrier will be going up!...This morning I just let Sam out to potty but made sure I waved a piece of cheese in front of his nose first to let him know that good things will happen to dogs that come right back without rolling in the bog...It worked this time but it doesn't always...I wish i could do the barrier myself but I don't think I physically can...I have gained a sickening bunch of weight since I had the kids & my health isn't great to say the least...I was so upset yesterday with everything that I vowed to do something about it...I am SSSSSSSSSOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOO tired of being fat & out of shape...It takes all of my energy just to get through my days & everything around me suffers because of it...Kids, hubby, house, probably not the pets though surprisingly.. .lol...Because they can't choose for themselves I make sure they always get what they needs to be healthy & happy...Anyway, I know this has turned into a personal confession about my life but I could use you guy's support in my quest to change my life...I have gained over 100 lbs. since I got married almost 10 yrs. ago...Somethin g has to give because I can't take it anymore & I want to have fun & be happy again!...I could use advise & words of encouragement all!...I am changing my avatar too...Though I hate me in this pic I love Samson in it & maybe if I look at it when i am on here all the time it will help me to stay focused...I love you guys & ty for listening!

Offline Carolyn

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Re: I hate my hubby, kids, & my dog right now!
« Reply #17 on: June 29, 2005, 11:28:42 am »
Sometimes when hubby doesn't get to do what I need done..I "try" to do whatever it is myself. Needless to say it's usually not as good as he could have done & probably looks like ____ but sometimes he'll jump in & fix my work or just get pissed.
Now everytime I ask him to look at something in the backyard by the barn he'll say "Im not going back there, it only means work for me".