Author Topic: I hate to do this*  (Read 1618 times)

Offline aquariusf87

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I hate to do this*
« on: November 28, 2006, 12:17:35 pm »
I hate to do this But i feel I have no other choice. I love Naiya(my puppy) so much I really do, But She is to much for me to handle. I have never had so much trouble tring to raise a dog/puppy I just don't want her to grow up and bite someone or be uncontrolable. I feel Like I let her down. I got her from the spca and thought I could do the best for her.So im going to try these puppy classes one more time and if they don't work im going to have to give her away to someone who has the time and a yard for her.I want her to go to a great home with other dogs. But Everytime i think about giving her away I just cry.I feel like a Horbale person.

Offline chaos270

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Re: I hate to do this*
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2006, 08:28:04 pm »
I'm so sorry to hear you're having a hard time.  I hope the puppy class helps.  How old is she and what is she doing?  Maybe someone on here could give you some tips on how to get through the puppy stages.  Good luck and remember to think positive because if you don't it won't work.  And if nothing works it is not your fault, she may just not be the right one for you.  Keep us updated.

Good Luck,
Erin and the critters
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Offline MagicM3

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Re: I hate to do this*
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2006, 01:10:17 pm »
Very few of us have not been in your shoes,
It is rare to get a perfect dog,
Sometimes it is a good thing to take inventory but do it when you are having a good day not when you are feeling down

It sounds like you really have strong feelings for this one.

Don't give up yet.

I'm sure that many here can offer suggestions.


How old is she
What kind is she
How long have you had her

Puppies can be very trying to the best of us,It could turn out that she is not the one for you,but since you have posted you are going to have to work to not keep her.

Tricia and the fur kids

Offline bluskygirl

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Re: I hate to do this*
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2006, 08:31:05 pm »
I can totally understand how you are feeling. My last dog was a cattle dog, and I didn't have a yard for her. That meant that unless I could get her to the park two or three times a day, and at least one of them a nice long run, she was completely crazy.  She was mouthy as a pup, constantly biting my kids and me, jumping, barking, into everything, you name it. She was the hardest dog I have ever owned. 

Now I have Bella who is 5 months old, and I thought she would be a breeze compared to Pepper the Crazy Cattle Dog.  Somethings are definitely easier, but Bella is harder in ways that Pepper wasn't. She doesn't catch on to things as quickly, she has resource guarding issues, she's very submissive so requires a lot of leaderhsip to feel secure, etc.  She isn't any better or worse than Pepper was, just different. AND, even with Bella there are days that I just want to scream! When things get tough for me, I put Bella in her crate with a chew and I go upstairs for a bit. Sometimes all you need is a break. Be diligent and don't give up. Your hard work will pay off in the end.

I agree with others that there is the posibility that Naiya isn't the dog for you. Pepper wasn't the dog for me. After two years, I realized that Pepper had too much herding instinct in her and really needed a job, a yard and something to herd.  She was not meant to be crated and in the house.  I loved her so much and it was the hardest thing I ever had to do, but now she works on a cattle ranch in Wyoming and I think that is the best thing I could have done for her.  I didn't come to this decision lightly though. I met with a behaviorist, went through lots of trials and months of different treatments before she (the behaviorist) and I agreed that Pepper was not a good fit for my life.  Don't do it until you're sure, and wait until you get past the puppy craziness because ALL puppies will test you, and push you to insanity sometimes!

Good luck, sorry this is so long.  Please let us know what we can do to help you and Naiya.

Bella- Smooth Coat Saint
Piston- grouchy kitty
Jupiter- Scaredy Cat