Author Topic: Breed restrictions!!!!!  (Read 27055 times)

Offline jusiw

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Re: Breed restrictions!!!!!
« Reply #15 on: March 27, 2005, 02:40:02 pm »
I can see that this is a list with people from other countries.  It is great to hear how others manage the problems, but I don't believe that Americans are going to sit still while their rights become amended.  NOT practical in the US.

Kudos to you Ann for being so responsible.  In a perfect world, to those of us that love dogs, no litters would be bred without health clearances like OFA, CERF and BAER testing.  In a perfect world, only proven adults with lovely temperaments would be bred.  This simply isn't a perfect world.  We have a client who is an AmStaff breeder, and he NEVER does a breeding with a bitch or a dog that has ever growled or snapped at an human being, and he tests them thoroughly.  We have euthanized several of his prized stock after a single incident of snapping at a person.  We can do ANYTHING with his dogs, all of them.

He is a very responsible breeder.  I don't think he makes much money doing it!  I always try to tell our clients that if you breed right, you aren't going to make money.  At least not much.

I don't breed dogs, all of the dogs in my pack currently are desexed.  The key to ending all this breed specific legislation is responsible ownership.  Period. It isn't the dogs fault, it is the owners fault.  The dogs are just being dogs.  Who can fault them for that?

CGC's and breed championships are not the answer, although they may be a part of the equation.  You already know my objection to the breed ring as a way to "earn" the right to breed.  CGC is definitly not infallable.  I know several dogs with CGCs that clearly are NOT good citizens and their owners can't trust them around other dogs or the wrong environment or just out on the worng day.  Even dogs have good days and bad days.  If the dog earns a CGC on a good day, but has more bad unpredictable days, does that mean that it is a truly nice, good dog and can be trusted to be an ambassador of it's breed? 

Sigh.  Wish it was an easier fix.


Offline jabear

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Re: Breed restrictions!!!!!
« Reply #16 on: March 27, 2005, 06:21:02 pm »
Nobody should ever be put in the place of deciding what is right or wrong for another individual. Everyone has their own ideas on good or bad pets and breeds. I don't think this is really an issue on breed restrictions but rather an issue who is better, safer, and more loved at this moment. Everything in our world comes down to a political warfare where those with the most $$ can make the most impact on decisions. I agree that pets are a privilage and not a right, but to limit my choice, breed, gender, and in-tactness should never a decision the law makes for me. If I can prove my responsibility as an owner and parent, I should have the right to do what I want with MY dog when I want to do it. He make work, he may show, he may play and sure he might become a dad someday....all of which is up to me!

The quality of life every living thing has should be up to those who take an active role in raising it and not the lawmakers sitting in their fancy offices making decisions that impact my life or those of loved ones. As in many cases, too much government is not good for the people.
  Mom to one handsome black Bear.

Offline jusiw

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Re: Breed restrictions!!!!!
« Reply #17 on: March 27, 2005, 09:52:08 pm »
AMEN Jabear!

That is what I was trying to say, but doing a terrible job of it.

BTW...your puppy pic is the cutest ever!


Offline rockettgirl68

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Re: Breed restrictions!!!!!//hi new
« Reply #18 on: April 09, 2005, 10:15:57 pm »
i own a pit mix in nj he's also a american bulldog thats what i tell people he is american bulldog. they look the same except size amer. bulldog is bigger then the pit according to research the pit came from the amer. bulldog mixed with terrier. dunno what terrier though. trouble with posting sorry
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Offline shi_ni_ke

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Re: Breed restrictions!!!!!
« Reply #19 on: April 11, 2005, 05:19:24 pm »
Well, I guess that our little AWS (American Water Spaniel) would have to have extra insurance.. since she was rescued from the dog pits in Mississippi where she was used as a bait dog. 2 1/2 years later and we are about ready to complete her Canine Good Citizenship test.

Regarding the comment about working dogs.. if you are referring to service animals, most programs require service dogs to be spayed or neutered. They also require them to pass their Canine Good Citizenship test and some have an additiona,l even more stringent PAT(Public Access Test) different groups have different names for this test, that tests the dogs in an active working environment and must pass.

Regarding the comment about size, I've seen just as many viscious small dogs and our neighbors beagle attacked my mother and her friend in our back yard and caused major damage requiring surgery, so Visciousness I don't think is a breed issue. Unfortunately the dogs that seem to get the worse notoriety are the bigger dogs, because who is afraid of little Fifi? Little dogs are just less scary looking, and visciousness is not just a dog issue, it is a perception issue. If the person perceives the dog to be viscious, there is little you can do to convince the person otherwise, no matter how gentle the dog is. The person perceives the dog to be viscious because it is breed X and therefore they react with fear, no matter whether it is justified or not. (My In-laws raise Rottweilers and they are some of the biggest lap dogs you have ever met).

I sure would like to see what they are going to do when someone with a service animal of one of the banned breeds applies for an apartment as breed bans do not apply to service animals. What is one of the most common breeds for a seeing eye dog? German shepherd. I know alot more "Pit Bulls" and I use the term loosely as I am aware there are several breeds included, are being trained as service dogs for those with mobility issues and those who need a dog to pull their wheel chairs. The same thing with Rottweilers.

So those are our two cents worth to this issue.

Shi Ni Ke and Olivia, the IWS who might reach the minimum height requirement to be part of this Big Dog site when she finishes growing.

Here's my 2 cents: I am vehemently opposed to breed restrictions, but I can see where they are coming from. Down here in Louisiana we have a HUGE problem with dog fighting so breeds like the pit bull, rottweiler, etc. get a bad rap. What I suggest is that, instead of banning a whole breed (imagine if we did this with people! no one would stand for it), let the owner prove the dog is not a threat. Require renters, etc. with "questionable" breeds to produce obedience class certification or have passed the "Canine Good Citizen Test". Progressive insurance companies should recognize that these measures could help them gain and retain clients and cover their butts at the same time.  It would also help pet owners become more responsible and ensure fewer pets end up in high kill animal shelters.

There! see how easy that is to solve a problem like this if everyone would just listen to me???  Now, someone with more influence than I have needs to take this and run with it.

Offline RottnPeytonsMom

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Re: Breed restrictions!!!!!
« Reply #20 on: April 11, 2005, 08:52:19 pm »
As the owner ofa rottie that thinks that she is a lap dog I say AMEN to all of you. It is sooooo frustrating when people think that your dog is vicious just because of its breed. My Peyton hides behind the chair when our spinger/lab mix barks, she rolls over onto her back and occasionally pees on herself when she is around little dogs, and she sits patiently when she is around little kids.

I totally believe in the good citizen testing. I am researching it in my area to try to get lisenced to teach the class myself.

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Offline rockettgirl68

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Re: Breed restrictions!!!!!
« Reply #21 on: April 11, 2005, 09:15:54 pm »
could you please tell me more about this stuff cause my hubby is disabled and i would like to try getting my chance (pit mix) trained for this stuff if its in my area
and in my price range. wich i doubt it will be.  chance is so very loving.
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