Author Topic: How cuddly are Newfs? Do they like to sleep with you in bed?  (Read 10694 times)

Offline tanzy_m

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How cuddly are Newfs? Do they like to sleep with you in bed?
« on: November 29, 2006, 03:18:01 am »

We are thinking of getting a Newfoundland, but before we do, we were hoping to find out how much they love to cuddle?  I know, unusual question but my wife is looking for a dog that loves to cuddle; that wants to take naps with her / us and wants to sleep in our bed at night.  My wife's preference is that if the dog can choose one place to rest, sit or lie down it would be on top of her / as close as possible and always seeks you out.

We had a King Charles Spaniel(which sadly has recently passed) that was supposed to be 'cuddly' like she wanted, but sadly it was not.  When my wife would cuddle with it on the couch while watching tv, it would start panting very very loudly to let her know that it preferred to sleep elsewhere.  It would then happily trod off to the guest bedroom for a quiet undisturbed nap and not reappear til dinner :)

Anyways, we meaning she :) didn't want that same kind of personality, so we were just wondering how cuddly you think the newf is, and whether they like to take naps and sleep in bed with you, and cuddle w/t you on the couch while watching the tube. 

Thanks, Bob

Offline schelmischekitty

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Re: How cuddly are Newfs? Do they like to sleep with you in bed?
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2006, 03:20:44 am »
cuddliness isn't a breed thing, it's a personality trait.  just like people, not every person is the same.  just because my hubby likes to sleep doesn't mean you do.  if i had to guess though, about what dog to pick, i would look at the parents and look at how the dog was raised, if it was picked up and cuddled a lot.  if it was around people constantly, etc etc.
steffanie in atlanta

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Re: How cuddly are Newfs? Do they like to sleep with you in bed?
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2006, 04:03:39 am »
My newf mix loves to be close to you...however, if given a choice between sleeping with me or say....eating nails, he'd probably choose the nails. He simply gets too hot to be in bed. He likes to be near you, just not touching you all the time. Too much hair.

Offline Tspanos

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Re: How cuddly are Newfs? Do they like to sleep with you in bed?
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2006, 04:19:39 am »
Like above it is a personality thing. Kali will sleep in my bed now that it is cooler but you couldn't drag her to my bed in the summer even with the AC going all the time. I will say this I don't think your wife is ready for a 110-180# dog to sit in her lap, its cute and i love it but I can only take it for so long before breathing wins out!

As for a Newf stereotype, they love to be with their people, they drool, they like the water(even if it is only on their terms), are protective (not agressive), shed, are intelligent but tend to be SLOW you get the idea.
Kali loves to go everywhere I go. Kali also loves to sit with my father on the sofa (the little love seat) while he watches the news. Check out this page from a few weeks ago,14086.0.html it has a lot of good feedback on newfs. Tim

Offline waldfamily

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Re: How cuddly are Newfs? Do they like to sleep with you in bed?
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2006, 04:20:53 am »
I have two newfs.  One is VERY cuddly, he will practically be sitting on top of me all day.  The other likes to be near us, but not exactly "cuddly"

Offline schelmischekitty

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Re: How cuddly are Newfs? Do they like to sleep with you in bed?
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2006, 05:00:42 am »
not trying to be rude, i promise, but i'd do a lot of research before getting a big paw.  there's a HUGE difference between a 13-18lb dog standing at 12-13 inches high and a bigpaw weighing in at 100-150lbs and almost 30inches high (just rounding off akc standards, there are freak sizes too).  there's a lot of specifics on diets, and also a lot more money that will be needed to just do basic care for a bigpaw, and also obedience problems aren't "funny" like they are with smaller dogs, they're actually a problem.  not trying to be rude, just honest.
steffanie in atlanta

aiden (4), tristan (2), & maya (born sept. 17th)
axle-140ish-lb akita (4)
peanut-5lb, 11 months chihuahua
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Re: How cuddly are Newfs? Do they like to sleep with you in bed?
« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2006, 06:12:14 am »
I have two Newfs, and one, Cowboy (the Landseer) is always near me...touching, if possible.  Except at night; that's when he wants to be in his own bed next to me.  Chester (the brown) is always nearby, many times, climbing up on the couch next to me and every morning, tip-toeing on to the bed for his morning cuddle.  (the sight of a 110 pound puppy tip-toeing is our morning laugh EVERY morning!!) They do get too hot if you try to cuddle them too much and will go some place else to cool off.....but then come right back to cuddle again.

I've found that they are HUGE cuddle-bugs...but do like their space, now and again.

Good luck with your search!

Offline VdogLover

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Re: How cuddly are Newfs? Do they like to sleep with you in bed?
« Reply #7 on: November 29, 2006, 06:39:25 am »
cuddliness isn't a breed thing, it's a personality trait.  just like people, not every person is the same. 

I'm not to sure about this. Vizslas are called the velcro breed due to their "cuddling" issues. I have yet to meet one who wouldn't sit on you, lay on you, or sit stuck to your side unless they were trained not to.
I can't speak for Newfs but I know it can be a breed trait.


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Re: How cuddly are Newfs? Do they like to sleep with you in bed?
« Reply #8 on: November 29, 2006, 07:06:56 am »
cuddliness isn't a breed thing, it's a personality trait.  just like people, not every person is the same. 

I'm not to sure about this. Vizslas are called the velcro breed due to their "cuddling" issues. I have yet to meet one who wouldn't sit on you, lay on you, or sit stuck to your side unless they were trained not to.
I can't speak for Newfs but I know it can be a breed trait.

I have to agree with Vdoglover. You can't get much cuddlier than  a Vizsla(IMO ;)). Farley is attached to me pretty much 24/7. He was not trained to be at all. It is just they way he(the breed) is. If you are watching tv, he will jump up and  lay right with you. At night he sleeps right in bed with us. He loves to cuddle right under the blankets. He always likes to be touching you.  It was one of the things about the breed that attracted us to them. Farley is a very affectionate boy. I am finding as he is maturing he is becoming a very nice boy and a true companion. ;D

Offline MommaBear

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Re: How cuddly are Newfs? Do they like to sleep with you in bed?
« Reply #9 on: November 29, 2006, 09:03:05 am »
Bear our Newf Mix is pretty cuddly and falls asleep with us but does get hot and leaves the bed most nights -- I think we need a king size!

Offline fullsizetrucks

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Re: How cuddly are Newfs? Do they like to sleep with you in bed?
« Reply #10 on: November 29, 2006, 09:45:36 am »
My aunt and uncle have a newf, and they say that even though she is very loving, the cuddles aren't there as much just due to the fur and heat issue.  We were comparing, because Dodge tries to be touching me at all times.  If my daughter is on the couch cuddling with me, he will pace and whine until she gets up to do something and then steals her place.  And God forbid Yukon gets his spot!  He sleeps in the bed, and both of my boys follow me room to room.  I admit that I agree with both opinions though....I think breed and personality play a part in it. 
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Re: How cuddly are Newfs? Do they like to sleep with you in bed?
« Reply #11 on: November 29, 2006, 10:21:04 am »
First let me say that I LOVE VdogLover's picture - what a face!!!

We've had two newfs.  Barkley was not a cuddler at all - you had to get on the floor with him and then he'd grudgingly lay against you. 

Anna?  She'd be the perfect dog for your wife!  She climbs into my lap and worms her way up until she's got paws on either side of my neck, hugging and kissing me.  She tries to sneak up on the bed, which we won't allow because there's just no room, but she does manage to tip toe up, just like Chester, every morning, for a cuddle and a smooch.

So maybe it is personality and not breed with the Newfs.  They are a gentle breed that I have found to be very loyal to their people though.  They are also a big commitment. 

Good luck with your search - sounds like whatever dog lands with you folks will be well loved!
Newly owned by Anna Banana, kind of owned by Sheba
and always remembering Barkley - crossed the Bridge on May 19, 2006.

Offline macybean

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Re: How cuddly are Newfs? Do they like to sleep with you in bed?
« Reply #12 on: November 29, 2006, 10:36:25 am »
I don't know how set you are on a Newf, but my friend has a foster dog-an Aussie mix-that is the most cuddly dog I've *ever* met, and I have a couple of love bugs myself (a lab and a saint) who love to cuddle and sleep with me. Best part is, she's a rescue and needs a home!

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Re: How cuddly are Newfs? Do they like to sleep with you in bed?
« Reply #13 on: December 03, 2006, 05:06:55 am »
As has been said, cuddliness is a personality trait.

The first Newf we had, Molly, was ALWAYS aloof, and at over 10, she still is. She likes affection, but only when she wants it! The other three are much more cuddly, and often demand a fuss, even when we don't want to give them one!

If you want a dog on the settee or bed then I wouldn't go for a Newf... Unless you want to sleep or sit on the floor! They take uo alot of room!!!

Another thing I will say is, mine are not happy in our livingroom as they get too warm. Our dinning room has floor tiles and no heating, so they are in there or on our patio most of the time. If they wanted to be in the livingroom with us, they would want the patio doors open, which would mean that I would freeze to death!!

I also have 2 English Cocker Spaniels, they are both cuddly, although one is more cuddly than the other. Now they are the size of dog you can cope with on the settee or bed!

Mum to Molly, Honey and Kitten
RIP my darling Bronte

Offline FumbsAuntie

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Re: How cuddly are Newfs? Do they like to sleep with you in bed?
« Reply #14 on: December 03, 2006, 05:26:27 am »
Fumble is the same as most. very cuddly when he wants to be, then he also likes his space. we get him up in eirens bed and lay with him for a little bit, but that only lasts for like 10 minutes. all our floors are hardwood so he loves to sleep on them keeping him nice and cool, but he does sleep right next to eirens bed, never leaving her side once the lights are off! Fumble is a very affectionate dog and loves to be cuddly and kissy when he wants to be.. and of course loves the cuddles and kisses back! :)